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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. zimmy needs more books.

    Post last edited by SCronaldo_J_Trump at 2017-01-29T17:12:00.087294+00:00
  2. I was actually gonna work for the Soylent company and it's riddled with problems and they have had several entire batches go belly up.

    I think the company founder has some very interesting ideas though and when I was living off the grid it really opened my eyes and made me think.

    The walls are buzzing. I know this because I have a magnet implanted in my hand and whenever I reach near an outlet I can feel them. I can feel fortresses of industry miles away burning prehistoric hydrocarbons by the megaton. I can feel the searing pain and loss of consciousness from when I was shocked by exposed house wiring as a boy. I can feel the deep cut of the power bill when I was living near the poverty line. I can feel the cold uncertainty of the first time the power went out due to a storm when I was a child. How long before the delicate veil of civilization turns to savagery with no light nor heat nor refrigeration?

    The grid, smart or not, is wasteful. Power generation produces 32% of all greenhouse gases, more than any other economic sector. Most power in the US is generated by burning coal, immediately squandering 67% of its energy, then run through a steam turbine, losing another 50%, then sent across transmission lines, losing another 5%, then to charge a DC device like a cell phone another 20% is lost in conversion. This means for 100 watts of coal or oil burned my phone gets a mere 25. In this light a solar panel that is 18% efficient doesn’t seem that bad.

    Instead of ever increasing our energy production, what if we focused instead on reducing our consumption? I expect power will be at a premium in our first space colonies, and DC only from solar cells. So, I embarked on an experiment to see if I could survive without the luxury of alternating current.
  3. Originally posted by HampTheToker My dad introduced me to all the good shit. He basically formed the entire foundation of my musical preference. I was probably the only kid on the bus in elementary school that listened to Dio, AC/DC, Pink Floyd, and Kansas.

    Yeah a lot of people say I have shit taste in music but I listened to classic rock since I was a little kid so I've heard a great deal of a certain style of music for a decade got bored of it, but now that I haven't heard some of these songs like 2112 in a few years they are much better. My dad really knew his shit when it comes to music.

    Originally posted by Sophie Haha, poor people. I got an allowance of 300 a month and i was like 12, cell-phone too. Chores you say? We had a maid, faggots.

    Very cool. This is exactly how I want to raise my children one day, I remember a few years back this girl wanted some bebbehs with me and I said "Why would you want to give them this life we are living?, we don't have a car, a dishwasher, we have no internet, we have nothing, it would be cruelty to bring a human into this world just because of your selfish biological desires"

    Of course she had no idea what the fuck I was saying and just cried or yelled or something retarded like that.

    I don't see the point in having kids if you aren't gonna try and go above and beyond to give them amazing rich rewarding lives. I think "I love this person and want to start a family" is not good enough.

  4. can only find one pic its kind of obscure
  5. Originally posted by the holy ghost 200mg ephedrine, and 2.4g ammonium chloride in a syrup

    What the fuck?. Please post as many pics of this syrup as you can... ITS SHAKE AN BAKE IN A BOTTLE NIGGER!!!

    Add in half gram of Calcium Carbonate dissolved in water to the syrup to freebase Ephedrine
    Add a Non Polar Solvent to extract ephedrine, gas it for crude Ephedrine HCL

    Seperate the water evap to recover ammonium chloride

    Add ammonium chloride, lye, ephedrine to a bottle and after 5 minutes add a small amount of lithium.

    Yield should be one hit of meth roughly ~100mg
  6. I'd like to crush her with a hydraulic press ^
  7. Originally posted by mmQ Lifting weights or running are so fucking boring to me. I don't mind working out but it needs to be in the form of a competition like basketball or racquetball.

    Heres a video of you playing ball
  8. Pics. See, you are in settle down and have a fam mode and something better, younger comes along and your like "hey This is a more desireable mate" good on ya Bill Krozby, ream her a new asshole and post lots of pics.

    I imagine she has short hair and is a punk rocker chick and everytime you depart she gives you a peace sign and says "HAVE A GOOD NIGHT THE Bill KrozbyLER!!"

    Originally posted by Number13
    Refer to this anytime you have such thoughts
    Come on man, you've done this shit before.

    Worst MS paint picture I have ever seen + an Obama "Come on Man"

    Contender for shitpost of the year right here, my crown has been stolen.
  10. Originally posted by infinityshock you over simplify an equation that has a lot more to it than just diet and hormones. you also dont take into account individual differences. some people take little to no effort to maintain a fit physique yet other can spend hours a week in the gym and still have a spare tire.

    carbs have nothing to do with getting bigger. carbs are energy…plain and simple. protein is the exclusive builder (in the triumverate of fats and carbs) of the human body. any consumption of carbs in excess of the direct energy needs will be turned into bodyfat, with a smaller amount stockpiled in various places as glucose.

    as with workout routines and how the body responds…diet is the same way. everyone has their own digestive enzymes and microbes that affect their food consumption as well as their bodys response to what they consume. some people so much as look at a fat and it instantly turns into a spare tire. additionally…there are so many different kinds of fat you cant just say 'eat fat.' newsflash…cancer isnt fueled by glucose. if youre going to make such ridiculous statements youre going to need to cite sources. which if you do will be so absurdly ridiculous they can easily be picked apart like a dead rodent in the middle of a field of ravenous king vultures.

    there is no 'always' anything. there is no 'best' anything. there is no '>' or '<' anything…its what an individual best responds to. everyones physiology is different. I can control and press 100lb dumbells but i sure to holy merry fuck couldnt bench 400lbs.

    i dont feel like typing any more…maybe some other time ill respond to the rest. you get an 'a' for effort but your total comprehension and delivery is lacking.

    Maybe not all people are the same. I have always gained strength easily but I've never been super big or had a really low body fat % until I started doing all this.

    But try to find a bodybuilder that doesn't eat carbs. You will gain body fat % while bulking. You're not putting on size without doing that. You want to be insulin sensitive and that helps deliver protein to the muscle. When I was on a high fat/high protein diet I was trying to lose body fat % while maintaining my weight (for the most part. I lost like 5-10 lbs) and anyone who wants to see the results I can send pictures. But I thought it was my calories. A lot of people say you need a lot of calories to grow. But I was struggling just to maintain weight. When I eat the same amount without excluding carbs I get big pretty fast. Yeah you will lose some definition but it happens. You cut back later and lose the excess fat. People argue about simple vs complex...idk about all that. But spiking your insulin after a hard work out and consuming a lot of protein with it, and creatine etc. is the best way to do it. (If you are trying to get big)

    As far as strength, if you can do 8-12 reps with 90-95lb dumbells on incline, decline and flat your max with barbells should be over 350...well maybe not incline, but say use them for decline and flat and like 8-12 reps with 80-85lb dumbells for incline...but as far as that yeah different people would be different but 190lbs of dumbells isn't the same thing as 190lbs on a bar. And I've heard a lot of other people say it's best for building strength too. I only started using barbells to see where I was for a max on flat benchpresses and kind of got addicted to it, but dumbbell benchpresses will get the most gains in strength up to a point.

    You also don't want your body fat less than 8%. But if you aren't worried about getting bigger you could stick with the high protein/high fat thing and still get really strong. You won't get bigger though if you are really worried about losing any definition or anything like that though because it is necessary.

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-28T11:42:37.190502+00:00

    EDIT: I'm not really trying to gain weight at the moment. I don't max out because I think it's a waste of energy but on bench with barbells my 1 rep max is roughly twice my body weight (supposed to be) give or take 5-10lbs. Within the next few weeks it's going to be over twice my body weight. After I get over that I may start trying to get bigger for a little while. My point is I'm not even eating a lot of carbs right now. Hardly any.

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-28T11:53:05.015764+00:00

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-28T11:53:40.977048+00:00
  11. Originally posted by Sophie Well, that's really not America's problem now is it.

    Nope. Maybe the Mexican government will get off their asses and do something about their problems now instead of exporting them across the border
  12. Originally posted by a·nom·a·ly weak game son.

    Protip: centripetal forces could help in seperation

    to do a successful extraction, i wouldn't only have to know how to extract codeine from syrup, i'd have to know how to separate and extract ephedrine, ammonium chloride, and diphenhydramine all at the same time with the same chemical reactions without losing product.

    if this is easy tell me what im supposed to do
  13. but yeah codeine is a schedule II substance where I live but for whatever reason I see shops that sell certain brands of syrup with codeine in them. they're ethnic stores so the syrups are imported from places like the Caribbean and i guess it makes it into the country without raising an eye somehow. it's 15$ a bottle so it's a huge ripoff, since in the UK you can get codeine for like 3$ a box, but for the US I guess it's better than nothing. i'd rather waste 30$ on 400mg of codeine then get myself addicted to heroin for the same price.
  14. it's easy to extract codeine from pills with CWE. there's no successful extraction of codeine from syrup that i've read that's worthwhile. i'd need chemistry equipment and i'm unsure if that would even separate it from the other active ingredients.

    Post last edited by the holy ghost at 2017-01-28T10:32:07.057747+00:00
  15. it's like a fucking turbocharged protein shake that you substitute food for

    no thanks
  16. Originally posted by bling bling

    Fucking disgusting.
  17. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Lol chicken. TENDIESS!!!

    popcorn shrimp hell yea. popeyes is the most narcotic food.
  18. the only otc opiate i can get has 200mg codeine, 200mg ephedrine, 240mg diphenhydramine, and 2.4g ammonium chloride in a syrup

    only using 1 bottle i am able to nod (no opiate tolerance) but if i wanted to take 400mg codeine the diphenhydramine dosage would put me into delirium, and the ephedrine dosage could be dangerous. ammonium chloride can apparently go up to 6g a day but i worry about putting something with the word "ammonium" in my body. i can't extract the codeine because it's in a syrup, so i'm trying to figure out how to cancel out the other stuff.

    i can block out the effects of 480mg dph from 2 bottles if I take similar doses for a few days beforehand, because tolerance to dph goes up really quickly, in a matter of days.

    i don't know how i could cancel out the effects of ephedrine???

    ammonium chloride???
  19. Greyhound is fucking atrocious.
  20. Originally posted by Bill Krozby um okay so did your fuckass or anyone else here donate to this fat heroin addict whore child abusers fund? no no one did so shut the fuck up white knight pedo faggot bitch.

    this slampig only comes here when she needs milk for her baby (because her breast are all used up, and §m£ÂgØL can provide even child support) and when she's either or not on withdrawals from heroin. She's a big fat liar. She should be ashamed for even posting this.

    "he was good to me and mah bb" as she nods out and starts drooling on herself as her he takes advantage of that bb. she's disgusting.

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-21T08:59:43.681383+00:00

    LOL holy shit are you this retarded? I said nothing about hydro or this pedo or her child. I just said that you're an idiot, who doesn't know how torrents work. Let's refresh, yah?

    "And I think she left vital parts of her story. Like the pigs don't just randomly know to check some random persons computer for child porn. cops typically pose as chomos wanting to trade pix online with real chomos to bust them." - you

    Cops know to check somebody's computer because 9/10 times they're busted through torrents. The way torrents work is that you share packets while you're downloading. Your IP address is available for EVERYONE who is downloading that to see. All cops have to do is look and investigate. Your idea is ludicrous, the amount of time and effort it'd take for them to 'typically pose as chomos wanting to trade pics' is inefficient.

    I hope that was simple enough for you. Let me know if you need me to dumb it down any more.
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