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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Fuck these troll one liners

    engage in conversation
  2. Originally posted by bling bling FAGS COME WIF A RIZLA WTF R U DUM guy yoh

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh not where I live.
  3. So the marijuana doesn't get sucked through the stem when I inhale.
  4. Originally posted by RisiR You couldn't kill yourself with Diazepam solo even if you tried real hard.

    You better go talk to a doctor. Diazepam (Brand name Valium) does in fact built up in the bloodstream and can be very deadly.

  5. Originally posted by Bill Krozby bs

  6. God damn phone won't charge past 40% this ONLY happens on a cold snowy day when I'm at work god fucking dammit
  7. Government paid or small minded.

    Some people have all forms of it. it can be night terrors or it can be the real thing. I know medicins are fucked up and make you feel like shit, not for a high. so I can't imagine someone wanting to do such things to get some shitty medication that places fat on you. these medicins make you feel like you have the flu and make you gain weight. wow what a high.

    it's not like "I have a bad back.. wink wink" let me get a pot card.

    why do the few of you troll non stop. trolling like "show pics or fail" is Ok once in a while if you can't join a conversation at some point without the repetitive aggregation you try to place on someone to make it look as how you see it, or want people to see it.

    this is why at least 3-4 of you are just trolls. it might be one person with the alt accounts. that's why you guys keep saying "altdra" which I assume means Alternate Drama or something close.

    You might even be paid trolls. I actually (in the virtual sense) walked into one on camera on stickam or justin (forget which) who was reporting shit to his C/O about things said.. and had all his forms ready. I understand this is a type of informant. Not a snitch who rats out a criminal friend, but someone who just types it up the way he wants to as disinfo for later use. Paid Informants is big business. Especially under the Bush 2 Admin of 2000-2008. That fucking cock sucker made big business for security guard companies all the way up to Blackwater type missionaries. just doing anything to look busy.

    Suck a dick GubTrolls.
  8. Originally posted by Totse 2001 Almost all Benzo's (I'm told by a pharmacist) build up in the blood. the safest and most effective of the Benzo class is xanax. as long as you don't have breathing difficulties, sleep apnea and don't take it with other drugs or alcohol.. you can take shitloads of this stuff.. and only sleep.

    Valiums on the other hand kill easily. they build up in the blood.

    Why are you guys fucking with Benz? they just make you stupid tired. I take 1mg and I'm just wanting to sleep. half a mg is enough to take stress tension off of you and is usually the dose for heart and high blood pressure. why you fucking around with Benzo? no one gets high from them.. they just lie in their own drool.

    Benzos are like opiates for people with issues of stress and anxiety.

  9. Originally posted by Totse 2001 You guys are talking so fluently in locksmith talk.. A: by chance you all did locksmith work, B: you're all CIA or special op trained to do so, or C: you're all safe crackers. which is it?

    Welcome to
  10. Originally posted by NARCassist You're just a little boy rrally aint ya?

    With 3 children from 3 different women?

    Is this shit for real? feels like the old totse to me. dialup day conversations.. made up or the real deal. Hmmmm!
  11. Its a sign of youth and beauty in Asia to have white skin. They are the original Aryans.
  12. Originally posted by RichardBurnish KEK was used instead of lol on WOW, then it became praise kek = pepe

    So someone trolled me on kek

    not sure how kek became pepe but people of different cultural backgrounds may of formed the name by the attempt of pronunciations which evolved into a character.

    Why does pepe say "It's feels good" is he making peepee or something else
  13. Originally posted by Totse 2001 someone told me kek means pedo. I asked "What the fuck is a kek" they said "Pedo"

    so.. whatever. too many trolls in the world. I had to look up Pleb last night. which is an actual word.. I think it's plebe but it means someone in the lower class of society. I guess since I came from a lower middle class family, I'm a pleb.. even though we never lived in a trailer park. Compared to most "Old stayed money" families of friends of mine.. I was pleb.

    KEK was used instead of lol on WOW, then it became praise kek = pepe
  14. There is a lot of corruption everywhere. the system is a cesspool.

    Police raping underage women. the Oakland 911 dispatch daughter most recently.. though a prostitute.. if an average person did this. they would go to prison for statutory rape. but police just get discharged.. find cop work in other cities.

    that alone involved police from many cities and counties. tied in dudes in the Coast Guard as well. And I think a firefighter.

    Then there is the black marketing and underage prostitute rings involving civil workers. Police, City councle and former gang member as well as known gang membmers.

    cops going door to door collecting medication from deceased patients. They plead they had an addiction problem.. got slap on the hands. more than likely, funding a large group of underground shit.

    Hey.. not interested in stomping out business of black marketeers.. I'm no rat fink.. but it's why we pay more for shit...except when underage female and male.. one day, your children could be at risk.. this is happening. now it's everyones responsibility. and I hope this lolli shit on here is a sick joke, and you guys aren't apart of a real group who enjoys fucking underage girls.

    makes me sick how so much in the past year, right before our eyes, from Hillary Clinton getting off on 2 major charges by the head of the FBI, James Comey when other people went to prison for a very long time. We know the Affluent get a slap on the wrist, or those in the system who are to be there for the people and protect and serve us.. not force a nanny state while raping us or abusing us both physically, emotionally and financially with legal cost of bogus charges.

    this corruption is growing. don't sit there and say "oh.. it's always been that way.. deal with it noob"

    I enjoy a little troll play myself but I truly believe the past few generations were in fact groomed to accept what corruption exist. there was some progress made in the 1960s and 70s. the time a Wikileaks type disclosure took place when a small FBI office in the Chicago area was raided by some underground group.. releasing info on Nixon and other evil shit going on. It wasn't right to raid the office but it's also how we realized the FBI back then wasn't going to release this shit.

    Like recently when they asked the DoJ to remove some information.

    I really do believe strongly that people like Ted Gunderson was murdered. Even his own doctor believed he was poisoned with arsinic. tried to cure hime with sulfer based foods. And I doubt

    And I question Mike Ruppert's death. he said no way would he kill himself. others seem to suggest he told them he would.

    or the DC Maddam. "I'm not going to kill myself" with a voice of how absurd that would be. next day after being interviewed by Alex Jones (who seems to be losing his fucking mind) She's found hung.

    Former Mayor of Stockton (The valley from Sacramento down to Riverside has become a cesspool of corruption)

    Mike Ruppert to John Duetch.. Ruppert laughs at "Bring to the LA police department if you have information" Mike Ruppert claims he was shot at while trying to disclose corruption of Watch Tower and Dark Allience.

    Gary Webb

    Remember both Gary Webb and Micheal Ruppert double tapped suicideded themselves.

    Edit in this video

    Post last edited by Totse 2001 at 2017-03-08T18:46:58.037822+00:00
  15. Originally posted by Bill Krozby I didn't keep going back to them for aid… Don't know what you're talking about.
    I just occasionally call them and say whats up. I haven't physically seen them in over a year and it was just because they asked me to go to my cousins funeral and I did so because I love my parents.

    "..When I got out of jail the next day they were there to pick me up and my bitch aunt was there to "mediate" and when we got home all of my shit was gone from my room.

    Very shortly after that I moved out. I bought my first car with my own money from my first job at whataburger, the car cost me 3k, my dad went to the next town to go pick it up with my mum and he gave the guy my 3k but he put the car in his name his reasoning for putting it in his name was so the insurance (that i gave him money for) so it would be cheaper. But it was actually just a way to have total control.."

    Tensions got hot. you went to Jail because instead of just boxing your father you went completely insane on him in a rage. what really happened that you ended up in the back yard. The next day, they picked your ass up from Jail. They cared enough for you to be there to pick your ass up.

    Your father went to pick up the car for you. And then gave you your money back. he didn't keep for the sake of control. He was trying to make it cheaper for insurance for you. perhaps he saved a few bucks on his end.. maybe 20 dollars a month. but it was to mostly benefit you.

    what the fuck is wrong with you Bill Krozby? I'v had it far worst as a kid. I bet anything I didn't have the shit you did. I didn't have my real dad, I had a fucked up abusive ex marine from Iwo Jima totally abuse the fuck out of me and my brothers. Some sick shit. You had a real dad. My mom ended up being with another guy.. he was OK at times, turned into a douche at the end of their 17 year relationship (no marriage-- common law) but the first guy I grew up from age 1 to 14 was a complete psycho.

  16. Originally posted by -SpectraL Depends on your interpretation of "facts". For example, it could be a "fact" to you that you saw a pink elephant in the clouds, and your testimony could be used as a factual account in court, but from another person's perspective, your testimony is not a fact, it is merely a personal belief. So, yes, in the world we now live in, there CAN be alternate "facts". "Facts" are no longer a thing which has been scientifically established beyond all doubt; they are now sourced from belief systems, depending on which side of the fence those belief systems stand.

    Sauced fact, urine idiot.
  17. are you guys playing chia pet or just promoting a friends band?

    Pyyramids- Paper Dolls

    help promote this lady. Afro Punk is a "Thang" now.
    The Pyyramids

    Paper Dolls
  18. Originally posted by Rhymin Hymen Oh and so is your body.

    You learned about my body from Bad Idea" ?? :/ or My Body is meaningless?


    wait till get get past your 40s you heartless POS
  19. Does that happen a lot in Jollywood?

    I don't get all happy when i see known actors in person. But If I looked over while driving and saw Shia LeBauf staring at me.. i would just start laughing at how weird that would be. I love this guys calm attitude. but Shia has anger issues. he's trying to prove he's a Hollywood Superhero everywhere he goes. either that or he needs some good meds to calm him down. I wonder if he's Scientology. They don't allow their members to do medication or see therapist.
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