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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. You mean the honorable Dr. Mengele's class? Yea, dude, I got the lobotomy down. I don't even need to be a ghost to do that.
  2. can you reach into her brain and rewire the things that make her retarded pls. they have a whole class like this for your kind.
  3. Originally posted by DocFoster Congrats, you are now on the fbi watchlist. Smooth move, mohammed

    He's the one who edits the list dingus. Trying to gauge user interest/abilities in bomb making shit.
  4. every year someone takes an antipsychotic there's a 5-10% chance of developing potentially permanent tardive dyskinesia, they worsen symptoms over time vs matched controls who took no antipsychotics for their condition, so antipsychotics actually cause psychosis, and it's extremely difficult to stop taking them because they also cause rebound psychosis as a withdrawal syndrome. also they cause apathy, anhedonia, worsen negative symptoms, cause dysphoria, lower IQ, are neurotoxic, and cause brain damage. To me this suggests a poison.

    It's a poison that makes the person feel too shitty to invest time in their delusions, due to being a general intelligence lowering chemical lobotomy. i'm not one of those people against psych meds but i would stay the FUCK away from any dopamine antagonist unless absolutely necessary, and even then, being able to stop taking an antipsychotic should be as much of a priority as treating the condition.

    i was on 200mg of seroquel and 2mg of xanax at the same time, it wasnt really that bad cause id sleep for 16 hours, feel nothing, eat like crazy and generally be in a state of amnesia stonedness, but i did have some mild dyskinesia-like effects for a while after quitting, even though i was only on it for less than a year. they're good for comedowns and insomnia when used sparingly though.
  5. Do you have any special requests regarding the haunting of your mother?
  6. Then I'll be like

    "Ugh. That's some weird shit." and haunt your mother the evil witch.
  7. When I'm dead and physical boundaries really don't apply anymore I'll come to you and check your shit out.

  8. *sigh*

    That always cheered me up. Malice still got it but he took a quarter Xannax and is out of order for the next two weeks.
  9. Originally posted by mmQ Sup Rizier are you up for the day ?

    It's 08:18 as I type this. I haven't been up this early since pffft I don't even know. Bought a way too expensive bong out of an impulse yesterday and I feel bad about that. I wanted to stop smoking, though. Well...

    I'm probably gonna kill myself soon. I just can't get my ass up. You?
  10. i would but i dont think i have it saved
  11. Hey sploo can you please post the picture of you riding the carousel?
  12. metaphysics cancer
  13. Originally posted by DocFoster Hardcore antipsychotics help

    Lol no the fuck they don't

    Want to know how someone can possibly want to take their own life?

    Take antipsychotics for a few months and then try to quit
  14. Originally posted by DocFoster I get that he probably smells awful if he's not showering for weeks, eating nothing but fish oil and shitting on himself

    Post last edited by DocFoster at 2017-03-10T07:07:11.969102+00:00

    im immune to dirt

  15. Originally posted by RisiR You will never be happy. Pills or not.

    a boy can dream can't he
  16. a few days ago i shit my pants from sorbitol in koffgels, today i got diarrhea on my dick in some unexplainable way while taking a dump, and now a few hours later grease started leaking out of my butthole so i ran to the porcelain buddha and i just shit out a huge bubble of oil and when i wiped it dyed the toilet paper bright yellow from tumeric. i havent showered in weeks and i've cleaned shit off my dick, thighs, butthole, and hands with wet towels and rubbing alcohol. also every time there are swarms of dingleberries i have to remove one by one.

    here's what im taking so you too can experience colon jedi hell

    2 tablespoons tumeric
    teaspoon black pepe
    10grams fish oil
    900mg ashwagandha with extract
    energy dank
    high dose ginkgo biloba (intermittent)

    im guessing fish oil caused the oil bubble, tumeric caused yellowass, black pepe caused infinite zygote poos, and everything together caused shit dick leg hand
  17. You will never be happy. Pills or not.
  18. Originally posted by Bill Krozby some what paranoid

    gang stalking

  19. Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Pull out a tech pipe and start hitting it and feverishly eat tendies like a mad man.

    and talk 2 urself
  20. anyone use this app? it's for sending encrypted messages or some shit.

    i was fb messaging my friend to see if he could get me some ghb at this festival later this month because i always wanted to try it and i never have and hes like yea but you should wickr me. some druggies are so fucking paranoid about some things its ridiculous. like i get it, selling drugs over fb is a dumb idea, but like i just asked if he could get some g. i didnt use any explicit names, reference taking it, or even discuss prices or anything like that, and dudes not a drug dealer, hes just a guy that takes acid and goes to festivals pretty often so its kinda like...what do you think, the fuckin fbi is sitting back reading your messages so they can organize a task for sting to bust you over selling a couple doses of ghb?

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