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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Am I right?
  2. Out of nowhere he's says "You know.. I like to walk on the hash-marks and step right in the middle.."

    I respond "What hash-marks are you talking about man?"

    He says "The ones painted on the road. I like to step right in the middle and it makes them fold in half! It's really crazy!"

    That freaked me the fuck out! But I act like it's normal and just say "Yeah that sounds pretty crazy man..."

    It makes me wonder what's going on inside his head? And how crazy he really is? He thinks he can make the paint on the street fold in half by stepping on it!?!?!?
  3. The bisexual brain is wired differently
  4. That's pretty funny, coming from a guy who needed to cower behind a staff control panel and ban anything which upset him personally.
    That's pretty funny coming from a guy who was personally so upset he ran to the control panel to delete his own account.
  5. You know what I hate more than black people?

    Gray people (aliens)
  6. You're not too worried though
  7. Fallout 4 in less than a week for fuck sake
  8. I cant fucking quote on mobile sometimes, but yeah Malice the Issue 3 was actually a mess and sucks in the long run because it would have allowed a specific group of investors to basically own the entire market. Im a shitty person though so I voted yes because i'll support some shady monopoly if it means I can go get wax and edibles with a plastic card whenever I want.
  9. All other incarnations failed because they tried to have some sort of purpose or ultimate goal. Fuck that, that was idealistic and unrealistic. This website must forever be weightless niggas gravitating around each other. I could write an essay on this subject but I'll just shut the fuck up and leave it, just never change it and remove any mention of the synagog full of yelling boll weevils or whatever it was called.


  10. Objection: Race baiting.
  11. Today that other girl came over and I fucked her on her rag in the shower/bed table, she came and I didn't, she did my dishes and walked me to school , then went to get her daughter a present for her birthday. Pretty sure she just looked after her kids and talked to her pregnant bff/family on the phone about how great I am even though she knows there's a very bad side to me. I dunno, I'm pretty sure if I just got her pregnant and bounced she'd still do everything in her power to make sure my kid had a good life. Pretty sure she'd give joint or full custody pretty easily. Bill Krozby, what do you think of this?
  12. #crackmakesblacksmadder
  13. So malice what can I take besides fish oil and ginko to improve my memory? Also, you should stop typing about bullshit and form the cat fucking micro balls to leave your house and actually do something you've typed about. Go convince people to vote for ron paul/jesse ventura 2017 or go to berkeley and talk to some other hippie faggots about terrence mckenna. Either do that or kill yourself please
  14. Just kidding believe in jesus
  15. I'm gonna go to sleep tonight with enough drugs to warrant a door kick down and a sink clogged with asian/ratchet/my own hair and my clogged sink will cause me to lose more sleep so I'm gonna stab it furiously with a coat hanger and keep my cocaine in plain sight so the officers don't have to go messing up my place to find it
  16. 1. When I drink I stay up until 6am watching people do cocaine while not doing cocaine, basically drinking an alcoholic beverage for every line these assholes snort (scottish/german/low class english ancestry). When the coke people are ready to go home I'm usually awake for a few hours afterwards and see the sun.
    2. When I do cocaine I can eat and fall asleep depending on the prevalence of the cut. If it's cut with provacaine or lidocaine more than most I can't but other than that when I do coke I run out of energy quickly (possibly due to constricted breathing)
    3. Dilaudid/oxycontin makes me hop skip and jump
    4. Concerta/ritalin calms me down and gives me nice afternoon naps (actual ADHD case)

    Prevalence of bipolar disorder on paternal side and propensity for addiction on both sides.
  17. Today some yemeni nigger came to buy weed and brought this syrian girl literally wearing a short skirt and long jacket in shit tier weather. We rolled a joint and she giggled and said cute, awkward and naive things, then played with a switchblade on my table before telling the guy she came with not to mess up my already messy drug laden table before cleaning it off and emptying out an ashtray the size of the small wheels on a childs big wheel (for some reason this is the most apt analogy for describing this ashtray besides the size of a coffee tin/giant scented candle I guess) and cleaning off my table with oxyclean, then the arab she came with said its time to go and she left. She goes to my university and is in my department. Did not get her number but hopefully she will be back since that stinky arab owes me money.

    Seriously I think Northern European and upper middle east (levant and persia) might be the master race. I feel I could die a happy man if I manage to have at least one arab family in my life. The best thing is, it doesn't expire. Old guys going with young girls is prevalent as FUCK in the arab world, if I have a bimmer and a company at some point in my life hopefully the opportunity will present itself to impregnate a motivated, maternal short skirt/long jacket wearing arab girl.
  18. I'd fuck a corpse first

    I imagine she basically is anyway.
  19. You know, you could have shagged her when she was on crack.
  20. Steal from both of them and then set it up to where they blame each other.

    I'm not doing that idea [moving in with the mcat dealer] because it won't end well for me so I'm staying at my other friends for a night or 2. I chucked paint on my old landlords car and now being sanguine and letting it go. Me and her are even. Shame I couldn't find a permanent marker but paint had to do, limited resources and whatnot.
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