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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. His Reply: Who are you? I’m the one sitting in a 2 million dollar house collecting royalties. I wrote the songs that make the whole world sing. Do your new songs contain D-phenylalanine. It will never go schedule 2. It’s nutriswe
  2. My reply: I've always enjoyed the smell of gasoline which my mother said would give me brain cancer but here I am years later cooking nitrous oxide in a 2L bottle with drain cleaner and urea and huffing the fumes. All I can say about PCP is that If the insecticide industry uses 1000gallons of piperonal for a single run and breaking it Down to create a certain ALDEHYDE (used in the perfume Industry) to trick the insects into not wanting to eat crops THERE IS AN EASY WAY TO MAKE THIS STUFF AND IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SAFROLE.. like k said MVK methyl VANILLIN ketone... Heliotropin the ORDER A RAILCAR BEFORE SOMEONE BUSTS THE PERFUME FACTORY.. guess who sold the railcar?. The idea is always sell 100x profit and all you pay is the feedstock and the drum, railcar.. This is how DuPont and the gas/oil industry does it and this is how I do it
  3. His reply: Miskinis advertises in the chem magazine you always get for free in the era 1980-1985 as ‘Safe-Lab’, but his location of drums of ephedrine and sundry parts is called ‘RJM Laboratories’, and it has a North Hollywood outlet as well as the Santee outlet, but the DEA takes care of those. The DEA takes care of Chem Lab, Inc. due to a 50-lb batch running in a storage unit belonging to the owner, but they don’t raze the storefront, so the employees are selling chems at a slight discount for awhile. Chem Lab specializes in beaucoup quantities of benzyl cyanide and the place in Placentia reeks of it. It smells good, floral. I own some heliotropin, isn’t that a nice name, 500g, which smells like vanilla, only better, for a spell, but never to incorporate it into a molecule, as we were hankering to turn out MMDA if we were anybody, at one time. It works for some. It is 3,4- methylenedioxybenzaldehyde, aka piperonal, not to be confused with piperidine, pyrrole, anthracene, aniline, which basically reek toward carcinogenesis and make PCP. I am generalizing. There must be things that smell good and give you cancer, and you have to pull your head away before you get it. I am going to pull my head out of my ass and go parent, but I’ll come back to this. I have to tell what happens at Calbiochem.
  4. My reply: Okay I'll admit it I never cooked a crank in my life but that doesn't mean I aint no cook and I sure as hell am not a crook. First of all you seem totally oblivious to the fact that the numbers I just gave you were for a few drums not the entire WAREHOUSE which means you will never know how many drums or how much L-PAC we get. It doesn't matter anyways because Oxygen, Light, Heat and just looking at the stuff makes it start to decompose. The solution?, we don't separate anything just like cooking beer you do it in a few large vats and reduce it with the yeast, reduce the benzyl alcohol with the yeast and L-PAC for a crude sludge, lots of TAR crude we call it NORTH DAKOTA CRUDE boy and its black fucking GOLD we sell a barrel for about $60k because once the chemist cooks it it becomes worth 120$k and costs me maybe $3000 plus whatever I pay for a 10gallon drum... Every week. We also make and sell hydriodic acid, mercuric chloride, methylamine, pyridine, 88-0-0 (anny or anhydrous AA for those In the know), Piperine (pest B gone), Benzaldehyde (cherry farm waste) Ergot. You name it we sell it. Every farm in america has most of this stuff. And I get my piperonal from insecticides, Euganol, METHYL VINYL Ketone, catechol route... $1million in BTC for that one.. We are working on optimizing it for the dutch mega cooks so a donation would be appreciated
  5. His reply---- Want to be well-versed in the art? You will. The internet can and will eliminate the need to go to college for this. R2 is H in an aldehyde. Stop at that #2 intermediate and reduce to the ketone. Aw, that’s wrong. R2 does not change to methyl in any part of this. It’s good as a lead-in to the idea of a seven-carbon skeleton being extended to a nine-carbon. Googling, Players: C6H5- PHENYL C6H5CH3 TOLUENE C6H5CH2- TOLUYL C6H5(C=O)H BENZALDEHYDE MDC6H5(C=O)H PIPERONAL CH3CH2NO2 NITROETHANE 4 and 6, to get that synth, note: the MD is the 3,4; I can’t go around my ring unit linerarly, this bridge is fused on, so the power of this formula notation is limited. “Methylenedioxy” is its name. C6H5CH=CH2 STYRENE Googling nitrostyrene at 10:30 am,
  6. My reply: HA!!! your slow ass really thinks I'm wasting my precious drums of benzaldehyde and doing... WHAT?! with the Nitro.. I don't know if you know this son but here in Fargo N. Dakota we LOVE our TOP FUEL dragsters and backyard rockets so sorry but THAT DRUM is reserved for when my daughter can walk, set off rockets and build OXYGEN>NITROUS engines for her RC cars. But anyways what I DO use it for is to mix in about 100 55 gallon drums with a certain strain of yeast (I'll never tell you) some nutrients like ammonium phosphate and my secret formula and hook it all up to air pumps for about a 10% conversion to L-PAC and a bunch of benzyl alcohol which gets recycled. L-PAC is reduced at a rate of 1kg/week. I will sell you the pictures and specifics for $10,000 in bitcoin
  7. FIRST EMAIL SENT TO ME----Hiya, XXXX. What was it, benzaldehyde? And you can’t get that? And almond oil contains it? And you don’t know how to get the 5% impuities out? Find a ‘laboratory identification of unknown organic compounds flow sheet’ online. I detect a Leukart-Wallach reaction coming. Where is your nitroethane? You know you need to produce P2P from the benzaldehyde, not reduce to amphetamine, or that won’t ever be meth, and it will never be rectified meth anyway, right?
  8. These are real emails from the past week between me and the REAL LIFE WALTER WHITE vs me the real life Walter wut
  9. Scenario- Zombie Apocalypse in the dead of winter all water and food frozen Living Conditions- Fargo N.Dakota 40 acres a few fruit trees 1 hour drive to town, downtown Fargo overrun by zombies and bandits. Supplies(5 people 2dogs 4cats)- Canned Food,Sausage, Bread maker, Solar USB charger, Wind generators, Power Grid is on, Natural Gas works, Grains, Cattle, frozen beef, wild meat, ducks hung outside last forever, Carboys and supplies to make Wine, Hot water heaters, compressed air generators, 100gallons gasoline, Drums of solvents and stain, Dry stored Wood to frame a house, A butcher shop, Band Saws, A smoke house, Cherry Wood to smoke salmon, bacon, beef. A slaughter house, a root cellar, 4 houses, Beer, Wine, Hard Booze, 1kg Cannabis low grade to be sprayed with syncans ala sploo, 55gallon drums, yeast, benzaldehyde, red phosphorus, phosphorous acid, calcium hypochlorite, hydroxide, lye, sulfuric acid, 50poumds calcium chloride and magnsium sulfate, diatamaceous earth, ammoniym nitrate, potassium chloride, potassium nitrate, KH3PO3, bundy, DPH , Tylenol, aspirin, Bandages, first aid kits, 10 rifles 2 shotguns 1 handgun . an ammo press, 4 cars, a farm combine John Deere, 2 cows 1 calf, .308 rounds .44 mag rounds 12gauge .22 and .20? Gauge shotgun idk the guns that well. 1 crossbow 100 bolts 1 composite bow 100 bolts, cattle prods, Cigars, Spices, Cheese, Seeds, Grain and Grass seeds, oil, ether. Special Skills- I can run power plants and cook drugs like Robaxacet. We can make food and process meat (at the farm). Live near a fracking field and gas pipeline. Defense- Electricity, Laser Dazzler, Guns, Knives, Sharp Sticks, Dogs, Cats, Rats with bombs, Bats with bombs. IEDs and dirty bombs I live near a uranium mine fuck you all Psychological Needs Methamphetamine 24/7 I make a QP minimum or I don't cook and the chemicals can be used for other things
  10. Its already in the works. Me and sploo are working on the HOW TO BE COMFY AS FUCK IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION chapters right meow
  11. Lol stop stealing our secret MDMA synthesis and posting them on zoklet
  12. Let's meet up in Fargo I'm posting this from behind the dairy Queen in the little shack made of pallets.
  14. Idiosyncrasy was the dude's name.
  15. Bottom line is, it all boils down to the userbase. "Build it and they will come" didn't work for RDFRN. I don't think a single new user joined that site. The Admin dude really hoped for an academic userbase but I told him back then that people who publish relevant stuff for free do not exist. Not in this day and age. Not on a niche website with junkies and pedophiles. I for one only and exlusively shitpost because it is a hobby that distracts me from my life. The e-dick stroking I get from people liking my posts/talking about and sharing my ideas isn't worth my time anymore because in the end it doesn't pay the bills. Also, my ideas are mostly shit but fuck you, ok?
  16. none of that shit every happened so fuck YOU NIGGA
  17. I like the noise to signal comparison. I actually thought of something similar. The quality of information decreased while the quantity increased tenfold. Those 15 years in the 2000s hold more information than the 2000 years that came before them. I remember when it was a task to get on the internet, now it's impossible to get away from it. News, news, news, news.... All. The. Time. Global and privately. It's just too much input. I feel like we are at a critical point of evolution because if I look at the younger generations I feel like evolution didn't catch up fast enough. I barely have contact to people under 30 so my perception might be flawed but it seems like they are a different breed. My grandfather walked back home from Russia after fighting in WWII but he never had to put up with a single stupid Facebook post or a viral video otherwise he would have probably shot himself the moment they handed him the gun. Ya feel me?
  18. I have to figure it out myself first, lol.

    The base of my argument is pure speculation at this point.
  19. I believe you got trolled. But the points you make in this thread go well with the points you make in the other thread about forums.
    I'm joking around but I'm actually offended by being excluded from the get go. I didn't expect that.

    "I like you and I'm not trying to piss you off, but you're literally ignoring everything I said and it's aggrivating."

    I'm sorry for that. That's pissing me off as well but I didn't intent on ignoring your points. I just don't have any answers or a strong opinion to be honest. I don't think a forum like you envision it will work nowadays but again, I don't shit. I'll tell you my theory later when you are back from school. It's interesting.
  20. You have a masters degree in Psychology, right?
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