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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. You need help.
  2. I hired Russian dark net hackers to DDOS this place for the next 4 years. Enjoy. Also memba when I tried to buy
  3. Please upload to YubeTou so I can add it to my meth smoking playlist
  4. MY reply: Sarin.. Ricin.. Cyanide, monkshood, Anthrax.. Funny you mention Hiroshima.. I love nukes.. Have you ever heard of an experiment with the DEMON CORE used in the Bikini Atoll blast?? It was called "Tickling the Dragons Tail". These radiological incidents are not even close to my personal FAVELAorite... South America... An abandoned hospital with nuclear medical waste.. A scavenger.. OOH WHATS THIS? *cracks open some pollonium dust from a tube* OOH IT GLOWS IN THE DARK and he sells the dust to everyone in the village.. If only the CIA was that smart. DuPont would be working on long lasting cocaine atropine analogs if it weren't for the UN, 100g is cool but I like at least 500grams a "meth cooks pound" like a bakers dozen. Alcohol is a biblical drink that God loves indeed, but get this, Toluene is an alcohol and abused as an inhalent but cooked into chlorotoluene to chlorobenzoylchloride to clonopin 100grams which is drug that affects the GABA receptor like ALCOHOL it all goes around. ALKALOID SCHMALKALOID the only real nitrogen compounds a peroxide and the ring should be fused with glycerin.
  5. His Reply: Aw, yeah. I forgot. The Ricin (RICE-in on the News, but they’re idiots), now, I hearsay ricin causes death by diarrhea. They never said that on the news, all the while someone was on trial here in Las Vegas for possessing it. This is an extracion of some kind. Now, nothing grows here, but ricin grows basically everywhere, so that’s where you get it; it’s called castor bean. It grows on trees. They can’t even make a law against it. They can damn sure make a law against soxhlet extracting it. Anyhow, death by diarrhea is tantamount to what the Hiroshima victims went through on the railroad platform, I always imagine. Maybe ordinary diarrhea is only a one on a ten scale. I know in “The Night of the Iguana”, Richard Burton says the kind they had going in Puerto Vallarta, “isn’t even amoebic”.Toluene, amyl nitrite, and nitrous oxide are simpler than meth, and used chronically I believe do great damage,
    and this consequence is how alcohol ends up in widespread use. Its chronic effects are remote in time from
    the onset of use. MPP+ is the contaminant that causes instant Parkinson’s disease. Nobody knew that was
    possible. I forget what drug it is on the way towards. Ephedrine I would think would be considered an alkaloid,
    since it has nitrogen, but its not, and those who decide this hold all of organic chemistry in their hands. You
    have to have a reason to make something, or you have to be a plant.
  6. My Reply: you've never heard of smoking freebase meth oil?. It won't kill you but it will knock you on your ass "what doesn't kill you makes you... Higher". I go back further to the civil war when the village people in the Southern States would collect urine 100gallons and use it to make Saltpeter and then Gunpowder. It was said the Confederate bullets fired at the north were propelled by the pride of southern women and children. ALMOST FORGOT? you bring me back to my Monsanto slingin' days when I sold 1000liter TOTES of pyretherium to orchards.. This is where I also encountered Piperine and Euganol and learned about heliotropin and the connection to perfumes, insecticides and like your first email said.. Benzaldehydes. Catechol.
  7. His Reply: Meth itself you might decide is rather nasty. It is nastier before you neutralize it, and “mobile”. It will climb right out of the wrong vessel, one without a ground glass stopper (any ground glass fittings should be stored with teflon (known as TFE) tape between the surfaces, as they bond in a short time without it). One time I screwed up by putting a Glade stick-up in the cabinet with some raw meth oil, because it smelled (its an amine smell, like fish or ammonia), and that perfume went in to the oil and ended up in the finished product. That or rubber really kills the high when you shoot up. Gee, nerve gas. Naw, see, this is what I am always talking about. You start out, either you want to get high or you want to kill somebody. This guy in Irvine had a good thing going until he tries to have his business partner killed. He almost had a compound that would sterilize people. We could have a phase like a WWI in which it sterilizes everybody who takes it, then an advanced, WWII kind of thing that only sterilizes the males. We will say that we tried to make one to sterilize women, but failed. Then we’ll see everybody get Norwegians to make their women pregnant, and the Norwegians will claim they don’t enjoy it. Oh, I almost forgot. The principle of the nerve gases is based upon the natural insecticide (produced in plants) called pyrethrin. This has the cachet of being “completely organic” and not a persistent pollutant in the environment, with its attendant unintended consequences. You always need a reason to give the cops if they come snooping around. You only need delay them long enough to jump out a window. Keep a flight bag packed for the purpose. I mean, they said they would say they were making incense in the old days. It’s different now. I don’t know how it’s different; I am not at liberty to say.
  8. My reply: Sorry but the majority of my work is done on making zombies, clandestine Chicago Piles, synthetic cocaine, nuclear cocaine submarines and industrial pharmaceuticals
  9. His Reply: phosphonofluoridates Those are your sarin. I recalled them as ‘flurophosphonates’, Google offered ‘phosphofluoridates’; I didn’t take it. I just Googled, ‘sarin chemical name’, and the correct nomenclature appeared. You take that name, now, these are fifty-dollar words, so consider why someone would pay that kind of money for a word. But, mainly, here in the chem lab, we always spell fluorine like it has the flu, not like “thought”, or like all the other words. This one is spelled opposite to all the rest. “Fluorescence” as well will take the spelling. Everyone is acting on the information they possess. They all have some. When you possess chemicals, you risk being in possession of weapons, drugs, poisons, and the prosecutors will have a field day with that, just to let you know. I think trying to protect an illegal lab with a gun is worth about twice what the lab alone is. We figure why not do the lab thing twice for the same amount of time. That’s if nobody gets hurt. If you say “Rabbit’s going to get his someday soon”, and Rabbit gets offed, you can get a lot of time. These are ground rules. If you have the ricin, and you get sick from making it, that is one person who got hurt, and you are not “nobody”. You are BILLINGHURST (if you’re me), and you will read that name a lot if indicted, all in capitals that way, saying he proceeded to do this, on or about the day in question, until you say to yourself, “They ought to hang this guy”. Your Sarin, or nerve gases, are given plenty of coverage here on the internet, but the serious work is done in libraries. I like Beilstein, Chem Sources, Science Citation Index, Organic Syntheses, JACS, CA, and it takes considerable time and you can come up empty. At UCSD we had a book in Special Collections, either one on just nerve gases, or one on that and another one with bat bombs, incendiary notebooks, by Fieser, the developer of many rather nasty weapons (for a good cause, I’m sure).
  10. My Reply: Dry chemicals cost money, and WHATS THE DEAL WITH RED PHOSPHORUS??? never seen it in a lab in my damn life. I used to work at a phosphorus rock mine and after enough corporate espionage sleuthing I learned no such form of phosphorus was to be found anywhere in 1000 miles since 1949. What you really want is HI acid made from phosphoric acid or maybe potassium phosphite or perhaps you could leave urine and bones in the sun to make some of that sweet organic white phosphorus. BTW the best way to get MBRP is to be the MYTHBUSTERS when they used an entire skid /pallet of match heads from China and threw the books w/ striper strips away WHOA!!!!. As a famous Australian AA chemist once said "the only RP method worth a shit uses a 50L flask and still isn't worth it" and he's fucking right. LIQUID LIQUID LIQUID P2P distill LIQUID mercury LIQUID aluminum BOOM gold.. Its like alchemy .. Black gold.
  11. His Reply: ell them they can have it cheap, fast and good. Pick any two. One unifying concept is to understand that reactions take place in liquids; the product starts out liquid, you have to change it to a solid, stuff like that. Stuff like: water is part of it. Iodine and red phosphorous will sit there as a dry mixture and evolve great quantities of gas, i.e. explode, when you put water on it. Does great heat ruin the delicate chemistry of chemicals? Is this poison gas detectable by passers-by? was it expensive? Do I need it to be somewhere else? Oh yeah: at the top of the condenser used for reflux is a gas scrubber, made out of a two-hole stopper going in to a bent adapter, and the drip-tip of same leading back to the drain, with the water going up from the bottom condenser, so it’s coldest when the hot gas passes inside the water jacket, because the hot gas is watery and the water condenses but the HI gas doesn’t. think of all the ways ephedrine, iodine, water, and red phosphorous could be combined and in what proportions. The water jet from the top condenser is run into and area where it picks up the gas from the bore of the condenser. A glass tube is cut with a triangular file, practice. Make a small scratch, place your thumbs on either side of the scratch, push suddenly away, fire polish the ends. Don’t push with the web of your thumb on a bent pc of glass, use glycerine to wet it. Pick up a huge supply of corks and rubber stoppers and blowpipes and alcohol lamps and keep them in a thing with labelled bins. Screw this thing to the wall. Loan me some of your
  12. My reply: Clean Suzy, a 10L carboy, R310 refrigerant in a propane tank and sodium metal from 100pounds of pearled lye.
  13. His Reply: Get a boiler, called a “Hot Shot”. Superheat the dry steam if you want to (I didn’t). Get a complete rxn apparatus in 24/40. Get a heating mantle and a Variac. Go on up into spherical joints and get a Rotovap, and try these things out around the house. Make coffee with your Buchner funnel, your enhancement flask, your ring stand, your clamp, your vacuum adapter, your water aspirator. And, it isn’t on you. They don’t sell equipment that works worth a damn. You have to yell at the manufacturers. Never praise them. Dollars are your praise. I can’t find the excellent venturi aspirator I used to have, and those metal ones don’t work. I can’t find a teflon watch glass. It is only used to get high with. The reconstituted dope beads up in it. Never skip the crystallization step. It’s not actually a step. #1 is one-step. Nothing can be easier or faster. Take the pH of a solution you are neutralizing by removing a spl with a melting-point capillary turned around, no open ends. Don’t return it to the sol’n. Get a white ceramic well plate. Use cresol red, not pH strips. It lasts forever. Don’t put boiling stones in a liquid you are heating if it is already hot. Porcelein. There’s a fucking rock song by that name, am I right? Get large dispo gloves, and a box of dispo pipettes.
  14. My reply: Actually levo-meth as you call it can be refined into P2P (CIA process was me) why is P2P a bust? Do you remember North Dakota black gold?? That why the bikers buy this shit.. They are also privy to Formic Acid (from ant venom) And Cylinders of Methylamine from UV degradation of Nicotine AKA the space station method. HIRP evility can be offset by purchasing 100 gallons of KH3PO3 and mixing with Hcl and H2O2, potassium iodide and ephedrine (from L-Pac not pills). Everything is liquid so when someone bangs on the door and its not the secret knock you crank a valve, the bung opens and drains everything into the local water supply to be dealt with by some pissed off water treatment engineers SORRY BOYS I was gonna smoke the stuff and pour the phosphorus waste in my farm field BLAME THE DEA NOT ME
  15. His Reply: “Easy” is as if someone were convinced you could get meth from Vick’s Inhalers. You can and you can’t. You can get levo-dope, which tastes like the biologically active drug, but doesn’t get you high. This type of experimenter, or Proclaimer, or authority, is similar to the kind of a guy who Tasers himself to “test” the Taser. All phases of dope-making are currently harder. That’s the DEA’s job. The CIA has a method I have not gone into, but it stopped at P2P, and P2P is a bust. The HIRP method is aka the “odorless process”. Success, btw, has a downside. When you go on trial, you seem like a plague or an epidemic, or a sophisticated, career criminal, so, to get the ladies before you have to go do time, cultivate that Snidely Whiplash laugh: “Ooh-ooh￾ooh-ooh-ah-ah-a
  16. My reply: Lol I'm only 22 and ive made a few hundred gallons of HI acid for local cooks and a few hundred pounds ephedrine and blew up the lab, got nothing left so I'm of the opinion no matter how much one can create drugs will always DESTROY. Oppenheimer had a similar world view with his creations
  17. his Reply: Hey, you know what…after reading all the stuff you posted..hate this fuck that…you all have pretty good cook preps but the shit that will keep ya up the longest…when i was 13 my friends and i got 3 cans of raid…one section of chain fence…jumper cables and a everlast car battery…spray all three cans on the fence…hook the battery up and wait about 5 mins…3 pounds of dope…but we wer bored ass fuck…this is a terrible but quick way to get high…dumb as fuck..wish i never did it but one line…4 days…but no one Should do this…NO ONE..i had a stroke and can’t remember half my life but i was up for 11 days..freaked out, beat my gf, hit my ma, wrecked the car, got maced and tazd by a cop and hurt him…tried tearing my arm off in the holding cell and ripped two off my fingers off on my left hand in the holding cell..also bit a quarter of my bottom lip off…fuck dope, fuck anyone who tries to cook or anything to get high off of it and no one should ever try or abuse it at all..i was 13 and learned that fucking shit…I’m 23 now and regret every step of i
  18. My reply: I get all kinds of emails from people who cook all kinds of shit in some very expensive vehicles and it only proves that america is the most innovative nation in history. I cook LSD on space stations so dont tell me about supplies and scarcity, or how to properly handle fumes and the atmosphere LOL. 1pound of meth = 3 pounds of toxic waste aint shit compared to 750,000,000 small needles from American space project FORD WEST
  19. His Reply: I’m ashamed. Ha ha ha, so true. You don’t need a fume hood. If you do it right you’re facing acid gas fumes, meth fumes, acetone fumes…that’s about it. Of course, there are traces of poisons, nobody lives forever, but, it is not the gold standard, which’d be MPP+. This in the atmosphere caused a chemical Parkinson’s Effect. You need gloves, a certain kind of smock (not polyester), respirator, work boots,safety glasses, face shield (there’s caustic fumes, too), and it all fits in a cardboard box in the trunk of your car. I wouldn’t make it in the car. There were 2,000 labs busted in Indiana last year, and only 200 in California.
  20. My reply: The ozzies hate it but those fake ass cold pills can easily bee reduced to adrenaline and further refined into Ozzie ICE aka 4-MAR 4methylaminorex
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