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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Didnt read but I think rapists enter into a social contract where they no longer have the privilege of ever claiming they were raped or their rights infringed upon. Eventually rape will become more of a grey area as rapists who pretend they don't like being raped will just rape each other guilt/repercussion free
  2. Holy fuck I thought my god tier genes would allow me to drink everyday (usually excessively) for months on end while smoking cigs and weed and taking pills like a common nigger with no repercussions but alas I've been afflicted with the physical dependency, namely because I've let my health go in the name of hanging around in bars in anticipation of banging trashy/naive white gurls. My deathstyle dictates people always around me drinking and offering me alcohol and as such my neurotransmitters are all fucked up.

    What do zoklet? I only call you when its half past five and anticipate reaching a new low.
  3. .
  4. ..
  5. I voted for the machine. And there is no difference except that one group is held back by some notion of reality that they've made up.
  6. Legalize space weeds.
  7. - Make the text box at the bottom of a page resizable. At present it is too wide and kind of a pain to read.

    - Make the main display area narrower. Leave a margin to either side. Similar to the above, your eyes have to do too much roving left to right. Perhaps a "hot topics" bar would make sense.

    - Change it from Thanks (Received)/Thanks (Given) to either Thanks/Thanked with mouseover text explaining what either means, or Thanks Given/Thanks Received. The parantheses are not necessary.

    - Make a bigger banner for the desktop view, but keep this one for the mobile view. I can do this if you want.

    - Have the advanced text editor (or at least basaic features, like quote tags) showing by default on mobile browsers. The buttons are really laggy on mobile.

    - Make notifications about replies delete themselves once you have clicked on them.
  8. I haven't slept in like 30 hours. I'm not tired anymore, but I'm still considering sleeping.

    Ever think we might just be addicted to sleep and too pussy to overcome the withdrawals?
  9. I like the approach Lanny has taken to this, and I think the low population helps make it work. If this forum was busier, it wouldn't be feasible to have no mods etc, but it certainly cuts down on drama and shit. Also fuck frivolous shit like additional themes, cuz who cares, as long as it's not hideous, I'm good with it.
  10. If you want lots of posters to just shitpost, there are better websites. Start posting more, and posting better content if you want more activity, or at least be curious and willing to learn and encourage discussions to grow.

    I hate referring to &TOTSE like it is our bible and blueprint for a community, but I think it makes sense in this case; totse was built on people posting interesting shit and people interested in interesting shit. The reason why people liked it was not because of the edgelord posters, that was just the flavour of the community. Totse was interesting because but the substance of it was all the informative, knowledgeable and insightful posters, who posted on their own, yes, but also posted because there were people interested in their shit, people asking questions and wanting answers.

    In a nutshell, totse was interesting because people were there in a teaching and learning spirit.

    Why did Zoklet start failing towards the end, with good posters (I'm not including myself in there) en masse? Because everyone started obsessing over Thanks and "being tough". Someone would post a thread, then the same 5-10 people would come in and diarrhoeate all over it with dank memes, one liners (god I fucking hated this about Vizier and to some extent Mizled) and generally didn't care any more about discussing anything. And at that point, it just became a poor man's version of 4Chan.

    If you want 4Chan so bad, go to 4Chan. If you want this forum to actually have some level of success and activity, raise yourself above that level and get back into the spirit of learning and teaching.
  11. Wearing a condom should take care of the mess for the most part tbqh. You'd have to remove it carefully though.
  12. Then why do people choose one option over the other?

    2/3 voters in this poll chose a simulation over reality. 1/3 chose reality. If there is no distinction between reality and simulation, why did these people make the choices they made?

    Because if the end result is still bread, would you rather have to make brread from scratch or just go out to the store and buy it?
  13. Where's Dfg?
    Being a weirdo I guess. I asked him if he wanted to meet up in Islamabad and tried to start conversation, but he genuinely thought I was actually interested in getting his PI and screwing him over... somehow? He's a weird guy.
  14. Meth is a hell of a drug
  15. Legalize fascism
  16. In space; murder, child porn and cooking meth are all legal

    Internet In space!!!!
    Everything is legal when you live on a space station

    [FONT=Helmet]With a successful connection, data will move at a rate of up to 1.8Gbps.[[FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=13px]/QUOTE][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT]
  18. Imagine having to clean up that mess tho
  19. What's the difference between people who would choose artificial reality and people who would choose reality?

    On one hand we have people who would rather live in reality. If asked why they might tell us they want to do certain things, and not just have the experience of doing them. Maybe they want to be a certain sort of person, not some indeterminate blob floating in a hugbox. They might claim that the machine limits us to a man-made reality, it limits us to what we can make, there is no actual contact with any deeper reality.

    On the other hand we have people who would rather live in the artificial reality. They might claim that they are incapable of achieving the experiences they want in the real world. They might claim their dreams are beyond their reach in the real world, but in an artificial reality they can become anything they want. They might claim that reality limits their experiences, while an artificial reality increases their potential experiences.

    Who is closer to the truth? Which position is better?

    The distinction you are trying to make is imaginary. Descartes addressed this hundreds of years ago; There is only one fundamental, unitary fact in the universe that you can be sure of; that you are thinking. Everything else than you can experience and reason around is no more objective or real than anything else. If ultimately the qualitative content that reaches your brain is the same, then there is no functional difference in the means by which it is delivered.

    What you're saying is something akin to "you are not eating real bread because you didn't find the plant in the wild, culture it, grind the grain up by hand and bake it yourself." But my brain tastes bread, my body absorbs its nutrition, my hunger is satiated all the same.
  20. But you're still a Pakistanian, amirite?

    You got that right
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