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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. really
  2. She needs banshee dust

  3. This girl needs depakote

    This girl needs lots of depakote
  4. Can I bum a point
  5. When I made $30k a year I would go to the pharmacy every day after work and buy like 4 bottles 660mg each plus DPH, Valium, alcohol, cannabis and lotsa meth. I miss those days fondly. I'm gonna trip on 600mg dph tonight. Legal drugs are awesome
  6. Ask her out
  7. No need for scrubbers or catalyst recycling systems, that's if you're starting from butane and making metric tonnes in a plant. Start from Maleic anhydride or succinic acid..

    1 or 2 hydrogenations vs working with THF and sodium bromate. I need a few $1000$ so I can run this small scale and record the results, I dont think anyone has done this process clandestinely.

  8. .
  9. Depends on who is asking. Who are you?

    Last I heard Oplus died in a hunting accident.

    Agent Johnson of the National Shitposting Agency
  10. What's going on?
  11. Neurogenesis is a proposed mechanism of antidepressant efficacy. My bundy abuse and what it does to me is contemplated in theoretical neuroscience principles. I'm a guinea pig but from what I gather I might end up being the overmind too. When I get a job and a P.O. box I' going to start mixing nootropics with bundy, like semax and cerebrolysin.
  12. Depression is correlated with decreased neurogenesis, regardless of drug abuse. Drug abuse, of any sort, bundy, cannabis, alcohol...will decrease neurogenesis, because when you stop using bundy, your body has become dependent on it for daily neurogenic/gliogenic actions to keep you high or at a stable mood. When you stop using, you become depressed, because of reduced neurogenesis. When you stop using, because of reduced neurogenesis, you become depressed.

  13. me in general
  14. I dunno. I've literally seen 0 evidence regarding any sort of toxicity caused by dextromethorphan. Even if the studies I cited don't support it as a super drug that you can get fucked up on and gain IQ points by taking, which it does IMO, like experience points in an RPG, there is still no proof that it is toxic in any way, form, or sort. It's like psychedelic water in how fuckin' generally inert it is to the body besides the psyche. The only possible risk there is, is an increase in mood swings I suppose, which I have noticed. I'm writing this post fucked up on 600mg and you wouldn't be able to tell if I didn't mention it as a footnote.
  15. I'm polysubstance dependent. The drug I take is probably about the most neurologically sound chemical one could abuse. It's probably less harmful than cannabis.
  16. You guys are largely to blame.

    Not you two personally, but I remember when this all first started on Totse. I kept saying they had to clean stuff up around 2006, and everybody told me I was a douche. Everybody told me it was going to last forever. I said that the glory days were over and that the user base was going to destroy the website with their bullshit. Spectral is crazy, but he was right beside me saying the same things. We were absolutely correct because, within a few years, Jeff shut the website down because the user base wasn't worth the trouble anymore.

    Same thing happened on Zoklet. Everybody cried about how they wanted something better. They wanted Totse. I tried to get a library started. Most people scoffed, some people contributed, but most of the site was the same pathetic shitposting that comprised Zoklet circa 2007. You guys would give refuge to sploo, Xpoast, BlingBling, and all these other shitposters who would just spam the site with their illegible bullshit and butthurt drama. Then once we finally got some serious Zoklet Library collections started and Parker Brother was working into programming the stuff into the site - one of you dipshits releases all of Zok's personal information. Everything about his health status, where he works, where he kids go to school - it was all out there. Big surprise: the site shut down, and I watched you fuckheads fragment into a few crappier sites.

    You had Tranny HC45 Randy Airlines or whatever his deal was open longlivezoklet (great name, douchegnome), which sucked. Literally the only content was created by psychomanthis, because he's one of the few people who says he wants to contribute to a society of learners and walks the walk. Eventually RDFRN happened, it was moderated relatively hands off. There's potential and a community there, so a few of us start working on articles. I was outlining three different Cyber Forensic textbooks under the guidance of a college professor in order to release an updated text on Cyber Forensics and not even three weeks into the project you fucking assholes did the exact same thing. Someone gets a hold of Idio's personal information (including the information of his wife and kids) and claims he's going to release it unless the site is shut down. I post in the closing thread (yet again) with a huge fucking "I TOLD YOU SO." You cried that it wasn't good enough and how you wanted it to be something great, yet you contributed nothing and applauded at the people who destroy the site.

    And then you dickheads have the audacity to blame idio for keeping not keeping it open. You guys are right - he should have let the address of his wife and kids float around the worst recesses of the internet so you assholes could have a place to post "OH NO I'M ON BALLER PROBATION WITH THE BUTTHOLE POLICE." Fuck you all, I would have done the same thing and pulled the plug. MmQ was even volunteering to host the site at the end just for the sake of keeping it alive, but they insisted it be shut down.

    It's already starting here. You now finally have the zero moderation you morons spent over a decade crying for, and everyone's already complaining about starting new sites, taking control, and bellyaching about how you want something better.

    Well congratulations assholes. Enjoy the castle of shit you fucking deserve. Practically nobody valuable will come here because we have almost nothing to offer. Haven't you retards noticed that every version of "totse" has less and less of the community than the last rendition of it? You've lost basically everybody. As you should, because what does this website offer? The same four guys talking about computer science, the three of us who signed up to play chess, and three people talking about philosophy. These good threads usually have the same few posters in them. Everything else is racist bullshit, a few try-hards using this website as an instrument to feed their relentless need for attention, a homeless asshole spamming in broken English about meth every five seconds, and everyone else complaining that the site barely works. Like I said, I appreciate the fact that Lanny left this open for us, but I think almost 12+ years of this bullshit has adjusted my expectations pretty realistically about the future of this website and community.

    Just get over it. Totse is the first girl we ever dated. We loved it, it was interesting, we learned a lot, there was a genuine connection, and everything about it was perfect. But the problem is that you guys let your memory cloud the reality of what it really was. Most of us were younger and life in general was just more interesting. I can't even get a decent "post an interesting story about literally anything" thread going in this heap.

    I'm already over it. My job kinda sucks but I've been accepted to school, I have friends, I get laid more than I should, I have a close family, I have hobbies, I belong to clubs, and I've amassed a small library in my house. I'm always learning and I'm happy Totse was a part of that, but I'm an adult now and have a life. Some of you guys need to move on and realize that this "great community" or whatever you make the people on this website to be would be the first watch you kill yourself on tinychat and laugh about it.

    It's not just the userbase, though. The ability to attract dedicated people to a forum with the promises of fringe knowledge isn't appealing anymore. People want youtube, they want honey boo boo, they want videos and bright flashy pictures.

    Light a candle guys. It's over.

  17. People who use "cringe" as a zero-effort response. It's such a weak insult, it literally makes me face cave in on itself from cringe.
  18. Same,cant access shit or make new threads.
  19. No it doesn't you fucking idiot.

    Why would you believe drinking tons of cough syrup "grows brain cells?" You are honestly the most stupid person I've ever talked to online.

    It's sad that you think you're attractive. If that girl really knows you from middle school, then she knows you've put on a shit load of weight in the last few years and your skin is all beat up because you're poisoning yourself for the lulz.

    I already know where this is going. When I log onto whatever totse forum exists at the time when your obituary is posted and everybody here is crying into their meth pipes trying to "remember" you because you ODed of fucking Robitussin I'm going to laugh my ass off. Stupid kids like you die every day.

    You're running out of time to clean up your act dude. If you quit everything right now and went to a sober life of scholarship and decency, it would be painfully obvious to you how much slower and less creative your mind is after years of substance abuse.

    You're about to get fuckin' rekt
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