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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. Lately I've been having insane dreams every single night after quitting smoking weed, and I've been taking Ashwagandha every night in an effort to sleep better, which has also been contributing (I think). I've done some weird shit, like once thought someone was in bed with me when I was like half asleep and was really confused and feeling around looking for someone when no one was there.

    Anyways last night a girl came over and after we had sex and hung out and shit, we fell asleep. But the next morning, she mentioned how nice it was when I woke up in the middle of the night and was fingering her and made her cum. I have literally no memory of this at all and she swears she was fully awake for it and it definitely was not a dream. Before I smoked tons of weed all the time, I would sleepwalk occasionally so it's not that farfetched I guess, I was just a little surprised how out of hand that got.

    Anyways anyone got any good sleepwalking stories?
  2. My family and me aren't even going to attend your funeral
  3. true, but you are
  4. It's like a movie
  5. Most people who aren't into RS wouldn't understand how good the RS questing system really is.

  6. if my best friend dies i dont want a new best friend wearing my old best friend's skin. i enjoy rs2's simplicity and poor graphics, i enjoy the rote methods of levelling and money making, rs3 will never be that same way. it's fine if you like it but to say that rs2 is for autists is short-sighted and naive.

    Well when people say "runescape sucks" they're usually referring to what the remember of runescape 2. I disagree as well, I think runescape 2 was fun as well, but by most traditional standards it was more like Middle Ages Sims: Grinding Edition. Not really a "game" and more like a work of interactive art. Runerape 3 takes the elements of runerape 2 and makes it fit into a more traditional MMORPG layout while still retaining all of its complexity and uniqueness. There's no game on the earth anything like runerape.
  7. How many games are there where you can be doing something and then just be like YO FML IMA BAKE A CAKE and gain points for it?
  8. because the combat is fucky and the entire thing i'm unfamiliar with. rs3 feels like uncanny valley. rs2 carries nostalgia for me and i know how to do everything already.
    If you go to settings you can put RS3 on "legacy combat mode" and "legacy interface mode" which makes it just like an enhanced RS2
  9. My family and I*
  10. runescape is for autist to the max

    Runescape is an actual "game", in that you can do whatever the fuck you want. You can walk around begging for change or telling random players you're going to rape their moms while autofollowing them and spinning in circles. You can tell Ashley to kill a bunch of cows and then she does it and resents you forever for it. You can scam players into running into a PvP area with you by convincing them they're in it for a quest or something. You can cut wood and then light fires under players feet and then greentext imblications at them. You can collect serotonin thingies and sell it on the stock market. You can rob somebody and then kill him for getting mad at you. You can get a bunch of people to go with you deep in the desert and then teleport away so they die of thirst (well that was limited to RS2 because now you can teleport anywhere) Etc. Runescape is only autist to the max if you've played/are playing Runescape 2. Diablo is basically running around killing shit by spamming "abilities" in a pattern.; In RS3 they added an abilities bar and function so you can basically massacre random things with imaginary powerups like you do in any other RPG, while also having access to all the other skills, quests, and minigames. The boss fights in RS3 are hard as fuck and you have to do them in groups.
  11. I've been to church at least 1500+ times in my life. Last time was over Christmas when I didn't want to be rude and stay back while all of the rest of my family went. Lo and behold, it was the same fucking Christmas service I've ever heard. Literally the exact same. They don't come up with any type of originality or variance… some short video about Jesus, Christmas song, read some key bible verses, another 2 Christmas songs, Christmas story from the pastor, another Christmas song, pass out the candles, light them all while singing Silent Night, end service.

    Most all the non-Christmas services are the same too. Being in a Christian treatment program led me to dozens and dozens of different churches and services throughout my state, and again, each Sunday is all the same- worship/songs, boring ass message from the pastor, another song and a call to the altar for those who want to accept their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ into their heart and find peace and happiness and eternal life, all that good stuff right. The more you go to these things, and invest time into it, the more committed you subconsciously become and it gets harder and harder to ever accept the possibility that the things you're convinced you believe in could possibly be false. It's embarrassing to believe in God for years and years and then have to admit to yourselves or others that you were probably wrong. But, it's worth it.

    The so-called "peace and joy" that religious people have is quite strictly placebo in its purest form. There is comradery that comes with being in a large group and singing songs and sharing fellowship together, much like what you might experience at a music concert. You develop bonds with people and friendships, all with the underlying theme that you are lovers of God and He is the reason for everything. Nothing else matters. You convince yourself that prayer is effective and is one of your strongest weapons against the evils of the world. "Just pray about it," "Just pray for them." It's one of the greatest deceptions of all time in that there isn't a single shred of evidence to support prayer having ANY type of effect on an outcome. The closest it comes is again sort of the placebo effect someone in a difficult time might feel, knowing that a bunch of people are praying for them, they might feel a sense of peace or happiness. To me, that has nothing to do with the prayers themselves and isn't dissimilar to people sending their 'thoughts' or 'good vibes.'

    So for me, no, I don't go to church anymore. It is far too cringey even for the likes of me, and I don't believe in what they're teaching. I won't even get started on Catholicism, just another mindless ritualistic, pious form of idolatry that people keep passing on to their children because they're too fucking stubborn to let their children think for themselves.

    I'm gonna suck your dick until you cry
  12. Minecraft

    look at this guy this guy right here just look at him
  13. 1. Counter Strike: Global Offensive

    2. Minecraft

    3. Civ V
  14. :(:(:(

  15. Theres too many jesus fuckers there.
  16. wtf. and theyre also bigger
  17. Its just another activity that you sometimes do for entertainment...
  18. church goes to me homee
  19. Rise of Nations, Deus Ex, and... I wanna say Jade Empire.
  20. oh you play rs3, i thought you were talking about 07scape. rs3 is kinda garbage imo.

    RS2 is an autism simulator. I've been playing since 2005. RS3 takes everything good about RS2 and makes it more modern and appealing, if not kind of flashy. That's what I mean by "it's like WOW but better". I don't see why anyone wouldn't prefer RS3.
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