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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. You can make LAH which is used to make DOM and 2C
  2. Originally posted by aldra yeah I guess, prior to those laws though, most chemists would leave it on the shelves and there was no limit to pack sizes - the best I found were 100x 10mg codeine/500mg paracetamol or 96x 12.5mg codeine/200mg ibuprofen. any higher than 12.5mg and you needed a prescription.

    eventually too many kids were talking about it and a bunch went to hospital for paracetamol poisoning so the TGA (I think) changed the status to S2, meaning it had to be kept behind the counter and only registered pharmacists could dispense it (ie. the kids at the counter would have to call the pharmacist over and you'd have to talk to them). Prescription only from 2018. Got a year to stock up.

    If they had codeine openly out on shelves here I imagine I'd be banned due to theft from every pharmacy in a 100 mile radius. I'd whip all that shit if it was out on shelves
  3. Originally posted by Lanny "us", bruh, Russia won WWII. Yall niggas woulda probably gone the way of the rest of europe if we didn't pour resources down Churchill's fat gullet.

    Yea I know. It'd be more correct to say America stopped the advance of the Soviets, both in Europe and the Far East, than they did defeat the Nazis or Nips. Because Russia always would have beat both of them. Japan didn't surrender cos of the nukes, they surrendered cos the Soviets were about to invade and rape them sideways

    After the Battle of Britain (won by our fine Polishs pilots) we were never in any real danger from the Nazis
  4. I mixed zopiclone, wine and heroin once and my mum came in my room and found me and said the next day I had yellow shit coming out my mouth. I survived so I guess I wasn't too close to death, just really comfortably high.

    I used to mix bottles of morphine (200mg) with large doses of benzos (20+) and never died. Maybe God has a purpose for me
  5. You can get a kilogram of lithium for a few hundred $$
  6. I would have taken all the appliances plus copper pipes
  7. +Chan's are done frank.

    No meme arrows

    No images

    No boards

    Just white people and cocaine, 2017 is the year of the professional. The internet is serious business now
  8. What
  9. its midnight.
  10. Originally posted by mmQ I wonder what infrared is doing at this very moment.

    Still pretending to be the king of night ops
  11. Originally posted by bling bling ya do u think liek u cud grow on the snow than take it to leagal state michigan adn say ur nan grew it adn sale it legally wot u think

    Michigan is a medical only state so it would be smarter to smuggle it to Washington
  12. i sold ym webcam
  13. Originally posted by infinityshock no one gives a shit what you think

    Cucked & Triggered!
  14. SpectraL will start his own forum when this one fails.
  15. Originally posted by aldra yeah I guess, prior to those laws though, most chemists would leave it on the shelves and there was no limit to pack sizes - the best I found were 100x 10mg codeine/500mg paracetamol or 96x 12.5mg codeine/200mg ibuprofen. any higher than 12.5mg and you needed a prescription.

    eventually too many kids were talking about it and a bunch went to hospital for paracetamol poisoning so the TGA (I think) changed the status to S2, meaning it had to be kept behind the counter and only registered pharmacists could dispense it (ie. the kids at the counter would have to call the pharmacist over and you'd have to talk to them).

    They should just sell codeine with nothing else in it.
  16. I only rob drug dealers.
  17. or...a break in?
  18. Originally posted by cerakote Grizzly mint is my next favorite. Their straight is ok as well and I generally hate straight dips. I just cant stand copenhagen's oily, overly-flavored and soggy flavored dips. Their regular snuff is my favorite. Stoker's snuff is good too. Grizzly is my favorite and i feel like the reason i like the wintergreen so much is because it was the first dip I ever tried

    I have a hammer of grizzly wintergreen in right now

    Grizzly wintergreen was my favorite for most of my life but after three years of it in high school and another year and a half of it on the job I had to find something else

    Grizzly straight is good but seems weaker than the other two

    Post last edited by Hash Slinging Slasher at 2016-12-20T04:40:22.781395+00:00
  19. Originally posted by cerakote Grizzly mint is my next favorite. Their straight is ok as well and I generally hate straight dips. I just cant stand copenhagen's oily, overly-flavored and soggy flavored dips. Their regular snuff is my favorite. Stoker's snuff is good too. Grizzly is my favorite and i feel like the reason i like the wintergreen so much is because it was the first dip I ever tried

    I have a hammer of grizzly wintergreen in right now

    i have members now

    username is lightworld
  20. Originally posted by Sir slappy the sea turtle Are you saying learning about history cannot benefit you? Thats pretty ignorant. learning about people in the past there great victories and blunders can definitely benefit you. It seems like your life consists of the ingestation of shitty substances and the worshipping of triangles.

    what i mean is i don't research anything that isn't something i want to do. i'll research neurochemistry and pharmacology because it's relevant to my immediate pleasure. nothing else interests me. i'm smart (inb4 no ur not) but i'm a very nonintellectual person. the only way i use my intelligence is to try to influence people's behaviors, or puzzles when i'm bored.

    Post last edited by the holy ghost at 2016-12-20T03:33:08.751778+00:00
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