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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. This is an antihistamine used to treat anxiety that is also a serotonin antagonist. Specifically at the 5-ht2a receptors responsible for psychedelia. When I take 50mg of this I experience a drunken euphoria with closed eye visuals. This only works when I take it with no tolerance. It's technically a deliriant but has none of the dysphoric feelings of diphenhydramine. It could be considered a recreational deliriant whereas diphenhydramine is more like chemical torture. I can only take it infrequently to get a euphoric effect. Intense CEVs and a feeling of being stoned with minimal anticholinergic effects, but they're still there.
  2. Originally posted by the holy ghost if you were a true white nationalist you would have said 0

    0 would still be not enough tho
  3. Originally posted by bling bling do u rly think u can handle a crowd of 1 bar ppl after u fire 1 shot u wud probably get booted in the back of the head strait away unless u do it in usa bcus ppl there are pucs

    SWIM just needs to pick a soft target. Like that handsome and well tanned individual who took out 50 faggots in a bar earlier this year.
  4. My shotgun
  5. SWIM would get a 1 gallon gas can, fill it with napalm and attach it to a pipe bomb, then find a house with an ongoing children's party, open the front door, light the fuse and toss it inside.
  6. you could've gotten in a lot of trouble for this if you didn't write SWIM
  7. What would be a good place for SWIM to target if he wanted to take out 100+ in one shot? He'll be using a semi-auto rifle with several 30 round mags, a couple handguns, high explosive pipe bombs with shrapnel, poison gas and a 10kg ANFO charge. Can't give any more details than that because it might lead to his identification.
  8. Having terminal cancer or something would kinda be worth it just to be able to destroy a walmart or something lol. So your about to die within days, you're done doin all your partying etc, now you've decided to go on a vandalism rampage!!! What would you do?

    I guess i'd steal a motorcyscle or moped, drive into a walmart or something equipped with a hammer or tire iron, fireworks, pepperspray, and a hunting knife and start smashing all the glass displays things, starting with the freezer section, smash some tvs, knock down and smash all the glass liquor bottles, smash the windows at the pharmacy and toss a smoke bomb/firecrackers/bottle rockets in there, shoot fireworks randomly around the store, go down isles and slice open merchandise that will make the most mess, and then play it by ear after that. Pepper spray anyone who tries to stop me. Maybe pour oil /throw bb's on the floor to thwart people from chasing after me.

    Post last edited by Actor at 2016-12-20T22:30:59.015284+00:00

    Post last edited by Actor at 2016-12-20T22:50:38.807041+00:00
  9. if you were a true white nationalist you would have said 0
  10. :O

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  12. so edgy i kkkkkut myself
  13. Not enough
  14. Originally posted by Lanny one little genocide and it's all anyone will talk about anymore. What a bunch of crybabies.

    I know right, same as the jedis. Kill "6 million" (more like 600,000 if that) of them and they don't stop banging on about it for the next 70 years
  15. Just steal the batteries. It's best to steal as many of the ingredients as you can. Maximum profit
  16. Yea my lappy too.

    I don't really have any gadgets cos I've either lost them all over the past 18 months of moving around or sold them for drugs. I only have my laptop and phone left.

    I'll die protecting either.
  17. I wouldn't say its amazing but its cheap and easy to get
  18. nah, i'll just make $$$ the legit way
  19. Codeine is one of those amazing things lost to the ocean of drug regulation.. Best high of my way was SMOKED codeine latex from genetically modified bayer opium poppies. Fuck 1mg codiene and 1gram APAP with 500mg caffeine per pill and each pill is the size of a peanut.
  20. also this
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