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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. I can guarantee you 99% of the content on f169 is ripped from /pol/
  2. Originally posted by mmQ Cheese is made of moon.

  3. I want a sub woofer in my mouse
  4. The card is a barcode tattoo printed onto your skin.
  5. Happily. Eating is the primary means of death and suffering's propagation.
  6. Looks like it's time for a game of...

  7. /pol/ is the only board with visiting.
  8. They just...act like it. I'm think I should try something.
  9. Mostly sweets. And drinks, to make them slushy.
  10. That pitch is really intersting and has alot of great stories, intersting, funny, uplifting things to say. I wanna hear opion/thoughts about like...everything, you know?
  11. *sigh* 🙄
  12. I'll pick up a pint of vodka and some oj, make a stiff screwdriver and cruise around town and decide which i'll commit. I'll post the news article about the robbery or break in(s) tommorow to prove I did it. End of the year antics, ya know?
  13. All you gotta do is make up some convincing bullshit to get people to wanna donate... put your adresses qr code so its easy for them.
  14. I'm going to get back to this thread tomorrow when I wake up but aldra, as always, it's good reading your posts. Very insightful
  15. Hamp is a confirmed jedi.
  16. Originally posted by aldra I'm going to argue that many of the 'established truths' they base their reports and investigations on are highly questionable.

    A writer will always stretch the truth
  17. Originally posted by HampTheToker Um, they didn't. That's why they killed them. That's why ovens and gas. Because a bullet for every jedi was too expensive.

    Except there were no ovens and there was no gas
  18. It's all a fucking conspiracy by the sugar industry. Get people to blame tobacco whilst their main products go sailing by, tax and controversy free
  19. Originally posted by aldra I actually really hate that argument. I hear it all the time from stoners, 'alcohol's heaps more dangerous than weed, we should ban that instead'.

    people need to be more fucking honest. for the most part they don't care about safety and just want to get high - encouraging another substance to be controlled does not help them at all.

    Yea I love smoking and will continue til I'm at least 29, but why don't they put extravagant taxes on foods high in sugars and fats? Why should people be allowed to make themselves obese and a strain on the health services due to their own actions without even paying into it?

    I'd happily take cheaper cigs if it meant I had to pay for my own treatment if I get lung cancer in the future
  20. I doubt there was even 6 million jedis in Europe to begin with.

    The thing which made me first question the Holocaust was watching Schindlers List. I watched it and just knew that something didn't add up about it and it's all a lie
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