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Posts by The Self Taught Man

  1. We're all on government watch lists anyway so by this point it doesn't really matter
  2. Oh come on Bill Krozby, you get triggered in basically every thread there is. You are weak
  3. Yeah man. This community is a weird thing. A remnant of a larger community that was also a intellectual dumping ground for drug addicts, autists and social rejects.
  4. lol j/k troll thread
  5. I was talking to a guy at work and jokingly was like "Ay man, you ever do DPH?" and he was like wut dat? So im like "Diphenhydramine nigga" and he never heard of it so im like "BENEDRYL NIGGA!" and he was like "nahhh man but I done did lots o robbo" and I was like "I feel u dog".
  6. from spice i smoked so many diff chemicals and i dont even know their names lol
  7. I only did one robbery. But it was enough to keep me set for life.
  8. I once tried to count how many different substances I've taken and it was well over 30, probably nearer 50
  9. Originally posted by 13579 When/why?

    Just before the migration. Because he was using an illegally downloaded version of vb5.
  10. Originally posted by Lanny violate the NAP or something…

    *autistic screeching*
  11. Originally posted by Phoenix Edit: Also Belzec, Treblinka, Auschwitz etc were all liberated by Stalin. Fucking Stalin. You're trusting the guy who deleted people from history to give you an accurate account of what his enemies were doing when he conquered them.

    Post last edited by Phoenix at 2016-12-21T13:26:25.292158+00:00

    Didnt Hitler allow unsupervised visits by the Red Cross to ensure the camps met humanitarian requirements? Which is something the US refused to do regarding their own internment camps.
  12. As you do it, do a facebook live video. That shit would be cray.
  13. Originally posted by Bill Krozby america is a melting pot and thats whats so great about it.

    Do a suicide please.
  14. it ded son
  15. It sounds like a chemist's shopping list. I mean even when you start listing as well known substances as 4-fa or even 2cb, people for the most part don't have a twinkle of an idea of what you're talking about. I always would get "wow this dude is fucking serious (what an addict)" type responses from fat-nippled frat boys who take 'molly' and chug Skol.

    I just like trying new things OK? There's nothing wrong with that. I learned pretty quick to not be so sharing with either my affinity for different drugs or my affinity for trying to share my different drugs. I mean, my days have long since past and all I take are nootropics and vitamins now, but it still bothers me to think about.
  16. Valium is a lot more sleepy relaxed and a lot less xanax type fucky than etizolam to me.
  17. Show of hands here, how many of you who committed robberies have a felony or arrest record of any kind.
  18. Originally posted by Malice You should have written return to sender on the front and "moved, left no forwarding address" on the back. Read this tip a while ago and it can prevent people from ever contacting you again.

    This is a lovely idea. I should do this to my medical bills.
  19. Originally posted by infinityshock as long as there are other people…there will be food on my table.

    and your scenario is impossible.

    ive grown vegetables/fruits in pots inside my house in freezing cold NY.

    where i live now (florida) i can grow some sort of edible all year long. hell…the fucking beans i have growing now are literally growing faster than i can eat them. just yesterday i harvested the ripe ones and there are already some ready again today.

    livestock (rabbits…chickens…etc) can be raised in an apartment in a small cage. my chickens shit out more eggs than i can eat, to the point i wind up cooking the eggs then feeding them back to the chickens.

    You cannot reasonably grow enough produce to feed yourself year round without an unreasonably large house. At which point, you probably already have one of these mythical food cards.

    Also, there is no way you could keep chickens in an apartment without getting found out. You said you own chickens, so I'm sure you're aware of how loud they can be. I know there's a goose that doesn't honk, its name begins with an "M" I think, but I forget what they're called. Rather weird looking, it'd be inhumane and ridiculous to keep them in an apartment as well I think.

    Rabbits might work, but again, I don't think you could have enough in an apartment to feed yourself for a year, and if you did, the smell would give it away. I think you'd be best off buying rice on the black market in this dystopia.
  20. It has never done anything for me.

    I think your brain is just special.

    And that's OK.
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