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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    to anyone who wants to earn some passive drug money, scrap aluminum cans. takes like a minute to wash it out in the sink, crush it, and toss it in a box/bag/bim whatever.

    i have a rubbermaid box in my closet that all my aluminum goes into. when i or my dad drinks a soda, it gets the above treatment and when ive accumulated enough to warrant driving 10 miles to the yard, ill take that and the other scrap i have up there.

    i have a box that brass fittings go in, a thick plastic bag that stripped copper wire goes in, and soon will be taking another box for circuitboards and another for transformers.

    breaking shit down and taking it apart for some monetary value is alot better than just trashing it outright.

    also, aluminum is like 25 cents a pound in my area and roughly 32 soda cans is a pound (the 8oz regular cans). i probably have 2 or 3 pounds right now since i started scrapping again and its not much but for the miniscule amount of work its better than nothing
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher I'm actually pretty fucking pissed and depressed about it, I had great pride in never having had that happen

    im afraid im gonna accidentally end up NDing while toying with a rifle whenever i buy my first for myself.

    i have a couple of 22s but they arent legally MINE, one was a bday present when i turned 10 but i never take it plinking. got at least 1000 rds of 22 so i really dont have an excuse not to i guess, but taking a 22 to the range isnt as fun as taking a mosin
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    oh man, i need to take a moment to get some things off my chest and this thread seems like a good place to do so

    i am such a fucking autismo in social situations, its terrible. i'll act like a clown at school and work because i feel like nobody will like me, but most of the time the shit that i spew out of my mouth ends up making people think of me as obnoxious or loud or whatever but when im with my friends at home or at their house or whatever i act completely different. my grandma views me as an introvert when in big social situations im anything but that.

    also, i have this stupid immature problem with authority. i gave a manager lip at work, 10 minutes later im fired. they made up a sexual harassment allegation as grounds to fire me, when it dodnt happen, purely because i dont know when to keep my mouth closed and just bite my tongue. it gets me in trouble with my dad too, because im too much of a titty baby to just accept whatever bullshit my dad spews and not make a comment about it.

    can anyone here relate? i feel like im the only one who does dumb shit to compensate for feelings of insecurity and low self esteem
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    time to get bacc on the weight loss grind

    i went from 330 in mar 2016 to 265 and ive been at 265 for months now, i need to keep losing, im tired of being fat. i have a nice frame and decent musculature but being fat makes that invisible

    plus i'll be able to get my dick wet ayyyyyy
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    ill call aspca on you
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Right now I just always have it as an open tab on my phone

    im glad im not the only one

    i have this, /gif/, and various tabs of googled shit open at any given time
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    lmfao nice ND
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic That's another good reason to start a degenerate group. You meet people doing less illegal stuff, like just hanging around and getting fucked up, then once you know them for a while you can ask them if they know where to get whatever you're looking for.

    nobody is going to arrange that on here
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    i wish we could have a meetup thread for people who need connects but thats a partyvan waiting to happen
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    if i could have it my way, id want all drugs to be legalized and no longer scheduled/controlled by the govt but at the same time, regulations and standards that ensure a safe product. like, when you get a bottle of pills from the pharmacy, you are sure youre getting what they say youre getting and it isnt full of shitty byproducts or whatever. you'd be able to head down to the DRUGS STORE YIPPEE and buy a bag of dope without worry that what is in your bag is heroin. basically a marijuana dispensary for drugs. those people have guidelines they have to follow for public safety, and so should previously illicit drug manufacturers. that way, we get rid of the problems of overdosing from cuts/shifty product/misinformation as well as generate business and taxable revenue while getting rid of drugs niggers and gangs devoted to the sale of drugs. people can buy things in a safe, professional, worry-free environment and make sure their degeneracy is conducted in the most clean and healthy way possible
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    mexico would be ok if every member of every cartel system was brought into the astrodome and turned into red mist by the clatter of a thousand m60s raining death onto them (televised)
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by greenplastic I have no idea.

    just googled it and the answer is yes, they reproduce with leaves or cuttings
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    it already has a user friendly mobile view, just use that
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    succulents reproduce by budding, do they not? if what i think is true, just clone the plant with some of the parts of it, and then have a test group for various fertilizers.

    first, try miracle gro and adderall
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib i significantly doubt you've even tried the stuff. you're the type that would just say that because you feel like it.

    congratulations, you have been bamboozled by risir
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    ^ gettin ready for these cummiew tbh fam
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    spectral is a tired, confused middle aged autistic man who reminisces about better days

    hes napoleon dynamites washed up football uncle
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by RisiR Say that to my face.

    You don't scare me, kid.
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Cerakote onii-fam kawaii desu ka.

  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie VOLUNTARYISM FUCK YEAH!


    >voluntaryism is a philosophy that states all forms of human interaction should be voluntary

    how is this related or connected to my post?

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