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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby yaaaasss fam yaaaass!

  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    when i played tball i had dreams of making it to the bigly
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    red meat is the best thing to grace the human species

    theres nothing that gets me more erect than a medium well sirloin
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    how is your paki removal solution coming along
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump The bigly

  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump

  7. cerakote African Astronaut

  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    i would love to see gladiator fights between roided cokehead powerlifters

    all with swords and maces and shit just hammering the fuck out of everything
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    cwes of what
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I'd like a bigly large with pineapple, pepperoni, yogurt and scronaldo

    coming right up
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Discount Whore ITT a bunch of poor shitniggers say their favorite pizzas are the cheap ones because they can't afford to try anything else

    ive tried other ones but for keeping around the house when youre stoned because theyre so cheap
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by reject Damn son I bet you let your girlfriend fuck other guys too

    tfw no gf
  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    rhinovirus and coronavirus evolve too quickly and are too hardy to kill, so yes, everyone has had a fucking cold you goofball
  14. cerakote African Astronaut

    >having a static ip
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    maybe its specials
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by snab_snib i was taking a late night walk down the road to the gas station to get a pack of smokes and listen to an audio book once. a cop pulled up and asked what i was doing, and ran my name. at first i was annoyed, but when i thought about it, i realized that he was checking out people who were walking around in the dark at night around my house. and that's a good thing.

    i mean i get that this website is basically drug culture and alot of the people here, including myself, have done quite the list of illegal things but its still faggy to hate law enforcement officers who have a family and friends and who probably have done drugs themselves and just need to bring bread home

    i saw this webm on 4chan of a cops dashcam, he stops this guy on the highway, the officer is walking back to his car, and the guy gets out with an ar-platform rifle and just fucking ices the cop. you can even hear the cop pleading and whimpering before being shot again and killed by the guy. some nigger replied to it saying "fuck yeah, little piggy dies squealing, he got what he deserved" and FUCK that made my blood boil
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    depends on the 2nd language and the competence of the teacher

    i can speak a little spanish from taking 3 years of it in hs but i just cant say some of the words right because i have a texan drawl
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump What did I do. Fucking PI rat cowards.

    You can't face me on the streets.

    the only faggot autists who care enough to write down your ip are too beta and cucky to do anything but smirk and say "pshh nothin personnel kid"
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling yoh can u halp me owt wif a laced link i need dis niggas ip off u tube

    did he beat you in a trickshotting battle
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Jelly of your stupidity? Nigga' please. The purpose of this thread/what i was trying to accomplish with this thread was to rustle your jimmies. And from where i am sitting your jimmies look pretty rustled bro.

    xd i trolled u haha ur so mad xdd
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