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Posts by cerakote

  1. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the holy ghost i realized tiantepine in basically legal heroin sold in the same way K2 is. they market it as "a safe depression and anxiety treatment" but if you take it in it's convenient sized package it's a opiod overdose waiting to happen.

    you order 1 gram of opiates for 10g and nod repeatedly for 5$ (for people with opiate addiction, for me it's more like 1-2$). It's price is similar and the effects are the same but less euphoric.

    i overdosed and masturbated TWICE

    25g phenibut parents couldnt wake up then they did and i kept on collapsing while walking up the twice broke my nose and got seven stitches and i kept on bumping into shit

    alsd i realized this whole forum basically sponsors and hones my drug abuse and addictions with praise at my overdoses and degenerate moments. i think certain users do this specifically because they'd aldo laugh if i died. </3 heard broken.

    lmfao ur a casual
  2. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie What is the internet if not a network of people.

    tbh fam
  3. cerakote African Astronaut
    tfw no psilocybin grow op
  4. cerakote African Astronaut
    If they're a close friend, then nothing. If you try and get even you'll hate yourself for it. The first natural response is making them experience what they made you experience but once you do that, then what? Sure you got fucked over, but now theyre fucked just as bad, youre both hurt and bitter, and you lost a friend.

    However, if they're some random dickhead, show no mercy. I cant wait for the day some upstart fuckboy tries to rob me for my shit. I'm trashing that nigger. I see this one sleazy ass wigger posting on his snapchat all the time with a tool in his hand talking about hitting licks on people, and boy, it's gonna be so satisfying to put a bullet in him when he tries to stick me up for a couple hundred worth of L.

    Its only gonna get worse when the kitties start cooking up crank
  5. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by AngryOnion Whats a friend?
    Really what is the defining thing,Who is your friend?
    Who is just coworker? Is your boss your friend? Is it the girl at the corner Dunken Dounuts who is always glad to see you?
    Is it some asshole I met on the internet? that wants to steal my identity????
    Do you really want to know Who your "FRIENDS" are?
    People who trade favors for favors and are basically in it for themselves.
    You don't need friends, basically you can find what you need on Craigslist.
    That is all.

    how can you be this cynical? do you just not have any friends? i dont mean good acquaintances, im talking BROS. People who got your back and still talk to you in public around THEIR friends regardless of how spergy and autistic you are.
  6. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie I don't think there is one particular party trying to manipulate the rest. I think it's a combination of an uninformed and uneducated public, monolithic government and bullshit new PC "social rules". Combine it with the fact the majority of the native population of the west is getting replaced with fucking sand-niggers that can vote and leech welfare combined with low child-birth among whites and well…

    Soon the west will be the third world.

    yeah ^. dont want to get on a le redpill soapbox but if you dont see how the lefty faggots and pc culture are raping the west and its people to death then you need to wake the fuck up
  7. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by thelittlestnigger These are both parts of the change. Of course "the changer" wants us to become "limpwristed beta special snowflake faggots" because that type of individual is easily manipulated. The left comprises the largest set of out and right cucks which is where it plays a large part. But what is the obsession with transforming society into this archetype? What are the manipulations that they desire to impart upon mankind?

    its not a deliberate change, there isnt some master plan here, its just gradual pussification of the human race. its been an ongoing trend throughout all of history
  8. cerakote African Astronaut
    Work by A$AP Mob (Not the Ferg song, he does a whole different song to the beat of the one he put on Trap Lord)
  9. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie MACHINATIONS OF KIKERY >:(

    it is clearly another implementation of the global israeli regime

    Also ghost, make real life friends, internet friends arent a thing
  10. cerakote African Astronaut
    Why did you have to do that in the first place ghost

    Quit doing cuck drugs and being a loser
  11. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Telling us your score makes you an autistic snowflake tho…

    I didnt finish it, that was just the score i got from the last one of these "iq tests"

    If i wanted to really be a snowflake fucktard id get a mensa membership
  12. cerakote African Astronaut
    Its called cuck world

    Everyone gets encouraged to be a limpwristed beta special snowflake faggot

  13. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Well then you should be aware that deep in your heart you know that Hitler did nothing wrong.

    ex deeeee
  14. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie Oh sorry, didn't know you were a kike.

    Im a white german texan...

    Im literally the opposite of jedi
  15. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling scrwny i giv u permision to do whatever u wont

    who you calling scrawny boy

    im only 18 and i'm 6'3", 265lb, and my weiner is a respectable 6.5"
  16. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie >anti-Semite
    >implying that's bad

    >le funny jedis r bad!!! meme

    if you actually dislike jedis youre probably a living cancer cell
  17. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling calm down noob

    if you dont stop saying that im gonna tell on you
  18. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump No it would be 2 strips for that much, at least, you can go half a gram more but its not needed, it just needs to be tested is all, by me hopefully soon. 1 strip per box of 2400.

    You can use pretty much any caustic including crude home made from wood lye, not very strong unless you know what your doing though. The only stuff to avoid is liquid because it fucked up the entire reaction. A small amount of water can kick things off if nothing happens but too much and it wont reduce properly, you might get nothing at all with that much liquid. Only ALCOHOL isopropyl, naptha or something similar should be used.


    Microcrystaline cellulose is a bitch (MCC)
    Povidone is very strong
    Colorings, dyes, other things like acetaminophen, guaifenesin have to be removed seperately.

    Lots of waxes and water/base sensitive hidden reactants (why even eat these pills?) So much bloody garbage in themmm.. one sniff of pure pseudo and all those synthetic rubbers I work with all day blown into my face and lungs become dislodged and i can fucking breathe.

    To clean these pills you need strong boiling Xyelene, tetra and MEK, maybe some Laquer thinner with ethyl acetate and a gravity separation of pill mass in a narrow tube and multiple pulls from multiple vessels for high yielding extraction.

    fuck all that bullshit, im doing it like real white trash and 1bottling
  19. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by bling bling no i got banned from 99p store last year buyt they turnt it into a poundland so i think its safe

    "last year"
    fam just go in there again nobody fkin cares, cop as much as possible. id do that to my local stores but they dont have ANY pse meds

    also ez shoplifting
  20. cerakote African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sophie If there is one place i don't mind sub-zero temperatures it's my bedroom. Nothing like crawling into freezing sheets in your shorts and falling asleep to the tempo of your natural warming process.

    Also well, if i pay under the average this year i will get a shitload of money back so that's what i'm going for. What's more, if i just warm up one part of my apartment i will freeze whenever i go take a leak or traverse my living space to another room. I would rather have it all cold than all varying temperatures. Besides, i like cold better than heat anyway, i'm a fucking vampire and not a sparkly one either.


    i cant sleep unless im as icy as the diamonds on my neck

    then the kitties come curl up next to me and i get all comfy in my bed and im OUT nigga, schleep af

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