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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's just fine. It's a real issue but just leave it for the next generations to work on. We got enough to worry about it as it is (well some of us do. I personally don't) so just stop stressin'.

    The key to life is to leave the long-term issues to people down the line to figure out. This is also why you don't have kids so then you don't have to worry about them. If you do, that's fine, but try to make sure that they don't have any. You have to realize that your anything beyond maybe your great-grandkids are likely never even gonna know your name save for some random curiosity and research they might look into for a few days of their life, find it mildly interesting, and move on.

    What I'm saying is we don't really need to care as much about the future generations as the kids will do that for us. We need to just move to Jamaica, smoke our doobies and relax, MON.
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  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Neither were those hundreds of healthy people who were murdered for nothing but profit.

    Auto manufacturers build cars for profit knowing way more than 100 people a year die from them. Why don't you ever mention THAT?
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Lol there's one here that allows you to get buffet to go, basically whatever you can fit in one styrofoam to go container and I've seen dudes stacking them like 3 feet high of foods and carefully keeping it all balanced so it technically all fits in the box.

    And also yes I've heard of people bringing in big emptied out purses that they line with a plastic bag on the inside and FILL 'ER UP. it's not a bad idea honestly.

    Me personally I just take bottles of unique hot sauces and condiments that restaurants might have at their tables.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Today if I were him I'd have one of my advisors get me a big bag of mushies and I'd tell them to "handle the situation out there! What am I paying you for anyway?!" Then I'd go to a special room for the next few days and get fucked up and listen to music and clear my head and forget about everything.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Technologist Did I say the long term effects are a sure thing? Most and 1 in 3 is not a sure thing.

    You said MOST people his age have long-term side effects, and you said it like.. ha! Have fun with those!

    Regardless, maybe you are correct. And with that said, could it not also be correct that there are likewise, long-term negative side effects from the vaccine, or no?

    I'm saying this for both sides as well, not just picking on you specifically tech. If people here have reason to believe that the vaccine is bad and has lasting negative effects, they should also be willing to believe that covid-19 itself also has long-term effects.

    It just seems a little...peculiar.. to me when everyone can somehow find all these sources to back up what they want to believe and instantly discredit any that don't support their position.

    If it was so cut and dry we wouldn't have these fucking hundreds of pages of talking in circles of people saying IM RIGHT, no IM RIGHT.

    Everyone just wants to be right right right and when you dig in so hard and have labeled anyone who disagrees with you a retard, it hardly even makes it about the truth anymore, it makes it about doing anything and everything to defend your claims so that you yourself don't look like the retard that you claim everyone else to be. By YOU I am speaking generally not specifically.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Wait so long-term effects of covid-19 are a sure thing and reliable but long-term effects of the vaccine aren't an issue?

    That's a genuine question by the way. I am double vaxxed (a year ago) and haven't got covid ever so I'm not sitting here as an anti-vaxxer, but I'm curious why covid-19 is automatically unsafe long-term and the vaccine is supposed to be completely safe and effective.

    Can't there be some credibility to both sides. Can't any of you fuckers find some common ground to build off of? It's a little odd to sit around and think that one of you has all the right answers and everyone else has none of the right answers.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    lol I think Ive been to that exact restaurant. I recognize the engravings on the booths.

    A crispy Flour Shell with grilled Chicken, Steak, Shrimp, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions, Black Olives, and Avocado, topped with melted Cheese

    si senorita?
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by CandyRein no hablo español……


    lol Ich glaube, ich war in genau diesem Restaurant. Ich erkenne die Schnitzereien an den Buden.

    Eine knusprige Mehlschale mit gegrilltem Hähnchen, Steak, Garnelen, Salat, Tomaten, Zwiebeln, schwarzen Oliven und Avocado, garniert mit geschmolzenem Käse

    Ja Frau?
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Plese elbaorate.

    The title of the thread.

    Scron calls it a working man's special.

    I call it a bling bling because that's what bling bling always used to like doing.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Fucks sake I can't sleep. I really shouldn't have naps around 6pm cause I end up awake all night, FUCK!

    Fuck Winter

    You should stay up all night creating logic pussles
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm thinking of calling it "Normmmish"

    That would be a DEEP, POWERFUL homage. I second it.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Last time I ate at Red Lobster there were flies. Lol. Most people probably think that that's gross for an eating place (I'm not going to call RL a 'dining establishment' [and I also shortened it to RL to lessen it's value and show you how little I think of them]), and I suppose it is, but it's also funny.

    You just have to embrace the flies.

    See the flies.

    Be the flies.

    I went so far as to make... fliends, with several of them and even took one home to start a family. His name is Jeff. He's sitting on my shoulder right now.

    He loves you.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What a cool 😎 dude. Did you ever hang out with him talk about crazy glue related things? Maybe ever take a few pulls off the ol' G-Bag yourself? Eh? ...Eh?
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by STER0S can i come

    Let's you and me move in with them; sleep in their same bed with them and have sex with them.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I want to be the glue man.

    I love the glue man.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo I made my own color that has yet to be named. Try to imagine a sunset that's both underwater and in space

    I'm imagining a hodge podge kaleidoscope of colors all mashed into one apparent solid color that can only be seen by my third eye.

    You can of course name it whatever you want but for me, it shall be named 'Clummm' with three M's which are very important for reasons yet unknown.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I remember around the time I joined zoklet I used to fuck around with this virtual DJ software and for whatever reason tried remixing 'I Knew You Were Trouble' and sort of liked the song, especially the chorus. I'm not sure why.

    It gives me a funny nostalgia just thinking about it; I mustve listened to that song hundreds of times, and otherwise have barely ever listened to any of her music other than by happenstance from the radio or whatever.

    It kinda makes me wanna go buy a big bottle of Bundy and get weird.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yeah I should do something productive but I'm probably not going to.

    Life is weird. What the fuck do normal people do all day long when they're not working?

    I'm gonna tape a bunch of notes to my building entrance that say random shit about random people like "just so everyone knows, the dude in 22A literally eats his own feces. I saw him doing it." Or 'ATTENTION: the couple in apartment 8 havent showered in over 5 months. I know this because I'm the maintenance man and forgot to fix it 5 months ago.'
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by SEGA Nigga Drive Yup. Your fingernails grow much faster than your toenails. I just mean that if I neglect to do them for some weeks then they become visible noticeable. I do like it when I have 10 freshly clipped little pigglers wigglin'.

    Yeah the feeling when I forget to clip the toesies and like, somehow walk barefoot weird and feel a toenail end up tapping a hardwood floor makes me want to PUKE.
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