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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You are like the vulture that sits on the telephone pole looking down on a dying carcass and examining its chances from afar. But you're even worse, because you're right close up, with that big hole in your face, and those ugly bags under your eyes, and your sour puss.

    This, quite frankly, is a grand compliment. You and snib snab are handing out compliments disguised as insults lately.

    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by RisiR † Now we got a thread.

    I wish I knedw more dude. I mean I know everything there is to know about football, I just don't know the leagues and players all that well. Like your fucking 3rd tier bundisliga or whatever. lol. I used to bet on that shit without knowing anything about it. Who's your one awesome German player I can't remember. You actually have 2 of them, I think, from what I recall from the German natinoal team.
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  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I just watched like 2 hours of knuckleball penalty shots from European FUTBOL ass you faggots call it. Ronaldo is a sick man. I love that shit. I mean soccer is boring as all fuck, and I'm one to appreciate sports and I really do, but the only thing to appreciate from soccer are sick ass bending shots and surgical passes from near and around the box , within the uh, the PITCH, as you call it I guess. HAHA
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    When I see someone smoking I am going to SMASH THEIR CIGS ON THE GROUND.
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    "I repeat the same posts on a site I profess to hate because I'm secure and confident in myself and love life"

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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Dargo I notice he and RisiR never post at the same time.

    I've literally seen them both make posts at the exact same time.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL People have gotten me wrong on that for years. A kidiot post is a post that adds nothing to the thread, such as the posting of a repetitive graphic again and again, with the intent to disrupt the thread's conversation, or meaningless graffiti, which is posted again and again, in a feeble effort to flood the discussion with garbage. Kidiot spam is not posts you just don't like. You say his posts are all identical, save for a few minor changes, but that's not really the truth. You just don't personally like his posts, but that doesn't make them kidiot spam. To compound that, most of the reason why he posts like he does is because of the shitty "liberal moderation" here. Kidiot spammers, such as I described here, are tolerated and even encouraged. Now, take Rodent, for example, deliberately flooding his cute little gifs across several discussion forums, with the single intent to disrupt the conversations therein. Now, THAT IS kidiot spam, which should be dealt with severely, appropriately, and promptly. It's basically an attack on the site. A flooding attack. and why in the flying fuck should we allow kidiot flood attacks here? If they can't hold their own in a thread without resorting to childish tactics, then they should GTFO, or we should be helping them to GTFO, if they can't help themselves.

    You know as well as I do that his sexual innuendo posts are exclusively intended to disrupt the thread. They NEVER have anything to do with the original post and will often times just pop up in a thread that was otherwise on topic. Because he changes the words around you are ok with this, but tdr doing a similar thing, you take exception to? You could say that TDR posts the way he does for the very same reason that Jill posts the way she does, really.

    You're right, I personally don't like his posts because they're the same fucking post over and over and over. TDR responds to these posts with the like, and that's when threads become garbanzos because Jill had to come around and fuck up smooth running threads with his need to exercise his little elementary-tier butt jokes. I am ASTONISHED that you defend him and actually LIKE his trash posts. You say he posts like that because of the liberal moderation... and you're very well right. How does that make it any better? Why don't YOU disrupt the majority of threads with random sexual insults toward people? You're suggesting that's an ok thing to do, why don't you?
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The site in general and the flow of threads and comments seems to run much smoother, like a silk river.

    Funny how that works.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by infinityshock everything you just typed clearly shows your wholly twisted and out of touch with reality mindset. it all depicts one thing: your assumption i give half a glittering turd about your…much less anyone elses…opinion.

    Nice try bitch. If you didn't care about us you wouldn't keep posting here.
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Darth Beaver I think you would have to just shove it the rest of the way through and cross your fingers.

    that makes sense too. Sometimes, for whatever reason, and your post here that Im replying to is that reason, you remimnd me of mr Zodiac ArmsMerchant.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I grant permission.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Dicks up for spectral's middle school gym teacher.
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    monster cookies

    in one dish mix together in this order

    4 cups sugar

    6 cups brown sugar

    1.5 lbs melted margarine

    18 eggs

    2 jars melted peanut butter

    1.5 tablespoons vanilla extract

    In a separate container:

    2 gallons of oatmeal

    4 T baking soda

    4 T baking powder

    6 cups chocolate chips

    8 cups m&ms


    Yields 32 big ass kookies.

    ENJOY :D
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Phoenix
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    What's the fucking STREET SMARTS IQ test? Is there a standardized official one of those? I want everyone here to take a street smart IQ test. Involving hood life, drug terms, probation, incarceration, killing your boy for an oz of coke, etc. Just cuz you know what 89x3 is doesn't mean you know how to avoid giving 3 weeks of breakfast trays to Martin cuz your dumbass didn't know how to bid correctly in a game of pinochle, FAGGOT.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby are literally such a cuck coward bitch all the time?

    it's a fair question. I've never read a mash post int he last 3 years that isn't essentially literally retarded.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    It's not even funny anymore.

    I go play free poker once or maybe twice a week at a place that keeps score of those who take 7th or better, and you can gain those points to use toward entries toward larger tournaments. Here I am, me, going every fucking week just for fun to have a few ales and bullshit with the crowd, maybe win a little gift card here and there, and lo and behold, every fucking time I play I finish in the top 7 and often finish top 4 and lately top 2, all while becoming nearly BLACKOUT drunk by the time I get to the final table of 9 people. I piss my chips aweay at that point because I'm just drunk and happy and uncaring. I care more about just laughing with the dude next to me and I'll forget all about the hand I'm even in.

    Point is, I'm a smart poker player and do well for myself. If I were to play the game without drinking I might be able to actually make a living from it. Unfortunately, drinking and poker go hand in hand for me so I have to find the right balance or some shit. The spot where I stop drinking and play smart. Because OI always play smart. It's weird.
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    LEFTIST. RIGHTIST. Who came up with these shits? I say I identify as a leftist because I guess I'm not a racist shit and I appreciate the inherent beliefs of others. That's where I will, until proven otherwise, choose to advocate for the lives of people on this same earth we were all equally born into without choice.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The only true insults tear at the core of people who have professed ednough about themselves to feel such infliction.

    Like as awesome as FAGGOT is as an insult, it's obviously easily just laughed off and looked at as the equivelant of butthead.

    But some know how to cut me to the core, to insult my confidence, my alcoholism, my integrity.

    That's the only way to insult someone, to cut their core of what they already feel unconfident about, you fucking FAGGOTS. :) Get it?

    AHAHAHAHAHHA. I love drinking. I'll die like my dad did. Give me liver and kidney failure or give me death!
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    jk anyway see u tomrrow night bois love you
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