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Thanked Posts by mmQ

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Some people say the worst think about Obbe is the hypocrisy…

    Nah it's definitely the scheming.
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  4. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I wish him ill will though.

    Lol I hope he dies.

    Ahaha please die?
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  5. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by -SpectraL They don't call him the Pole Cat for nothing.

    I always figured it was because he gets gassy when he feels threatened.
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  6. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Feeling like making a power batch of macaroni and cheese with all sorts of fun add-ins but I'm gonna wait to prepare it until I'm so hungry I feel like I'm about to die, so it'll tasted that much more enjoyable.
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  7. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Solstice Really grasping at fucking straws now huh

    "Now if you watch Biden closely you can see how when he smiles with what would appear to be a sarcastic smile whenever Trump says something retarded, its actually a deflective smile harboring deep seeded personal childhood issues and a complete lack of confidence likely related to those issues which likely took place during his schoolyard recess sessions specifically at age 7 or 8, as I can see from the curvature of the smile. Now as you watch Trump, you'll notice how he doesnt ever smile, indicating sound mental health and a complete embodiment of integrity and morality."
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  8. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo I asked hiki about his life and he reverted into talking about VR as a defence mechanism. I broke him and it was very easy. It's literally what CWC the sonichu guy did after being trolled mercilessly. Hiki is gettin close to role playing in a dream world folks, stay tuned

    Its a fruitless effort but at the very least a good little mental exercise to occasionally engage with him in a semi-serious manner. It's a little frustrating that you cant talk someone into developing even a remote sense of self-awareness. Like you said, the defense mechanisms are strong with this one. Probably a fortress at this point that would take hundreds of exhaustive hours to attempt to break through.
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal Normie wage slaves are so deeply brainwashed they feel violent hatred for anyone living outside the system.

    I feel for people like you.

    I once spoke to this negro janitor at a hotel and when I mentioned how wonderful society would be without work he got so offended in a way a person would if you attacked their religion or made a rude comment about their children.
    It's really bizarre.

    Well your mom must be a normie wage slave to be able to restock your alcohol and pay for your sustenance, no?
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  10. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Sudo Hiki, Is your mother a drinker too? That would explain a lot.

    Do you even need to ask? 99% chance they often drink together for at least a little while each night, when they're not busy nursing the previous day's hangovers or fucking their respective black men/pillow girls in the privacy of their own rooms.
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  11. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Is that supposed to look like you because somehow it kind of does.
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  12. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Chore Boys
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  13. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by MexicanMasterRace What if the mother needs healthcare to get an abortion??

    There will be no abortions on my watch. I'm making it illegal. I'm also abolishing child support. Single parents will now have to pay a yearly fee to retain ownership of their children.
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  14. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by aldra never heard the expression 'taking' someone off the rails before

    seems a bit gay

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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by POLECAT

    I watched a random 3 minutes in the middle. He showed the clip where Biden was trying to an answer a question in his 2 minutes and Trump interrupted him and got shushed 3 times in a 20 second period, then Trump says to Joe "you just lost the left."

    Your video guy then said that it was all calculated, everything Trump was doing that seemed childish, was actually calculated. His reason he thinks Trump won was because he didnt approach the debate as an actual civilized debate with a focus on himself or his platform, but rather as a strategic game to get Biden to say something to hurt himself.

    I guess that could be true. I dont know that I can just simply prescribe to the fact that Trump wasnt being childish and interruptive because he couldn't help himself. Lol.

    But, assuming that it was all intentional, this guy is saying Trump's entire strategy hinges on that, and that the majority of voters are just gonna blindly vote their side for broader reasons rather than specific, well-studied reasons, which I would agree is basically the case. Biden and the left are certainly doing the same thing. Smear campain-esque. Point out your opponents faults and focus on that.

    But if I was an undecided voter, theres absolutely nothing that Trump said or did that would've brought me to his side. Unless he thinks I'm massively retarded and I have to vote for him because of the way he said to Joe "you just lost the left." I'm sure theres some idiots out there who would be swayed by little things like that though.

    If anything that debate made me less inclined to vote for either of them and I do find it amusing this guy made an hour long video trying to break it all down like it wasnt just a shit show but actually an elaborate game of chess. I'm a fan over analyzing but sometime a spade is a spade. I could actually easily make an hour long video breaking down why Biden won, if I had reason and was motivated to.

    At the end of the day it's getting old having people tell me what I should believe anyway, and that I'm ignorant and blind to the truth if I don't see things their way. Everyone feels that way about what they believe, to some degree, but a mind should always be open. As soon as we close it off to an "I'm smart and woke and 100% right and you're just fucking stupid and brainwashed" I know it's become cringe-territory. Sure I'll still find myself arguing certain things as though I'm absolutely right, but I carry a little asterisk that says *despite any passionate view or belief, my mind is open to shifting those... If a person cant say that then theres really no point in "discussing" anything with them anyway. If I know you wouldnt ever consider a different viewpoint, why ever even waste a breath trying to convince you?

    And I'm 100% right about everything I just said. All day every day.
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  16. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting Look who they sent to challenge him, Magic Underpants.

    The system is rigged, it's so obvious to anyone who isn't invested in it.

    Your response is typical though, and demonstrates the great strength in setting up a system based on two sides that pretend to be in opposition to each other.
    "The system is rigged" "Well what about the Republicans Star Trek? What about Anna Spyzs"

    M8 I'm not saying that it ISNT rigged. It was just an obvious point that both sides do it. I think sometimes people like to forget to conveniently forget that when trying to make that exact point regarding the current president.

    Orange man bad is a meme for a

    Thank Obama is a meme for a reason.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by 🐿 You're literally the worst poster here man.

    What about my Johnathan Taylor Thomas teen heartthrob poster?
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  18. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Indiana-Is-Eternal You're the only one being arrogant

    "Durr you only drink three beers once a week? WELL I'VE BEEN TO THE HOSPITAL! You don't know anything!"

    That's literally what you're doing repeatedly in this thread, and basically always.

    "You dont know about this... you dont know about that...only I do. I know way more about this, I have it way worse regarding that...

    Theres a reason you and warirat are buddies here because you're both alike in that you're mentally incapable of having a normal discussion or receiving advice without automatically feeling threatened. Fragile egos deluxe.

    Ok you have vision issues from drinking too much. Cool. Nobody has ever experienced your plight man wow I guess I'll start sending my thoughts and prayers your way from now on.
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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I wish all presidential candidates had to run anonymously as random strings of numbers, and they couldn't talk out loud leading up to the election. All public or television appearances would be performed by a surrogate who would read whatever they had to say in a monotone zero emotion voice.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    I definitely cringed for most of it but mindlessly listened to all of it in the background. I couldn't handle watching it because I kept getting anxiety when Biden was talking and he'd start to slip on a word and I felt personal embarrassment for him.

    Trump didnt do anything out of the ordinary so I didnt really have any strong feelings about his part. Obviously nothing he said or did was even remotely surprising.

    Chris Wallace was a joke even granted what he had to deal with. Way too painfully obvious that hes biased, not that it wasnt obvious already, but if you're moderating the presidential debate for the entirety of amerixa on live tv at least try to APPEAR to be objective.

    I had some good laughs though. Just hearing biden and trump talking at the same time loudly while Wallace repeated "Mr. President, Mr. President!" was comical. Obviously I wasnt the only one who felt like he was just watching a random youtube video of some toddlers in a fight. I guess Biden kept his composure a bit more but I'm sure that was his gameplan.

    I hate both of them. Thank you.
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