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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sploo, if you basically live in the computer anyway, wouldn't it be cool to control it in a more fundamental way? Why don't you get into programming, there's a lot of logic involved so you might enjoy it, plus you can create some cool stuff if you get good at it.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I signed up for Angelfire accounts way back in the day(10+ years ago) and I get like 20GB of storage space. I also get free access to the advanced editor that usually costs money.

    Twenty gigs is pretty decent, do you still have this FTP server out of curiosity?

    How much space do you need and how open will people be downloading files?

    I don't need all that much maybe 5 gigs tops initially, but i'll take as much as i can for the least amount of money. I also imagine that if people will want to download the content i am providing they will probably do so in the open. I plan on using it for storing project files some tools that sort of thing.

    There are alternatives. I had an idea a while back for storing things online, and then a program would collect them and put the file together. I'll explain when I am at home.

    Please do i'd be interested to know.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't smoke weed anymore but i did take 150mg of oxy today, feels good man.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm pretty weird in general but if i had to think of something to post ITT i'd say it's pretty weird that i enjoy the taste of anti-biotics. They're tasty as fuck to me for some reason. Ever since i was a kid and i had to get this anti-biotic syrup have i loved the taste.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It has always been a cardinal rule that avatars must not exceed 32x32. Your request is unorthodox.

    32x32 is pretty small on a high resolution screen though.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You can setup a free FTP server on your own box and host files from there. Serv-U.

    Yeah that's true, but i'd rather not use my own box for reasons of operational security.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Got any good free ones? Maybe i can sign up for free site hosting as well and use the FTP that comes with that.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You want malicious javascript or something similar then, i suck at javascript, lol. I'll tell you what, how about a website that installs a reverse TCP meterpreter? You could make a website and host it, and i'll point my social engineering toolkit at it to rip it and embed a meterpreter with your IP, so that you can run a handler on your machine. I'll give you the files, and you can host it again at school or wherever. Then when people go to visit the site you've created they will recieve a notification that they have to update java, when they click ok, the payload will be delivered, once you open a handler on your own computer or a computer under your control, you will own the infected computer. Oh by the way, i also got neutrino botnet, if we set up a C&C we could infect the school network and use it for DDoS attacks etc.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's pretty good.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ITT Specktroll cries for moar rules.

    Spectral only wants more rules so that we get in trouble if we post his toothless face of horrors. Tough shit specfag.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    how so?

    "science isn't real" -Bill Krozby

    That's why.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, the reason we lost members is because when idiosyncrafag shut down the fern a lot of people were like: fuck it.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, I don't. What's stopping anyone from posting CP?

    Law enforcement but personally my respect for Lanny.

    What's stopping anyone from posting member PI?

    Nothing and rightly so, public information is just that, public information.

    Just those two things alone drive off members.

    Name one person who it has driven off this website.

    That's why we lost many members, because nobody wants to post at a place where there are no rules against posting CP and PI.

    [SIZE=26px]The Rules[/SIZE]
    1. No content which will get Lanny arrested. I'm not a fucking lawyer so I don't know what the fuck that really boils down to but we're going to play it by ear. When the cops show up at my door or I wake up with a C&D notice in my mail I'm going to be mad. When I see things which will obviously land me in jail (like child porn (the real kind)) I'll delete it.

    CP would get Lanny arrested.

    In addition, when users can just post in any old forum whatever they please, that dilutes the focus on the discussion topics to the point where it's just one big mess of garbage.

    It's not bad at all, the general forums are full of general discussion and the specialty forums as far as they are being used are pretty much ontopic. Take for instance the tech forum, it's pretty much all ontopic discussion.

    That's not inviting and does not attract members, either old or new.

    Personally i think even if we had basic rules, we wouldn't attract new members anyway. There are far bigger and more popular specialty forums that basically offer anything we have to offer but do it better.

    For drugs you can go to shroomery or bluelight, for tech you can go to several forums specialising in that, such as hackforums or evilzone, there are forums that have to do with crime and there's reddit for discussion on all things already mentioned and more. As it stands, we're basically here because we all know eachother from way back when, we do not have the popularity nor the sheer amount of content other forums can provide. Hell even if all you want to do is shitpost all day long you can go to the chans where everyone is basically doing the same.

    Basic rules serve a practical purpose, and should not be disregarded or considered without merit.

    Basic rules would work better if we actually had the amount of people needed to populate the specialty forums, in that case it would be prudent to set up some guidelines. Since we do not, having strict rules will probably only stifle activity in general.

    Besides, no one is keeping you here, you could always pack your proverbial bags and set up shop at sanctuary.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I should have said benevolent. Lanny is a benevolent dictator.

    I'm sure you agree that having Lanny as admin with no rules except for no illegal content, is better than Arnox or anyone else with a bunch of rules that could potentially be abused.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No fuck you, if Lanny shuts this site down where the fuck are we gonna' go? I'd much rather have OGbloodcomptonnigga Lanny as admin than that fucking dragonfag Arnox, fuck Arnox.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I dunno, do you have pictures of 11yo Ashley?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your settings, including PMs, have been disabled. I'm sure Lanny will fix it soon.

    Something to do with the cache, vB5 sucks but Lan fixed it.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    science isn't real

    You're an idiot.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Torrents might be a good idea, i like to use this torrent search engine.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Because Lanny configured the time people stay logged in to over 9000 days.
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