User Controls

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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    just use sc create from the commandline … do it from batch or use a system call from within python

    Yes, i'm going to use a system call.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My bloodwork comes in tomorrow, i'll tell you if i'm going to die as well. And if i do i'll think about you before i go, we'll be together forever in death mQ, forever
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I used to work/go to school with this russian-israeli former IDF soldier (I think he was a tank operator) and he was a nice guy, smart and a wizard with a soldering iron, but every now and then I got the impression he had been involved in organized crime of some sort. You pick up the chronology of people's lives in bits and pieces but he talked about being a kid now and then, about his time in the military, but he was like mid 30s when I knew him and he served when he was 18 and I never heard anything about what he did between getting out of the military and coming to the US. There were other little thing that just seemed off now and then. Mind you it could just be paranoia but I've always been kinda curious. Never asked though since with or without a criminal history I wouldn't want to be on his bad side.

    Russian mob doesn't mess around blood. Also, did you watch the clip? At some point they go to Holland to get weed, i know because the gas pump had dutch writing and i saw a dutch police car. Kek, these guys are awesome in general as far as music is concerned they're called Kaspiiski Gruz, which means Caspian freight in Russian, bretty cool.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A project is always the best way to learn.

    I agree.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Tl;Dr / most important: You can send console commands from python with os.system()

    Well in linux there are a few different places you can place a program to run at boot. In theory all you would need to do is place the script in a certain directory or add a path to it. A lot of it varies, even by window manager. Depending on where it goes will determine when it is run and what user (the regular user or root) is running it. For linux at least, this brings up an interesting question. Do you need to be root to run your script? If not this would be a big advantage because you could place it in the WM specific location which for me at least does not require root. If you need to be root you'd need to place it in the right place for that. You'd have to experiment a bit with different distros to find a good universal'ish place that works. And you'd have to either elevate somehow or have the user run as root. Again if you snuck it into a regular looking program it would probably work.

    Word. Also, the service itself doesn't need to run nor install as admin.

    Ok, windows you should be able to open a console through python:
    and have it be like interacting with the command prompt. I'm not totally sure how this is handled in windows, but it should run it silently. On linux this lets me do bash commands, and presumably if I had a different shell it would send to that). Also you cannot change to admin once cmd.exe has been opened, I would guess that if you elevated to admin within python and then sent console commands with os.system() they would have admin rights. And then you could run those cmd commands (probably the schtasks one with the xml would be the thing to do) through python before or while the main program is downloading. (The command itself definitely works, as I said didn't test if it technically ran as admin or not (but the person claimed it did). Your program doesn't require admin to install, what about to run? Either way you could both add to startup and disable the uac which should let anything run silently as admin.)

    In linux you'd have to do the same thing, but os.system(write_my_script_here) or whatever linux equivalent thing you have to do is.

    Nice, i'm going to look into os.system, since i currently call on the service handler from within my script a user gets to interact with the command line to install it. If i can pass console commands from within my script to the command line, i may be able to provide the options that install it from there.

    Fugg that's pretty crazy, didn't know you could do that. What I meant was that the method I'm describing above might prompt the user twice, once for the initial install and once for python requesting elevated permissions. People are pretty well conditioned from the fucking annoying installers that it probably wouldn't make them suspicious anyways.

    Yeah man, i read about it in book on python.

    If you're interested here's my take on a script that inject DLL.

    On windows the script i linked automatically gets the PID of internet explorer and injects a DLL of my choosing into it. The problem is it can only inject into x32 processes so sometimes when there are multiple instances it picks the wrong one. Anyway if it works it's pretty cool.

    Top kek.

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    В 16 помню че-то потерял, Уверенно втирая за лайф, бля, взрослым парням. Вгляделся, заметив зло в глазах, Я понял точно, что я потерял, бля, страх. Так годы шли, меня пытались лишить Кто-то по-мелочи, а кто-то по-крупному жизни, Но наша речь уладит многое в этой связи. Спасибо, Господи, что мне подвесил язык. Я как, бля, сыр прошел через столько терок Ни разу не валяясь у заборов, Не нагружаю тело смертью. Пока мне не светит Четное число гвоздик и одинокий ветер. Соберемся, затрем, ведь нам пока в сырую рано. Пусть пока пули в стволах, а стволы в карманах. Есть пока слова в башке, есть слова на устах, Есть о чем сказать, есть словарный запас И парни этим пользуются не слабо Дабы, не столкнуть, бля, твое тело с дамбы. Не то, чтоб я за мир, я за ровный базар Хули ты светишь Брабусом прямо в глаза? И все же кто-то оставит на память Пару дыр на шинах и от удара вмятину. Не успели врубить дипломатию Слова сэкономили, пули потратили. На баварских моторах по прикаспийским просторам Давим в пол до упора вдоль колючих заборов. Пули на лобовом оставляют узоры И если че, то скорой дождемся не скоро. Поры мыслят одинаково, мыслят хором Но шепотом все разговоры Братан, давай без имен Пересечемся на нейтрале и перетрем, А то вопрос не решенный, не это не телефонный. Есть люди в теме, есть люди в системе, Мы и с этими и с теми по одной схеме. Но те, кто в теме, мы с теми будем, А те, кто в системе, в основном, не люди. Мы по жизни говорим, а не болтаем И наша прямая речь самая прямая И все разговоры в упор Это набор слон, но необходимый набор. Обочины дорог, пустыри, дворы Не вынимая из кобуры Позвонили, забили Поговорили, забыли А тут горазды разложить, если внатуре кумарят Горазды путать берега, но не путать педали. Не то, чтобы предки так воспитали, жизнь - кольцо Если кромсают не по делу, так кромсают лицо Тут за ремесло так трут, но и кишечник тонкий Левый ?????, если в промежности запахло пизденкой Ты ж не телка, но откуда изо рта простуда Эта как? А эта так, как твоя жизнь залупа Понял, губа не дура, что бы не сказали так Расклады трое к одному Не, не напугали Да, я бы забрался далеко, но я дружу с мозгами, Как две стороны медали у танцующих ноздрями Труба лишним не станет, не станем бить баклуши Да, детство закончилось, блять, Да, сука, чем ты слушал И вас таких тут дохуя за разговоры все душат Но этот бред в лучшем - ссанина в уши.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What would your opinion on the long term use of antipsychotics for cognitive enhancement alongside the treatment of schizophrenic/schizotypal symptoms?

    Almost all atypicals do good things for the brain; protecting neurons from excitotoxicity, attenuating damage caused by ischemic strokes, reducing microglial activation, increases in brain-derived neurotrophic factor and nerve growth factors, antioxidant activities, reducing memory deficits induced by PCP and dopamine receptor damage from methamphetamine, etc… but at the same time they also cause brain tissue shrinkage over time, which has been associated with the course of psychotic disease but also with antipsychotic treatment itself. As well as tardive dyskinesia which could be permanent, and metabolic side effects.

    Let me use an analogy to convey my thoughts about these drugs. If i'm in a medical coma on anasthetics 24/7/365 i'm not going to be uncomfortable, and i probably have a reduced chance of getting in a car accident as well, not to mention i'm already in the hospital should my body crap out on me. But, does it generally improve my standard of living? No it doesn't, of course anti-psuchotics will prevent neurotoxicity, because they prevent the neurons from getting excited in the first place. Of course something could be said for it's effects in helping mediating damage caused by other drugs. But to include a regimen of anti-psychotics in your daily nootropics would not yield a net-benefit when you factor in the reason why it is helpful and the reasons why it may be destructive in the long run.

    Do you think being on a sizable dose of antipsychotics for an extended period of time would do more good than harm or more harm than good for someone who isn't outright hallucinating UFOs and shit

    People who are psychotic or schizophrenic have an over active dopamine system so yes i think iot would be good.

    For a while I had my nootropic regimen down pretty well: sertraline for enhanced 5ht signaling and therefore neurogenesis, mirtizapine promoting neurogenesis by indirectly affecting 5ht due to the related catchetolamine norephinephrine being affected which also might play some role, valproic acid which grows GABAergic interneurons

    Sertraline binds with the 5-HT transporter while mirtizapine binds to the receptor as an antagonist/inverse agonist in the case of 5-HT receptors taking both at the same time seems counter-productive. Since on the one hand you're pumping more 5-HT out of the transporter but you're stopping a lot of that excess 5-HT from binding due to the fact that mirtizapine has a pretty high affinity for the same receptors.

    Also, i am not sure how much 5-HT is involved in neurogenesis.

    which can help control faulty or overexcited signals, and is a powerful inducer of ERK-pathway related nerve growth

    I think you got the relation between ERK and GABA backwards. ERK regulates GABA.

    aririprazole for the positive effects of antipsychotics with a reduced chance of tardive dyskinesia and some mild euphoria due to the partial dopamine agonism, and dextroamphetamine which I think worked synergistically with the sertraline and mirtizapine (SSRI and NaSsa) for the release of additional catchetolamines, as well as dextroamphetamine's effect on dedritic sprouting.

    That's cool, but if you're taking anti-psychotics together with catecholamines releasers/re-uptake inhibitors you're going to mess up the binding at certain sites.

    Now I'm only on bupropion 100mg which sadly reduces BDNF levels but prevents neurogenesis reductions in mice induced by chronic restraint stress which is supposed to analogous to stress in humans, overall it has a brain-friendly effect and feels sort of like cocaine so it's worth it, 50mg of lamictal as a mood stabilizer, valproic acid would be better for the purpose of brain growth but it can also cause baldness and shit like that, but it still helps. Now I'm getting put on risperdal because I talked about how ashley deserves to die and I mentioned that I go telepathic sometimes chu no. Apparently the most effective atypical for psychosis, I'm unsure if that's due to nerve promoting effects or it's a high efficacy dopamine antagonist and that's about it. Also have a multivitamin and 6000mg of fish oil every day keep my networks WD-40'd.

    Toxic psychiatric medication wishlist:
    Wellbutrin + Strattera + Abilify + Buspirone + Lamictal + Low dose naloxone (look it up, think rebound effects) + Sertraline

    Nigger i know all about ULD naloxone, also lol abilify. What's more, you don't want strattera, it's all the jitters of stimulants without the actual nice dopamine feeling.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When I'm being polite it's because that's what I am URL unless given a reason not to be. Do when you see me being polite here it's simply a sign that I'm being serious and not shitposting for the sake of shitposting. But I will bookmark the links and use them to kill time while I wait for shit at the VA.

    Sure thing man.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    you know it, blood
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I miss mizled.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    random name generator

    in TERA you can play as a loli race

    Lewl, loli master race.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yeah exactly it's kind of boring. The cool thing scapy can do is create packets at any/multiple layers. You could create an IP() packet. Or specify ETH()/IP()/TCP()/HTTP() and configure every aspect of the frame. So the lower layers I could see for LAN tomfoolery, but I'm sure there are even more interesting things you could do at the upper layers. Since everything of this stuff stems from making requests that either directly fuck with something or analyze the response for vulneribilities this would save the time of having to manually creating a packet. You can just create the object and go. Seems like you would need a very in depth knowledge to do anything real tricky with http though. I'm just rambling at this point, but I think it does have potential to be used in almost anything.

    That's good shit.

    See what I found on running it as a windows service, not sure if it's helpful or not.

    I have and have posted a reply.

    Beyond that, looks pretty slick.

    Thank you.

    I do want to get a better understanding of your key logger code and the concepts in general. As you said before there are a lot of pieces that go into a rat / botnet.

    Indeed, like i mentioned in the other thread though the original backdoor was actually written by bytebleeder on github, i just made it more functional by adding modules for persistence and whatnot. I'm no coding god but i think i have a decent understanding of the original code in general so if you have a specific question i'll try to answer it for you.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So I know fuck all about windows and the specifics, but I'm assuming the end goal is the program runs as admin at boot?

    Lets talk Linux then, end goal is to deamonize my program, so that it A) Starts at boot, B) Always runs in the background.

    You don't specify (and I don't know if it's possible or impossible) if the user will be prompted for admin rights during the initial infection.

    I don't need to, i don't even need to run my command promt as admin if i install my service from the command line. I just want my service to install itself.

    Since the concept is to pack it into another executable I assume you are ok with this.

    Endgame is application in malware so i am ok with this.

    Looks like there are 2 things you can do and you might need to do some combo.
    First see:
    This uses the cmd

    schtasks /create /tn "start notepad on login" /xml startnotepad.xml
    and the xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?>
    <Task version="1.2" xmlns="">
    <Principal id="Author">
    <Actions Context="Author">

    To run the program notepad at boot. Now the answerer claims that it will run things as admin. I couldn't verify this because in task manager admin tasks appear to show up as the normal user. (I ran cmd as admin and task manager didn't reflect this process any differently). Assuming the answerer was correct that this runs with admin privileges then it's all there is.

    This is a pretty interesting concept, but the question would be, how would i apply this through python?

    You could also disable the notifications that prompts the user.

    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v EnableLUA /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
    C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\System32\reg.exe ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

    This still requires a reboot despite what the person said. This would allow you to elevate privileges without informing the user, but since it requires a reboot it probably wouldn't be very helpful. I can't actually think of how this would help you at all.

    Doesn't matter wether this is useful in the context of the thread, having these registry locations/entries will come in handy in the future, thanks.

    You should also look into modifying the group policy via command. That's what I used to autostart programs in the past. The commands secedit /something /something and gpupdate /force (should turn up a few SO questions) look like the way to modify the group policy through cmd.

    That's pretty interesting as well however i don't want to interact with the command prompt i need my program to install itself as a service programmatically.

    If you look at one of the answers in the second question you could maybe even piggy back of them accepting the first time to prevent multiple requests for the user to accept.

    If we're going to piggy back on anything i don't even need to elevate to admin, i'd use python to inject shellcode into a process that already has admin privilege. To get the desired end result though i'd have to code my malware in assembly, convert to bytearray, inject into privileged process and repeat every time at boot. I could also inject dll, but i believe dll's are written in C and i don't really know C let alone assembly, kek.

    Not sure if this is helpful, I'm genuinely curious if there is a legitamite way to elevate or force something to run at boot without elevated permissions to begin with.

    Not sure if there is a way either, but i found your post pretty interesting so thanks, i appreciate it.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    yeah, they go to the doctor and stuff, I don't though unless I am trying to get pain pills or whatnot

    I think your kids are going to be pretty sad when you suddenly die of a heart attack. Whatever though, don't go to the doctor, lulz.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    screw pistols and rifles,

    we will be using hell cannons and looted manpats like the dirty arabs do

    Hell cannons are fucking awesome.

    I will be using medium-sized holes in the ground of wooded areas covered with twigs and leaves. Enjoy your sprained ankles motherFUCKERS.

    Stick some sharpened sticks in there while you're at it.

  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    While I appreciate the effort you put forth in this reply and most of you non-shit posting posts, without having read the references you generously supplied (I will but not while drinking) when you say security will be handled by private security firms I read privatization of government.

    Psht, stop being so polite. I suppose you could say that in ancap the various elements of government are individually privatized for sure. But yeah mostly what i posted is in reference to the ideas and principles behind anarcho-capitalism and it's a pretty compelling read if you ask me. So if you're bored one day, i'd recommend some of the materials i posted.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My father had a heart attack at 40 as well and his mom died of heart disease when she was 50. Heart disease runs in my family as well, just today though i went to the hospital to give blood so that it can be examined for signs of too high cholesterol and stuff like that.

    I smoke and take drugs but i'll be damned if i die when i'm 40.

    Oh that made me realize, you should have your kids checked as well, if you care for them...
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    And what kind of name is rhalbweny anyway.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll make her more fappable once I buy lingerie armor

    • Her hair is too short.
    • She's too musculair.
    • She looks too tall.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. Thomas Jefferson Read more at If not for guns how else is the blood needed to refresh the tree of liberty to be shed?

    I know Thomas Jefferson, silly.

    Good luck with your pistols and semi-automatic assault rifles against tanks and drones, though.
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