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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I remember a while ago i had a hardrive that was acting up so i got the tool TestDisk to recover the data. It's a command line utility and pretty straight forward to use, i couldn't tell you exactly which steps to follow since it's been a while but as i remember it, it was pretty much self-explanatory.

    They have some documentation on that site as well which you can reference while working the tool.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Good thread +1.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why don't you get yourself a nice girlfriend eat a pizza snuggle a kitten…do some push ups except Jesus as your savoir…instead of raping your brain with shit drugs

    Because sploo is effectively retarded when it comes to girls.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol, cool story. How do you know Hewfil or are you his alt.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This past year or so I've been extremely withdrawn, I honestly wish I could just go to a different planet and never have to really interact with any other human again. It's weird because I have to talk and interact with literally dozens of people everyday but when I talk to people it's just kind of me nodding my head, saying as little as possible just to get it over with. I used to be the "life of the party" type of guy where I absolutely loved people and having conversations and general fun with tons of people was the thing that got me out of bed in the morning. So literally 30 days from now I'm cutting my house arrest bracelet off, blowing off probation and getting on a plane to the jungles of Cambodia where there is absolutely nothing(that's the point) I don't even care if my family or girlfriend ends up hating me, I'm so fucking done with this place.

    What about your business? Also, how did this start? Did you just wake up one day and said: Fuck it, i'm done.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Malice isn't a doctor

    No he's not, but his pharm/brain chem knowledge is pretty decent.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No I need real life friends

    Programming and real life friends aren't mutually exclusive. But if you really want more real life friends maybe you should put your efforts into that and when you do meet new people try to be as nice and normal as possible. That might help a bit.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    One a rudimentary level I can attempt to empathize by consciously trying to understand how another person is feeling. But it does not come naturally.
    No guilt evar.
    I feel a sort of shame but it occurs on an internal level rather than being propagated by external stimuli.
    I doesnt afraid of anything.

    Interesting, have you ever filled out the psychopathy checklist by any chance?
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol, nice.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I took more oxy, i'm high as fuck bros.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have a hard time with relationships because I tend to freak out in my head and then start to plot ways to break up with them ASAP. Once did this to a really hot girl in my school. Fucked her in the ass and basically ruined her life for a year and she has recovered quite well. Ruined all chances of ever being that close with her ever again or even talking to her for that fact.

    Hmm, that sucks man, howcome you tend to freak out? What are you worried about? By the way bro, what was your username on rdfrn/zoklet if you don't mind me asking?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I honestly cant tell If I am a sociopath or just an incredibly depressed/bipolar normal person. I think the most likely possibility is that I have both antisocial personality disorder and bipolar disorder.

    Are you able to experience empathy, guilt, shame and/or fear?

    Also @Roshambo, howcome you've been in highschool for 8 years?
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Site is down boys.

    Dang already? Also, if an IP has been logged it's going to be the TOR node from which you connected to the hidden service.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What I used to do, years ago, mind you, is "half-open" high speed port scan broadband IP ranges looking for idle high-speed boxes with open trojan ports on them, log them all, then either use the client and the author password to get in, or many times they're just wide open and you just need the client to go ahead and log in with r00t access. Once you're in, you can check to see if the computer is very active, and if its not, you can setup an invisible FTP server on some obscure port quite easily and upload/download files at will. You can even get a Net of them up and running with large amounts of free space on those drives, and setup what's called a "pipe" between your own box and the server, (a pipe makes it as if you are running the FTP server and other programs locally, but it's actually remotely, and the program output/inputs are "piped" back to your own box), like I did back in the day. It's all free, so that's the point.

    I'm assuming you mean legit remote administration port when you say 'trojan port'. In any event i'm not going to scan the entire internet but using someones idiocy to my advantage is certainly my gig, luckily though in this day and age we have google dorks for what you are suggesting which i totally forgot about before you made your post so thanks.

    filetype:txt inurl:"Windows/System32"


    As you can see they have the terminal service running for remote management. Check it out, if i have write access i'll use one of these with good uptime to deploy my trojan from.

    However for more legitimate purposes i'd still be interested in a dedicated FTP server.

  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What about drop box? Not secure enough?

    Security is not really the issue, i want a FTP server so that i have direct download links for the files i'm hosting. I think you need a dropbox account to be able to download files from there if i'm not mistaken.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This is irrelevant and unrelated but in the last 2 weeks I've re-watched the entire Breaking Bad series, then watched the first and only season of Better Call Saul, and then watched Narcos (on netflix) about Pablo Escobar, and then just watched Scream the mtv series because I liked the movie when I was a teenager. They were all good except Scream was a bit cringey for my adult tastes as it panders to more of the MTV-age audience (14-24 or some shit) but I still watched it because fuck it. As far as The Wire I watched the first season a long time ago but it never really tickled my fancy for some reason. Maybe I'll give it another go. I have to pick a new show to go with now and I'm thinking maybe True Detective or something.

    I'd recommend True Detective for sure mQ, you should check it out, certainly if you haven't seen the first season yet it's good shit.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you run any malicious scripts or files off of Angelfire's FTP servers, they will simply delete the account.

    That's assuming i'm going to do that, and assuming they can tell if there's anything malicious. In any event, i plan on hosting a number of security related materials and tools maybe i'll even get proper hosting and run a little semi private website later on for infosec resources and such that'd be pretty cool.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Deep down I'm just an incredibly lonely person :(

    I know, buddy.

    I was fired from my first job, arbys, and told that I wasn't 'fast food worker material'

    still can't figure out if that was an insult or not.

    How is this something weird about yourself, this is something weird that happened to you.

    I have high blood pressure and I'm going to die. hehe

    I don't know if it's like placebo or if that's the right term but ever since I found that out the other day and the nurse lady asked me if I had a headache because it's a sign of potentially about to have a stroke, I've been feeling weird and more self-conscious like thinking my head hurts when it doesn't or feeling funny in general, and then lo and behold I was watching the finale of the Scream series today at around noon and I suddenly got this really strong light-headed feeling like.. I thought for sure I was going to pass out or something bad like I was going to have an actual stroke and it scared the shit out of me. I was like saying out loud "no no do NOT go down like this DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN" and fortunately it passed but then I suddenly got all hot and jittery and dizzy and sort of short of breath and I wanted to cry and I started pacing around my room thinking I should go to the ER, then the weird head thing happened again but not as strongly but it still again scared the shit out of me; I'm sitting around thinking I'm about to fucking die, like this is it, this is fucking it, I just pass out in my own apartment and that's how my life ends. So I was gonna go to the ER but I was nervous about driving so I called my ex and she came to get me but by the time she got to me I was feeling a little better and decided I didn't want to spend the money for the ER if I didn't have to so I just went to the walk-in clinic which is where I've been all afternoon. My BP as you may remember the other day was 160/100 which is pretty ridiculous. Fortunately it had gone down to like 145/100 but of course that's still too high. They did my blood work right then and there and all of my levels came back normal, so I was happy about that, but the doc prescribed me a once-a-day pill for the blood pressure so I guess I'll be taking that for now and hopefully this will be a little wake up call to me to stop living such a shitty lifestyle in terms of the shit I take into my body.

    I guess I could've just posted that in my blood pressure thread but whatever. It's weird that I'm so fucking stupid as to allow this to happen to myself so it belongs here too.


    That sucks man, i am happy that you at least seem commited to live a bit healthier and i'm glad you got medication for your blood pressure. I got my bloodwork in today as well and i am pleased to report i am in perfect physical health. Also mQ, you shouldn't beat yourself up too much for not eating and living healthy, depression may be a mental issue but it can have very real physical effects on your health as well. Being unhappy is literally unhealthy due to the fact that more stress hormones are being released which can potentially cause a whole host of unpleasent effects in the long term.
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