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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I approve of this thread.

    Y-you do?
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Just postin' in a fred.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nice copy pasta but if you want to legitimize your self professed expertise why didn't you add some explanation of what this accomplishes and how it does so?

    Good point.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    little girl moved in just down the street, eh?

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why the new handle Sploo?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    With a lot of work stuff and as such i won't be online as much, kthx
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Shit nigga, every time I pop in my HD that has Kali on it, I only get so far.

    It's kali for windows with a few extras but yeah, if you have kali you basically got what you need.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've posted about PentestBox on redfern but since this is an excellent piece of kit i think it deserves a nice in depth thread here as well.

    If you like me, like to use Windows besides Linux for security applications, this framework was made with you in mind. It offers a complete environment similar to a virtualized pentesting distro. The main difference however is that it actually runs locally, no virtualisation required which saves drastically on system resources. It's command line operated and comes with Linux utilities as well, such as; bash, cat, chmod, curl, git, gzip, ls, mv, ps, ssh, and sh and more.

    A couple of notable tools would include;
    • SQLmap
    • Burpsuite
    • Nmap
    • Nikto
    • John The Ripper
    • Hashcat
    • OWASP Zed Attack Proxy
    • The Harvester
    • Social Engineering Toolkit

    Besides this it offers tools for reverse engineering, android security, stress testing and network analysis. Furthermore it is fully customizable and offers an option to add python and ruby tools and can be integrated with the metasploit framework

    I'd highly reccomend this framework, it is without a doubt my favorite Windows pentesting environment.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The resulting InstallShield file is a fully independent, compressed and encrypted executable program in .exe format.

    Now that you mention it, yeah, you can build exes with InstallShield too i think i never use the thing though.

    It's not an .msi file. Of course, you can bind an .exe to an .msi by way of an executable stub easily as well, but that's another story.

    Spec, you bind everything you can bind by way of a stub, i know this. Also, maybe you can bind a msi to an exe but i don't think it's as easy as binding an exe to another exe, personally i haven't tried but i know msi's operate in a different way than regular exes.

    Once executed, it can perform a variety of automatic operations, including macros, scripts, file system management (add/delete), file download, batch operations, run and quit other programs already on the machine, registry management, and an entire host of other neat tasks.

    Yeah but that's all operations with regards to the install script itself, it would be a roundabout way of installing a service complete with batch file and such if i can instead make a system call from within the python script. Also, i do believe InstallShield installers are designed to operate with user input which makes sense if you need to install a software package or something similar, not so much in the case of malware.

    But hey what the hell do i know i'm not a software engineer.

    Best of all, it is not detected as malicious by any scanners and is considered a legitimate program.

    I don't think this is true, anti-virus applications check what the program itself does. It may not recognize the install script as malicious but what it is installing will be recognized as malicious. If this wasn't the case nobody would be using encoders to protect their malware with AV/Sandbox evasion wouldn't you say.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Talking about people who bother you on the road on facebook. So this is what normal people do? I don't even have a facebook.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like how the recipe calls for pouring some rum back into the bottle and spilling it. Essential for rum and coke goodness.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Looks tasty as fuck.

    [size=7]THANK YOU JESUS![/size]
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    only a pedophile can appreciate true beauty

    Lol, i don't think that's particularly true but i imagine pedos experience the beauty of little girls(Or boys if you're into that) more intensely.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Instead of running as a system service, as the system services will be one of the first things the operator checks

    Your average computer user couldn't tell the difference between a microsoft service and one i've made to look like one i'd imagine.

    you could use the InstallShield program to build an unattended setup routine, where you could include all the Python files along with any desired switches, command lines and scripts, and InstallShield can be set to execute the batch in invisible mode.

    I take it you mean Windows Installer when you say InstallShield, also known as a MSI file. And sure i could do that but since you're suggesting i don't install as a service below i actually don't need a batch file since i only need to run command line options when i need to install the python program as a service. In fact, the trojan itself doesn't need to be installed at all, it operates from the executable the only thing i'm having it add is the registry entry.

    Then you could bind the resulting InstallShield file to a system executable such as explorer.exe, so that every time explorer is run (at bootup), the InstallShield routine will also activate. Kind of like a system service, but different.

    You're confusing a few things, for one you can't really bind an exe to a msi since msi's have have a compressed cabinet file inside them which binders generally have trouble with. Lets say however that we could do what you are saying. Well now we have explorer.exe bound with a msi, then what? This doesn't do anything but hide one thing in another, what we can do however is inject code or a dll into explorer.exe and run our program from within the process, on its own this doesn't offer anything in way of persistence either, and persistence was the point of running it as a service.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Me neither they get stale and make the milk taste funny if you keep them any longer than one session.

  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Toothless Joe then.

    No, Joe Pedo.

    No, no, wait, Spatula Tzar, oh she's a girl, uhm maybe Momentary Lapse of Reason.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Y'all are so nice.

    What can i say, i'm a nice person. Can't promise everyone else is going to be nice though.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I get kicked out after a day or two.

    I get kicked out when close my browser but that's because i don't keep cookies beyond sessions.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Would love to learn that stuff.

    It's too bad you didn't join earlier then because way back when we actually had a lot of people making threads and talking about these things though, but fear not for the forbidden knowledge is not lost yet.


    Pedo/hebephiles, but there's only a couple, lulz.

    but I have no room to talk. I fucked a 13 y.o in the ass at the age of 15 about to turn 16.

    That's not even remotely pedo, lmao.

    I don't have a little sister, but still tell your mom about me please and post pics pls (jk lulz)

    Too bad and no, you don't wanna' see my mom she looks old and not in a cougar kind of way.

    And most people don't nowadays its a dying fad.

    I wouldn't call sexual preference a fad personally.

    Oh by the way, i sent you a PM, check it out bruh.
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