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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A slow moving JB thread, I never thought I'd see the day.

    Yeah you're right. Remember on zoklet, we had like more pages than the retarded thread lol. Anyway, i won't bother you guys with a JB thread if i'm the only one that wants it though, it seems most of my hebe homeboys have left the building unfortunately. So i don't want to impose my weirdness on all of you normies.

    The lust of this lecherous beast is insatiable. He needs to be excluded from human society for the safety of others.

    It's true, Oplus who has a degree in psychology was of the professional opinion that i may be hypersexual. I'm not a rapist however, i just love little girls.

    I did cringe but just once.


    Fanglekai'was here and made like 25 posts then rage quit when he realized people didn't think him spazzing out and deleting the db/banning niggas wasn't funny. I think we without his circle jerk crew he realized how not tuff he was and killed himself.

    I do hope he killed himself.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hewfil you faggot come post in this thread for great justice.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Check inbox mate.

    Can't, website broke for me.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yo guys, off-topic, but text me gore and nudes at 570-337-2443. Love you babes. <3

    Gimme a name. And gimme phone numbers of relations so i can spoof their numbers. Also inbox me your number so i can check my spoofing service.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sophie's post of scientific inquiry

    The branch of physics that deals with the microscopic Universe instead of the macroscopic Universe is called quantum mechanics. A number of important discoveries have been made in this field over the years, one of them being that matter at the smallest scale can act as both particle and a wave at the same time. This is referred to as the wave-particle duality. In one notable experiment electrons were fired one by one through a screen with two slits, the thinking was that if electrons behaved as a particle they would hit the detection screen in two distinct stripes. What was noticed however was a diffraction pattern on the detection screen which would indicate the electron's acted as a wave as they passed through the slits as illustrated by the picture below.

    The scientists being scientists however decided they wanted to see how the electrons behaved at the moment the passed through the slits, so they set up detectors to find out. However once the detectors were placed and the experiment was run again the results were very surprising indeed. Instead of a diffraction pattern they actually saw the two stripes they were expecting in the first place. This means that because the detectors were placed where they were the electrons suddenly started to act as particles. Would this mean that the very act of us observing a system would physically change it's properties?

    Well, it turns out it's not quite as cool as that. After more experiments and a lot of study it was generally understood that the instruments used to measure the electrons had to interact with the quantum system in order to make the measurements, thereby thermodynamically changing the properties of the system causing the electrons to act as particles instead of waves.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Just started a web design class in school. Down to help me cause chaos?

    Lol, i can try, what do you need bruh?
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lel. Didn't see this thread again until today.

    Sup brah, how've you been? How's your little red haired devil?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fuck that dragon fag.

    [size=7]FUCK ARNOX[/size]

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Same, sometimes the forum software fucks up i think.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm getting oxy tomorrow, get on my level.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bill Krozby, go to the ocean, watch the boats as they pass over the horizon they dissapear bottom up. You know why? Because the world is round.

    This thread is not scientific nor profound and you should be ashamed of yourself.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I got my blood work from the VA last week for my annual check up. The doc said on paper I'm in perfect health. Cholesterol, blood cell levels, blood chemistry, thyroid, screen for prostate cancer, the whole nine yards.

    That's good, i don't need annual check ups but i have familial too high cholesterol and heart disease runs in the family so i figured i might as well get it checked out now and save myself the trouble in the future.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Time to weeb out, Shiro from Nōgēmu Nōraifu is definetly my waifu.

    They had fan-service down to a T in that anime.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Waifu, is how the japanese pronounce 'wife' also a waifu is generally a fictional character that you think is bretty cute, gf material if she were real etc.


  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    nigga, short hair be the definition of fappable.

    Hair is very important blood, and i like my women with long beautiful hair.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know and you're right. Everything is boring to me these days; I feel like sploo. I haven't given up hope, I just keep procrastinating 'turning over the leaf' but I'm not dead yet and I honestly believe that I can get out of this rut. Some external motivation (other than not dying) would help, but I guess this is the price I pay for leading a shit-tier lifestyle for so long. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me, if anything, I want them to LEARN from me, and not make the same mistakes. I'm sure most people in our community can relate, hence the rampant drug use and socially unique lifestyles many of us seem to lead. I know not everyone is a hermit but we all have obviously had our fair share of cringe-shit to deal with in life and we've all made some pretty stupid fucking choices. Anyway, I'm not going away yet, and I will be eating more salads, quitting drinking except for weekends, and once I can get the ball rolling I'm the type of person who will definitely roll with it. I need that replacement habit that I can enjoy but haven't found it yet.

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, the lore is rich and fun to read. And before you say chainsaw sword is a Gears of War ripoff, NO! WH40K was around before GoW.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    NERD! lol nah I used to play the pc game years ago. I'm more of a starcraft guy tho

    my yamatoto cannon brings all the boys to the yard =)

    I see, Starcraft is ok i guess. But man, WH40K:Spacemarine was awesome as fuck though.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Please keep me informed so we can rot together if need be. I will sell the rest of my belongings for a plane ticket to come to you and you and I can just binge out on all the worst things until we die in a heap together, entwined, bloated, smelly, mutual cringes upon our poor dead faces.

    This sounds beautiful. I think i laughed and cried at the same time.
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