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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Quite right, quite right indeed.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll give sophist one thing, he has the discipline to actually learn useful skills as a hobby.

    It comes and goes.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Active on Zoklet maybe because on redfern it was slow as shit.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why can't I upload pics but you niggers can

    Just upload to imgur and use
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Any way, i'm glad you're back. Just like old times nigga'.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    NO, GREENPLASTIC. From this day forward, I want you thinking SUCCESS, SUCCESS, SUCCESS. You WILL go to a standard 4-year university and receive a higher education. You WILL meet the woman of your dreams- your sole one and only life partner in that time- and you will beginning a budding relationship. You WILL get the job of your dreams and slowly but efficiently work your way up to an EXECUTIVE POSITION. You WILL have a child with your life partner whom you WILL post thousands of pictures of to FACEBOOK and claim they are your EVERYTHING. You WILL continue to work at your job- the same job -for the next 40 years. You WILL have one or two more children with your soul mate and continue to post TENS OF THOUSANDS of pictures of them and your family on FACEBOOK. You WILL attend every social function you are invited to, and you WILL attend every family gathering on EVERY THANKSGIVING, CHRISTMAS, EASTER, and whichever else it is called upon you to do so. You WILL LOVE every minute of every day of every month of every year of ALL OF IT. You WILL grow old with your soul mate, living peacefully in retirement as you watch your children grow up to do the EXACT SAME THING as you, before the day you romantically die together in your sleep, cuddling, smooching, smiling, and reflecting on a LIFE OF BEAUTY.

    This post made me sad for some reason.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Stay in Texas for you kids sake.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sehr gut, aber ich bin einfach nicht schwul.

    My German sucks and i should be ashamed of myself. Anyway i don't remember talking to you here before, but yeah probably forgot because drugs and shit.

    Even made you a totally not gay thread months ago with Ohne Dich by rammstein as theme song and everything, top kek.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    thelittlestnigger is my brother from another mother, homeboy numero uno, i have multiple homeboy numero unos but tiny negro over there is one of them, nahmean?
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    oops double fred
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Is it really you? Speak German to me so i know it is, i'll recognize google translate so i'll see if you're an imposter.

    It's me by the way, Sophist AKA Psycho AKA most awesome person in europe, you can be the second most awesome if you want.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nice one blood, just be sure not to pass out. Also, you're probably on your way to becoming an alcoholic, and if there's one drug that's gay to be addicted to it's alcohol.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    IS it really you? SPeak german to me, and i'll recognize google translate so i'll see if you're an imposter.

    It's me by the way Sophisticated Sophist AKA Psycho AKA the most awesome person ever.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    suksyteFAM! <3
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's been so long. This has really been occurring for a bit over a decade. I feel like it at this point it would take going back in time and radically altering my path in life, or erasing every trace of my existence from the multiverse. I genuinely believe I should not never have come into existence, it's a philosophical position. Bringing life into this world is one of the worst and most selfish things you can do, if they're happy it's a life that never needed to exist attempting to maintain that happiness and coming up against what has been the inevitability of death for the history of he Earth until now. If they're suffering, it's a lifetime of torment that never needed to occur, and there still remains the fear of death, of non-existence, which you're able to be aware of only because of your sentience. If you had never come into existence there would be no you to feel fear or remorse for your lack of existence, but once it occurs you're faced with the questions of what life is, what you are, what the nature of consciousness is and whether there can be said to be any concrete concept of "you" to begin with (I don't think there is.), and what it truly means to cease to exist, never to come into existence again or experience anything, ever. One moment you're here, the next you're gone, you can die without any awareness of dying, and if the consciousness and the sense of self are illusory, is there really anything to lose, and therefore to be afraid of? But there are always the issues of the limitations of knowledge, the biological limits of your mind and the information you can acquire, whether truth can ever truly be confirmed, whether you should attempt to stick around or be preserved in case of a singularity, so you'll have the highest capacity to try to find an answer to that question. But it reminds me of an analogy for what the suicidal are feeling before they jump, the futility of telling them they have so much to live for. It's like being in a high rise building that's on fire and the only way out you can see is through the window. You don't want to jump, you're jumping because you're more afraid of the fire, because the anguish of flames and suffocation seem worse. It's the fear of continuing to feel like this, this tremendous pain and suffering inside you, thoughts that torment you relentlessly day after day, for the rest of your life, and that it seems to only become worse.

    That is the one question I would ask extraterrestrials far beyond our level of intelligence or an artificial intelligence the product of a post-singularity world: Why do you continue to exist?

    But that doesn't specifically answer your question. Can you really adequately sum up a human life, the thoughts and experiences that are important to you, the prerequisite knowledge and understanding to really comprehend your point of view? You can never really know another person. It feels like it would take so long, longer than could be reasonably expected of others to read, it's so much harder when you're drained of the very energy to live, and ultimately there's the reality of how futile it will really be. If you've never been able to arrive at the answers yourself, if anything you've experienced, read or seen, has never felt like it's had a lasting significant impact on your worldview, what hope is there?

    There is something deeply, profoundly wrong with me, something that should never exist.

    This world/place/body/mind/existence/reality is a prison and a hell and I am screaming/dying/crying to get out, it has to/it needs to/please let it end.

    Doesn't quite answer my question but thanks for sharing what you can. Do you think there is anything, anything at all in the world that would make you feel better? If not, how so, why would nothing work?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I want you INSIDE ME. There. Now I'm an outsider again!

    k <3
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since when i posted it in your other thread you all but ignored it lets discuss this now since you want some interesting content.

    Sophie's post of scientific inquiry

    The branch of physics that deals with the microscopic Universe instead of the macroscopic Universe is called quantum mechanics. A number of important discoveries have been made in this field over the years, one of them being that matter at the smallest scale can act as both particle and a wave at the same time. This is referred to as the wave-particle duality. In one notable experiment electrons were fired one by one through a screen with two slits, the thinking was that if electrons behaved as a particle they would hit the detection screen in two distinct stripes. What was noticed however was a diffraction pattern on the detection screen which would indicate the electron's acted as a wave as they passed through the slits as illustrated by the picture below.

    The scientists being scientists however decided they wanted to see how the electrons behaved at the moment the passed through the slits, so they set up detectors to find out. However once the detectors were placed and the experiment was run again the results were very surprising indeed. Instead of a diffraction pattern they actually saw the two stripes they were expecting in the first place. This means that because the detectors were placed where they were the electrons suddenly started to act as particles. Would this mean that the very act of us observing a system would physically change it's properties?

    Well, it turns out it's not quite as cool as that. After more experiments and a lot of study it was generally understood that the instruments used to measure the electrons had to interact with the quantum system in order to make the measurements, thereby thermodynamically changing the properties of the system causing the electrons to act as particles instead of waves.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    this was a joke thread bromo, i study up on a bunch of stuff on my own time. But I wouldn't mind reading your threads if you if you post some technological things. I actually like posting about music for the most part, I had a couple music threads on rdfrn that lanny and i posted in, but I really think it would be wasted on this site. And yeah I'm aware he wouldn't give a shit about being doxxed.

    I post threads in the tech section all the time. I'll tell you what, name me a topic and i'll try to come up with an interesting thread to go along with it, you can decide the category and everything. Then you can make a thread in response to that, this is how you create interesting content, by doing something. Complaining will get you nowhere.
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