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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Color is subjective, not objective. Actually, everything is subjective, and nothing in this world or in space is really objective.

    Color isn't subjective because color is simply light of a specific wavelength and the wavelength of the color blue or red or whatever doesn't change with the observer.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Around $60 for a gram of etizolam. Been putting it off because now I put off everything, even minor things, for months with little reason. It may be due knowing there's no hope at the end of any tunnel, the ultimate futility if all routes, all paths and actions. More and more dysfunctional each month and having ceased to care long ago.

    Also because I haven't felt in a good state to trip in over a year, maybe two. At least with this I could quickly abort it, and one day might come across an experience that could change things and help develop myself. I should be like Lanny and have a day each week devoted to this, ideally.

    Malice, how do you think you've become this dysfunctional. What was the process? Have you given it any thought?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    seriously its only like 7 people posting and almost all the post are about spectral and whenever someone puts a good thread (like me for example) it gets slammed for me being a loser man or something like that. Even Iron john called me the other day and said you guys are a bunch of slam pigs.

    maybe if we made a mission statement or a group project but no.. all you dudes want to do is jerk off to anime and berate eachother, fuck that man. Grow the fuck up you idiots.

    I give this site 7 more weeks until lanny gets doxxed and he shuts down this site. You know what they say, if you don't learn from history, history will repeat it self.

    Lets just all go to TC. mmmk?

    Lanny was already DOX'd and he doesn't afraid of anything. But hey Bill Krozby, if you want interesting why don't you go ahead and learn about interesting shit and talk about that, like technology or physics or actual science and not HURR DURR THE EARTH IS FLAT!

    Or maybe learn pharmacology or electrical engineering i can talk about these things all day, it's you who's the boring one with threads about random chicks and crab people on Mars and assorted supernatural pseudoscience bullshit.

    No offense.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nice mexistash Roshambo.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That would be pretty keksi kola.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    fuck, which one of sploo's 10,000 shitposting threads could it be in?

    Lol, true.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    How do you know anyone is doing anything 'seriously?' You said it yourself, you can be successful and appear normal and even live a seemingly normal life by cultural/society's standards, but inside still feel like you're acting, and I don't think that's as rare as it seems, rather, most be probably don't realize that they're doing it. Especially once people have kids it seems, their life becomes a cookie-cutter version of tending after them (their child/ren) and going out occasionally when they can find a baby-sitter, and going to work. Mom watches HG-TV and cleans the house while dad works at the factory or the office sucking cocks all day until he comes home and they repeat the same dinner as a family followed by 'talking' and watching cringe network television before the mom goes to bed and the dad goes out to his workshop to snort some cocaine and get drunk of budweiser. THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENS IN EVERY FAMILY. And the thing is, each one of those people, although they appear to love what they do and they fit the little bill of proverbial mother or father raising kids and working and going about their lives, well, they know they're acting, because it's not what they TRULY want.

    When you have kids you have to lie to yourself and convince yourself that 'they were the greatest thing to ever happen to me!' So many fucking parents literally say that stupid shit- 'the love of my life; the best thing to ever happen' and FUCK those people. There's nothing wrong with loving the shit out of your kid/s, don't get me wrong, but it's not the GREATEST thing to happen to anyone. It's an 18-year burden in the least, especially when you are going to have to pay for literally everything they do and their entire well-being relies on you sacrificing all the personal enjoyments you were used to before that. So, it's a lie they tell themselves, and as it pertains to your question OP, the parents may be successful, and seem NORMAL because they are married with children and have adult jobs etc etc, they deep down are just outsiders playing a part, in fact we're all outsiders playing a part which makes us all insiders because there isn't actually a true INSIDER. Everyone has their secret desires, their fucked up thoughts, their sordid fantasies, etc, and most people act like they don't have them by brainwashing themselves into thinking they're something they're not, as I described above.

    Then of course you have those of us who don't have kids or good jobs who are just degenerative alcoholic fucks, such as myself, but I guess the difference with us types is that we usually don't try to convince others we are normal; at least not for me. I realize my flaws, my social differences, tendencies to think outside-the-box, play the devil's advocate, and generally just go against the grain. That could be acting too, a way to convince myself that I am NOT like everyone else, just mindlessly here trying to fit into the mold and be a part of the sheep community. It feels 'edgier' I suppose to not agree with everyone else and not to have to convince others that you are just like them, that you couldn't agree with more and you like everything about them and you just totally are on the same page and blah blah. I think at the end of the day it's about not doing anything particularly aggressively, but just doing, and being whatever you are. If you have friends and money and pussy at you disposal, fantastic. Some, like myself, don't give a fuck much about those things, or not in the same sense that you might or the general public might.

    I have no idea what I'm talking about.

    It was a good post mQ but i'd think then that the people not trying to fit in are the people not playing a part, they're themselves in their non-conformity, which in the sense of your post would make us the insiders and the 'normal' people the outsiders.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    lol, ive used greenplastic only on this site. and ive never registered at any of dfg's sites (at all, im pretty sure, but if i did, it definitely was not with this username.) in fact, i came up with this name only a few months ago because i needed a name for tc and there was a green plastic bottle next to me.

    I can corroborate this story because i asked greenplastic who he was on TC and he said: I am TDKP, then he cammed up, so unless spectral is a twenty something toker, i don't think it's him.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Actually I just remembered I have a copy of black hat Python on my tablet. I think I'll start with that one then move to grey. How far are you in black hat?

    Lol page 21, i just started it yesterday. Was busy on something else before then i wanted a new python project so i picked black hat up. It starts out simple with making a TCP client a UDP client and a TCP server and then dives into making this tool. Now i'll be coding and learning about scripting a TCP proxy.

    Also, yes hebe is good.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Danks bruv. Ill definitly have to see if I can find a download for the book as it seems like a dank resource for infosecPy

    Just for that here is a wonderful vidya:

    Yeah bro, i think i got a download link somewhere, if i find it i'll post it. I also have Grey Hat Python by the way which is sort of like the prequel it has the same theme but also gets into some more general applications. Oh i found the link for a copy of Grey Hat Python it's a good place to start as well, i enjoyed the part about code and dll injection a lot from that one, haven't fully read it yet but i decided i'm gonna do black hat from cover to cover first.

    Also: Nice vid, i approve thanks breh. I dunno' if i asked this already but are you into lolis yourself?
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Seriously TDR, greenplastic was already greenplastic/TDKP on redfern and he went by the handle of Take Drugs Kill People on Zoklet.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    *removes spring from trap *steals cheese *laughs at SpectraL's Barbie Doll

    FYI greenplastic is actually, Take Drugs Kill People from Zoklet.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Since you requested i post the tool i was working on with Black Hat Python i am pleased to report i just finished the script. like i said it's a simple alternative to netcat and all in all i think it turned out pretty neat, of course it won't win any originality prices since it's based on the examples and techniques described in the book. I haven't gotten around to testing everything yet but i checked for errors and debugged where needed so i'm pretty confident it will do what it's supposed to. Take a moment to review the relevant code below should you desire.

    # PyCat is a python replacement for Netcat

    import sys
    import socket
    import getopt
    import threading
    import subprocess

    # Define global variables
    listen = False
    command = False
    upload = False
    execute = ""
    target = ""
    upload_destination = ""
    port = 0

    # Usage/Help function
    def usage():

    # ASCII Logo
    # Copying and pasting ASCII from the script doesn't work quite well within the context of the code tags for some reason.
    # ASCII Logo

    # Help text
    print "PyCat Net Tool"
    print "Usage: -t target_host -p port"
    print "-l --listen"
    print "listen on [host]:[port] for incoming connections"
    print "-c --command"
    print "Initialize a command shell"
    print "-e --execute=file_to_run"
    print "Execute file upon connection"
    print "-u --upload=destination"
    print "Upon connection upload file and write to [destination]"
    print "Examples: "
    print " -t -p 5555 -l -c"
    print " -t -p 5555 -l -u=c:\\target.exe"
    print " -t -p 5555 -l -e=\"cat /etc/passwd\""
    print "echo 'ABCDEFGHI' | ./ -t -p 135"

    def client_sender(buffer):

    client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    # Connect to target host
    # Check for input from stdin, if input is present send to remote target
    if len(buffer):

    # Recieve data back until there is no more data to recieve
    while True:

    # Wait for data response
    recv_len = 1
    response = ""

    while recv_len:

    data = client.recv(4096)
    recv_len = len(data)
    response+= data

    if recv_len < 4096:

    print response,

    # Wait for more input
    buffer = raw_input("")
    buffer += "\n"

    # Send it off (Loop)

    print "
    [*] Exception! Exiting."

    # Close connection

    # Primary server loop and stub function to handle command execution and command shell
    def server_loop():
    global target

    # If no target is specified, we listen on all interfaces
    if not len(target):
    target = ""

    server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)


    while True:
    client_socket, addr = server.accept()

    # Spin off a thread to handle new client
    client_thread = threading.Thread(target=client_handler, args=(client_socket,))

    def run_command(command):
    # Trim the new line
    command = command.rstrip()

    # Run command and retrieve output
    output = subprocess.check_output(command,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
    output = "Failed to execute command. \r\n"

    # Send output back to the client
    return output

    def client_handler(client_socket):
    global upload
    global execute
    global command

    # Check for upload
    if len(upload_destination):
    # Read in all of the bytes and write to our destination
    file_buffer = ""
    # Keep reading data until none is available
    while True:
    data = client_socket.recv(1024)

    if not data:
    file_buffer += data
    # Now we take these bytes and try to write them out
    file_descriptor = open(upload_destination,"wb")

    # Acknowledge that we wrote the file out
    client_socket.send("Succesfully saved file to %s\r\n" % upload_destination)
    client_socket.send("Failed to save file to %s\r\n" % upload_destination)

    if len(execute):
    # Run the command
    output = run_command(execute)


    # Start another loop if command shell was requested
    if command:

    while True:
    # Show prompt
    client_socket.send("<BHP:#> ")

    # Now we recieve until we see a linefeed (enter key)
    cmd_buffer = ""
    while "\n" not in cmd_buffer:
    cmd_buffer += client_socket.recv(1024)

    # Send back the command output
    response = run_command(cmd_buffer)

    # Send the response back

    # Main funtion
    def main():
    global listen
    global port
    global execute
    global command
    global upload_destination
    global target

    # Check if proper arguments are passed
    if not len(sys.argv[1:]):

    # Read commandline options
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"hle:t:p:cu",["help","listen","execute","target","port","command","upload"])
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
    print str(err)

    for o,a in opts:
    if o in ("-h","--help"):
    elif o in ("-1", "--listen"):
    listen = True
    elif o in ("-e", "--execute"):
    execute = a
    elif o in ("-c", "--commandshell"):
    command = True
    elif o in ("-u", "--upload"):
    upload_destination = a
    elif o in ("-p", "--port"):
    port = int(a)
    assert False,"Unhandled Option"

    # Are we going to listen or just send data from stdin?
    if not listen and len(target) and port > 0:

    # Read in the buffer from the commandline, this will block, so send end of file marker if not sending input to stdin
    buffer =

    # Send data off

    # We are going to listen and potentially upload things, execute commands and drop a shell back -
    # depending on the above commandline options
    if listen:


    Also note that the script reads from stdin until the end of file marker is recieved. I went ahead and added my script as a custom tool to PentestBox and this is what it looks like when you run it.

    I took the liberty of adding a nice ASCII logo because that's cool. Anyway, you should pick up the book bro, it's interesting, a fun read and certainly educational.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The latter.

    Well ok but don't act all surprised by saying "... now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute here..." then lol.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wish TDR's thanks were worth anything, not for his sake but for my internet glory.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Doesn't sound like bad withdrawel at all.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Now I have 2 Thanks and you have only one.

    … now wait just a cotton-pickin' minute here…

    Relax, the system is pretty shitty still. According to mQ you can see your actual number of thanks on your profile.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Those who would surrender freedom for security deserve neither.

    Quote or not, i agree with this.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I usually just use the standard debugger that comes with the compiler or interpreter for whatever language im fucking around with. Most of the time I just look up whatever error code I get and try and fix it myself and since im still in the learning stages I dont really have to do much serious debugging.

    Yeah standard debuggers are useful of course. I have decided though that i am going to be coding in Notepad++ but if i have a big project that i need to debug if i have any bugs i'll probably be using Wing IDE as far as python is concerned. Seems like a good compromise plus this means i won't have to make my own debugger.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Please do.

    I'm glad you're interested, i'll be sure to post my script when it's done. What i really like about the book i'm reading is that it focuses on increasing the readers skills in programming tools like this, exploitation and general python based hackery and to get a better understanding of the themes it touches on. Readers are encouraged to write a lot of the modules based on the examples and techniques shown in the book, when i'm through with it, i'm going to have a load of cool and useful scripts. Which you're taught how to put together as a basic pentesting framework during the end of the book.

    I've also decided that i'll be adding my tool (I am calling it PyCat) to PentestBox as a custom module. And i just like showing off my work, especially to peope who appreciate it like yourself, it also helps keep me motivated so yeah, good shit bro.

    I have this one book I may start working out of when im through with python on code academy that deals with hacking in C and Assembley. When I get around to learning from that one I am sure I will have some interesting shit to post. Till then sit tight muh nigga.

    Yeah man sounds great, i'd love to see. When we get awesome with python i think it would be fun to collaborate on a cool project together, i have a github and everything so we could collab no problem. Here's my github if you're interested.

    Don't have a lot on it as of yet but i'm thinking of forking gcat over to a repo of my own when i finish up the rest of my trojan modules.
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