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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ya'll faggots are too dimwitted to appreciate some awesome science when you see it. But seriously, i made this thread because Bill Krozby wanted to know about this and where is the fag? Nowhere to be found of course.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Good thing there's the internet, amirite?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was using windows 7 but my hardddrive got flaky a year ago, and booting my computer requires physical abuse to have an OS. Then it crashes 10 minutes later. Ive been planning to get a new HD soon (with all this fucked shit who knows), but good to know anyway. Id rather be too paranoid than not paranoid enough.


    I am using xp still, I have windows 7 in a virtual machine though.

    You should update your OS. Why not go ahead and switch to Linux, you can still run 7 or XP in your VM but won't be bothered by micrococks shenanigans, besides Linux is more secure any way.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That link proves i'm not paranoid, and even if i am i have good reason to be because i commit at least 10 cyber crimes a week(Hypothetically).
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I already asked a question on stackoverflow and i got downvoted because it had to do with malware and appearently they don't really like that(Lol, fags) so i can't ask there anymore so i'll ask here instead.

    import socket
    import os
    import struct
    from ctypes import *

    class IP(Structure):
    ("ihl", c_ubyte, 4),
    ("version", c_ubyte, 4)
    ("tos", c_ubyte ),
    ("len", c_ushort ),
    ("id", c_ushort ),
    ("offset", c_ushort ),
    ("ttl", c_ubyte ),
    ("protocol_num",c_ubyte ),
    ("sum", c_ushort ),
    ("src", c_ulong ),
    ("dst", c_ulong ),

    def _new_(self, socket_buffer=None):
    return self.from_buffer_copy(socket_buffer)

    def _init_(self, socket_buffer=None):

    # Map protocol constants to their names
    self.protocol_map = {1:"ICMP", 6:"TCP", 17:"UDP"}

    # Human readable IP addresses
    self.src_address = socketinet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.src))
    self.dst_address = socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack("<L",self.dst))

    # Human readable protocol
    self.protocol = self.protocol_map[self.protocol_num]
    self.protocol = str(self.protocol_num)

    I'm getting a type error in my class, appearently my tuple object isn't callable and i don't know why, this is supposed to work from what i read/understand.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Implant\Black Hat Python\", line 11, in <module>
    class IP(Structure):
    File "C:\Implant\Black Hat Python\", line 15, in IP
    ("tos", c_ubyte ),
    TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Laws are opinions with a gun, morality should not be relative i.e. subjective. Therefore a framework of ethics should be employed to derive morality from.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Then you should probably check out my thread, if you care at all about privacy.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    For those of you who don't know Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun, it's a gas giant meaning that most of the planet is composed out of hydrogen and helium. Now a peculiar feature on Saturn is a huge ass vortex which in diameter is larger than the earth. What's special about this vortex however is that it is shaped hexagonally.

    To understand this feature we must first know how a vortex is created. Just like on earth a vortex or hurricane is formed by the coriolis effect which is the tendency of objects to deflect relative to a rotating frame of reference. Well, that's the physics definition. What generally happens is that there is an interaction between low and high pressure gas(air) to form a classical cyclone structure as illustrated by the image below.

    Red is high pressure gas while blue is low pressure gas. The difference in pressure is due to the fact that gas expands when it is warm and the reverse is true when it cools down. The warming in this case is done by the sun. This same process happens on Saturn.

    Ahhh, but you might ask, why it is that the vortex is shaped like a hexagon? Well it has to do with fluid dynamics, but the short version is that gas of different temperatures and composition rotate at different speeds in a system like this and it is the difference in rotation speed at different altitudes that gives the feature its distinct shape.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Eat a berry, if you don't report back within 24 hours i'll assume they were poisenous and you died.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    My grandfather was a volunteer in the German Wehrmacht. He was deployed to the eastern front and as the war progressively turned against the Germans he retreated with the Wehrmacht until they were eventually evaquated. Later he was deployed at the battle of the bulge as a reserve. After the war he returned to Holland where he was imprisoned in an interment camp for treason. He was released after seven years when queen Wilhelmina issued an order of amnesty for all the Dutch people involved with the Nazis during the war.

    True story.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    "With the aforementioned in mind I would ask you this in regard to the possibility heavy breathing rats of of normal intelligence."


    "And I am just asking do you possess any level of empathy. Because if you do not regardless of the intelligence level of any rat that you think you may want to raise you will never experience that intelligence. I await your sincere response."

    Experience what intelligence?

    Are you having an off day or on something, or are you messing with me? Your writing seems pretty off. Not sure if you're old enough to be getting senile. Or…this could be a test and you expect me to decipher that, which I will not attempt because it's too vague.

    This is how TDR writes when he's being sincere or so i've come to learn.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    omg senpai noticed me

    This gave me a chuckle. Also Lan Lan, IDK bro, what's wrong with having respect for someone who's good at something you're trying to get into. I'm going to sound like a dick riding suck up for this but i don't give a shit. I'm getting into programming and i think it's pretty challenging, then when i see what you know about it i think jesus fucking christ i still have so much to learn and Lan knows all this shit and i respect you for that especially since like i said programming is very challenging to me, feel blood?

    Also, STEM is bauce, i'm an EE typa nigga' by education and physics is a big part of that, and i mean, understanding the fundamentals of the Universe seems pretty significant to me.

    Incidentally i actually have the brain for the humanities and general social things, the subjects just make sense to me and understanding comes natural, they 'click' in a way. But then i think who gives a flying fuck what kind of bullshit people do and think about. How the Universe and the brain in example works is what's interesting and then i think coding is awesome because it's extremely useful in infosec which you know i have an interest in because who doesn't like to pwn noobs and break shit nahmean?
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    He and his goons allowed the PI of other members to be spread, so what's good for the goose should be more than good for the gander. Amirite?

    If that's so you should post my PI as well, oh wait you can't.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Added the code to disable the task manager.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I never update at all.

    Then you're stupid.

    By updating, you are allowing infections.

    By not updating your anti virus/malware you're allowing infections, idiot. Or are you so 1337 you don't even need a virus scanner, lmao.

    every single packet and process are being monitored, audited and managed, there's no need to update anything.

    No one does this and you don't either, but by all means keep talking you're only making yourself look ignorant. You may be able to convince people that don't know the first thing about computers of your bullshit but anyone who has the slightest idea of how these things work knows you're full of shit.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't need any security at all when all packets and processes are enhancemented, logged and researched. If you use security products, you are putting yourself and your security entirely in the hands of the maker of the security product. I don't play games like that.

    It's physically impossible to manually inspect all incoming packets, also the only way to capture packets is to use software specifically designed to do so and unless you wrote that software yourself you're going to be relying on a third party anyway which would defeat the purpose of 'doing everything yourself'.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    To avoid all this work, always run a rule-based software firewall on manual configuration mode, with the default to block all packets in or out until approved. Nothing gets in or out, not even Microsoft and their spyware.

    Lol, what work? I wrote all the commands for the reader so it can be pasted neatly into a batch file to be run automatically. If you're going to be blocking Microsoft with your firewall you're not going to receive ANY updates. It's good policy to keep you OS updated for general security purposes. Sometimes though unwanted updates get installed automatically if you have auto update configured as the general computer user will have, therefore this thread and the little batch file is useful for every day computer users.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Damn. What happened?

    He overdosed.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Update, TV is still going strong. Been playing 12+ hours of games on it daily.

    Nice score bro.
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