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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Feeling bored? Post, you motherfuckers, and keep me company. I'll read and understand every word of your posts, see your worldview and sometimes understand you better than you understand yourself, offer you hermit sage advice.

    Tell me something about myself i don't know Malice i love being analyzed. You can even make me a questoniare and i'll fill it out all neatly for you, i'll promise not to lie.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Have you dealt with cats before, malice? I don't want to seem like I am being condescending, but I am just going to proceed as if you don't know anything about cats, that way I don't have to wait for a response and I can just get my advice out there on paper and be done with it.

    Here is what I do to attract strange cats: First, smell like tuna/have tuna in the vicinity (If you are going to feed it tuna, take it out of the can and put it in a bowl so it doesn't hurt its palate on any burrs or edges in the aluminum from opening the can…also rinse the can out well, maybe even with soapy water, to keep other cats at the city dump from licking out of the can and cutting their faces). Then: make yourself appear smaller, but not in a 'crouching to pounce' type of way, more of a relaxed 'look I am not looming over you' type of way. Next: extend your tuna-soaked hand out towards the cat, in a fist but with thumb and forefinger extended in a pincher motion. Talk to the cat in a high pitched voice, saying 'here kitty kitty' or something else with an -ee sound on the end, while moving your extended fingers in an enticing fashion. Then, once the cat comes within arms reach, snatch it in one smooth yet firm motion by the scruff of its neck (roughly the top of the shoulder area) and….oh wait we are trying to make friends here. I guess if you can get it to come to you, then that is good enough.

    Crazy Mike knows his cats. I love cats too as it so happens and i it's good advice.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Daily news you can use.

    Fucking leftists, this actually sounded like a reasonable accusation of racism or at least paranoia gone overboard, but that actually does look suspicious as fuck. And he didn't even build it, at least not in the way that most would assume, in line with the impression that the media gave, he just took out the parts and used the suitcase as the new housing. "What are the odds it was actually a bomb?" Pretty low, but things are the way they are and this seems perfectly in line with expected responses. And as they detailed, there have been many other cases where students have faced similar situations for ridiculous reasons, and there were no accusations of racism. And race/ethnicity should be relevant factor, the reality is that terrorists, on a per capita basis, are disproportionately likely to be Muslims "How many incidences of teenagers/children committing terrorism have there been in first world countries?" I don't know, very little, most likely, possibly none in the US, but that still doesn't change the reality of odds ratios and rational behind profiling. Don't misunderstand, I certainly don't support the changes that have occurred since Columbine and 9/11, I just don't think the leftist narrative of (unwarranted) racial bias stands up to scrutiny in general, or at the very least that the properly calculated effect size is far far smaller than they would like to believe.
    New research on attractiveness and mating
    What people find 'desirable' and 'essential' in a long-term partner

    Men care more about looks, women care a helluva lot more about money.

    Wealthier men care even more about/are more selective for looks, wealthier women care even more about money. Take the Red Pill and accept the truth.

    What kind of fucking idiot terrorist would make a bomb with a such a huge ass timer display. What, cooking timers were sold out? Jesus Christ the masses are stupid. WHAT'S MORE!!! Can't have a bomb without explosives, i see a lot of electronics and wiring, where are the fucking explosives idiots?

    As resident terrorist, criminal mastermind crazy scientist bomb maker i do not endorse these shenanigans. Here's an actual improvised digital detonator that i made.

    No it's not a clock faggots, you plug in a wire in a port to the side, set the timer, flip the switch and GTFO. And this is BIG mind you, even though it fits in the palm of your hand i could make this the size of a ciggarette box. Point being, no bomb maker worth his salt is going to be making such a gigantic timer circuit.

    For your pleasure have some more pics.

    ANNM + APAN Booster, TATP Cap

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    They're not idiots either, contrary to your misinformed opinion. I worked for Time Warner, AT&T, Charter and Roadrunner for years, so I can attest to the fact from personal experience that they know a lot more about you and your activities than you think they do. The only issue is they just haven't gotten around to you yet, but they will, eventually.

    Look, look, look -> You don't scare me, kid. <- see? <-see? <-See?
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Even if his IQ was literally over 9000 he still sounds like an insufferable twat.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    When your operating system is already verified to be clean, it's smart to quarantine it from any and all possible infections, including updates. Just the act of updating opens ports which others could compromise; there's no logic in "protecting" a machine which is already clean.

    I don't use a virus scanner either, because most virus scanners are viruses in themselves. Since I know all the files on my machine are already clean, there's no sense scanning them.

    This post alone should be enough for anyone to realize you know nothing.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It appears to me, that being able to type fast and 'only use the keyboard', is the choice of professionals. I made a thread about this on either Zoklet or RDFRN, asking if I should try to stop using my mouse.

    I've never used VIM, but I think if I tried anything else, that would be the first thing I looked at.

    I'm far from a professional but i only type as well.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Good way to get booted off the Net by your ISP.

    Sure, if you're an idiot like you.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd google for 'router remote login page' then i'd find out that the Actiontec BHR router's are the ones with this vulnerability all i have to do is add port number 4567 at the end of the IP and type this into the adress bar of my browser to get a login screen

    With that found you need a bruteforcer and password list which can both be found on the internet. The bruteforces i'd use is Hydra. You load your wordlist and point it to it will crunch for a while and with a little luck find the proper password. With the password in hand you login to the router and turn the firewall off from the settings. With that taken care off you load up a portscanner like nmap and start it with these arguments -sS -sU -T4 -A -v -PE -PP -PY -g 53 to enumerate all servicesand such associated with the computer on that network.

    The point of all this would be to see what's going on behind the firewall so you can for instance target specific vulnerabilities associated with anything running on that machine.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Try removing the comma from your last array value and version seems to be missing a comma, add one to that, too:

    class IP(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
    ("ihl", c_ubyte, 4),
    ("version", c_ubyte, 4),
    ("tos", c_ubyte),
    ("len", c_ushort),
    ("id", c_ushort),
    ("offset", c_ushort),
    ("ttl", c_ubyte),
    ("protocol_num", c_ubyte),
    ("sum", c_ushort),
    ("src", c_ulong),
    ("dst", c_ulong)

    Thanks that was it, i have no idea how i missed that, lol. I don't know if you're interested but i feel like sharing anyway, while i was waiting for an answer i wrote the rest the program. I'm making a network sniffer but i got an error in my main loop.

    sniffer = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_RAW, socket_protocol)

    sniffer.bind((host, 0))
    sniffer.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_HDRINCL, 1)

    if == "nt":
    sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_ON)


    while True:
    # Read in a packet
    raw_buffer = sniffer.recvfrom(65565)[0]
    print raw_buffer
    # Create an IP header from the first 20 bytes of the buffer
    ip_header = IP(raw_buffer[0:20])

    # Print out the protocol that was detected and the hosts
    print "Protocol: %s %s -> %s" % (ip_header.protocol, ip_header.src_address, ip_header.dst_address)

    print "ICMP -> Type: %d Code: %d" % (icmp_header.type, icmp_header.code)

    # Now check for type 3 and code
    if icmp_header.code == 3 and icmp_header.type == 3:

    # Make sure host is in target subnet
    if IPAddress(ip_header.src_address) in IPNetwork(subnet):

    # Make sure it has our magic message
    if raw_buffer[len(raw_buffer)-len(magic_message):] == magic_message:
    print "Host up: %s" % ip_header.src_address

    # Handle CTRL+C
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
    # If we're using Windows turn off promisuous mode
    if == "nt":
    sniffer.ioctl(socket.SIO_RCVALL, socket.RCVALL_OFF)

    raw_buffer = sniffer.recvfrom(65565)[0]

    'raw_buffer' should have an integer as a value and


    Is supposed to put out an integer but if i print the value of raw_buffer i get this.

    E 4Xð@ Ç♠ └¿ ♂ı.õ╚Ua☺╗z»Ùñ Ç☻ zÐ ☻♦♣┤☺♥♥☻☺☺♦☻


    Here's the entire error message just for good measure.

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Implant\Black Hat Python\", line 91, in <module>
    ip_header = IP(raw_buffer[0:20])
    TypeError: an integer is required

  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Actually in fluid dynamics experiments, these patterns have been recreated and it's not even wrong when you say the shape is due to the specific conditions on the planet. Whether it has a surface though is unkown since we can't see through all that gas.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    • log onto nis to drop some harmless Half Baked banter
    • get a tirade of emotional lamenting

    haha only joking nigga express yourself

    I am furious.

  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'll admit it's out of my sphere. But seriously most six sided shit in nature is crystalline so that's why I mentioned snowflakes. Hmm, it on one of Saturn poles. Maybe it's an enormous snowflake made of frozen helium.

    It's too warm on Saturn for helium to be a solid. In fact i do believe it has to be close to absolute zero for helium to be a solid, lol.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    That would be funny, but i'd only do that if i actually believed Spectral was capable of completing this challenge.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    did you just backpeddle this troll to announce your use of a different browser in the gayest way possible?

    also saying 'Old' like some sort of elitist heker (le metasploit masta) is a bit redundant when it works on the most updated version of chrome dont you think?

    I edited my post to save your troll idiot. And the reason i say old is because it's old news to me. Just felt that if i was going to edit my post might as well mention that i use firefox since the OP was "Do you use Chrome?" Who gives a shit if i spell it in phonetics. Don't fucking flatter yourself by thinking i need to back paddle out of anything. What's funny is also how you immediately associate me saying old with how i am somehow implying i'm an elitist hacker.

    Besides this has little to do with hacking, it's a bug and you're a troll, end of story.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Old. I use fyafawx anyway.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As l33t ub3r h4xx0r Spectral knows that a Capture The Flag or CTF is an event where hackers compete to complete a set of challenges. It's pretty fun.

    Here's my CTF challenge Spectral it's pretty easy, you'll do a bit of research, some easy exploiting and network scanning. So here's the deal

    Here's an IP address, there's a router associated with this IP address that has a specific vulnerability that allows you to access the login page remotely. Find a way to get in and disable the router's firewall. Proceed to map the network and report your findings to earn your flag.

    See? Easy.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You have no understanding of who or what I am, or how I operate, Psycho. And that's OK. You don't need to know.

    Nice duck and dive.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What would you bring to the table?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've had your full PI for quite some time now, even before zok's untimely demise. His was the only PI that really mattered, though.

    Remember how i posted that you have my complete consent to release my PI? I'll have you make good on your claim and invite you to bring great shame upon my operational security dojo by posting it.

    Either you do and you stick it to me in the process, or you don't and once again show everyone how full of shit you really are.

    Go, go, go.
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