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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I will when i get a minute, i've got social functions today and i'm working on learning more programming with Python by means of a book and i got normal work so i've been busy lately.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    , what the fuck is your point Faggert?

    It's not even his screenshot, Spectral doesn't have all the addons you see, i've seen his browser screenshots too. For a 'hacker' he has ZERO security addons lolololol, not what i'd expect for a infosec minded person.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you chose not to update to Windows 10 for privacy concerns, tough shit, Microsoft released auto updates that send microsoft telemetry about everything you do on your PC. FUCK YOU MICROSOFT.

    Fear not however Sophie is here to stick it to the man, open up notepad and paste this into it.

    wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
    wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart

    ECHO Done, press any key to exit.

    Save it as a .bat file, now run it as administrator. There you go, no more spyware updates. Now go to your configuration settings and look for windows update, click to hide kb:3068708 and the other ones from the code above so you won't get them automatically installed once you restart your computer.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I've hopped around on IDEs a lot in the past. 3~4 years ago I switched to using vim for 100% of my programming work (and a lot of other stuff since) and am still on that, it's been my longest running setup for programming, although I've certainly gone through a lot of vimrc configurations in that time (in the last month or so I added NERDTree, then wrote a series of macros linking `find` and `mvim` and since uninstalled it).

    For whatever it's worth, in my experience probably 60% of programmers I've run into in the workforce use some sort of IDE with the remaining split between sublime/atom/vim/emacs but obviously that number fluctuates from workplace to workplace. To some degree an IDE or text editor is the most trivial part of a development setup but I mean if you're going to spend hours and hours of your life with the fucking thing even small things are worth finding a comfortable fit and I mean tricking out your shit is just pretty fun on its own.

    I chose my vim setup for a number of reasons. The primary one is that at some point I had internalized the vim keybinds enough that I can't type as fast on anything else and I expect to die that way. People sometimes question if there's really anything meaningful to be gained by the archaic modal editor paradigm and it's a fair question but for me, personally, the answer is a resounding yes. I mean even if it's not any faster, the frustration of using the simpler universal set of editor controls makes me facepalm enough that the time spent on that is enough to tip the scales in my favor. A lot of people point out that (sublime|eclipse|atom|emacs|whatever) has vim-like keybinds but so far I've yet to see one that isn't at least subtly wrong in some way and it always bugs the shit out of me, one point of wrong behaviour is enough to throw off my entire "flow" I've found.

    I've always worked in dynamic languages, so even heroic efforts like we see from jet brains means static analysis is pretty mediocre. A decent jump-to plugin and some experience with picking up new code bases makes SA unnecessary. People will argue that that's just learning to compensate for an editor failure and it may be true but even then I'm happy to give it up for superior text editing. You only need to learn call signatures/types once while you'll need to jocky around lines of text until you die or quit programming.

    Anyway, yeah, I like the "editor separate from tooling" approach and use vim exclusively. IDEs have some cool features but there aren't a lot of thing that aren't implemented as a plugin to your editor of choice, so the question becomes "which is the best text editor" and I think vim wins that battle.

    Oh, soph, if you don't know python has a nice simple debugger built in. Just stick `import pdb; pdb.set_trace()` on a line, and when that line gets executed you'll be dropped into an environment that's a lot like the REPL but in the context of the line being executed (so you can interact with/inspect locals and stuff). In 3 years of doing python dev every day I never needed more than that (well a few times I did, used "rdb" which is the same thing except for communicating with processes that don't have a STDIN/OUT (daemons) via a local TCP connection).

    Vim looks pretty cool, i've seen some screenshots with NERDtree and tagbar and powerline and it makes it look fucking fancy. Your points on functionality make me want to try it although i am a silly nigger and too lazy to configure keybindings i should though. Also Notepad++ has something like powerline preconfigured, also i have muh function list button and Notepad++ shows me if my indentation is proper or not and i can configure macros and such which is pretty cool.

    Also thanks for telling me about the debugger i'll be sure to remember that.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Interesting insights Lan, the reason i mentioned asm is because of shellcode payloads. Maybe i am wrong in thinking shellcode and asm are interchangeable but when i generated the shellcode for use in gcat it came out in assembly which i had to convert to bytearray, and, msfvenom spits out bytearray shellcode as well when you generate a payload.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Happy to help blood, I feel bad that I leave threads in this forum unreplied to (among other things) either out of laziness or a lack of domain knowledge so it's nice if I can be helpful now and then. Feel free to ask follow ups on anything you don't understand, for any reason. Obviously some things are easier to just google but some questions are hard to google for like "ternary operator". I remember trying to google for the ternary operator the first time I saw it (not knowing it was called that) and "?:" or "X?Y:Z" don't return useful results (interestingly "colon question mark" does actually have some valid results). Similar situation with list comprehensions, string interpolation, tuple unpacking etc. (and just for python). And of course there are some things that are just easier to talk through/ask about than read through.

    Sure thing, probably tonight when i get back from a dinner party(Yes i go to dinner parties, because i am a high society nigga' like that) and i have some time to spare i'll go through your post again and take a good look at the things i don't quite grasp, to articulate some questions related to them, forgive me if it will include some questions that may seem obvious to you but hey if i'm gonna' learn i got to get the fundamentals nahmean?
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dang Lan, thanks for the amazing write up. All in all there are some thing's in your explanation that i don't quite grasp but that's no fault of yours it's because i don't really know the fundamentals of programming yet. This helped me along though so thank you for that.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Yup that's the one, and i know how the proxy in general operates. However while i know what the hexdump function is for i'd like to know how it works, it's unclear to me how the code acutally does what it does and how the data is computed. I even checked the link from the script which didn't make me any the wiser.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So i was going over the code for a tcp proxy that's discussed in the book i'm reading and i came upon a particular piece of code that kind of looks like jibberish to me. It's a hexdump function and it's meant to convert data from network packets into hex so you can inspect it. I have no clue how it works however and how the data is computed and i'd like to know. Here's the code.

    def hexdump(src, length=16):
    result = []
    digits = 4 if isinstance(src, unicode) else 2

    for i in xrange(0, len(src), length):
    s = src[i:i+length]
    hexa = b' '.join(["%0*X" % (digits, ord(x)) for x in s])
    text = b''.join([x if 0x20 <= ord(x) < 0x7f else b'.' for x in s])
    result.append( b"%04X %-*s %s" % (i, length*(digits + 1), hexa, text) )

    print b'\n'.join(result)

    Also i've never seen an if/else statement formatted like this:

    digits = 4 if isinstance(src, unicode) else 2

    What's up with that?

    Anyway i'll probably get zero replies, i wish we had more programmers here but in that case i'll probably go ask over at stackoverflow. Wanted to post it here because content is good.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    GEEZ. I only said that because I actually believed you. Dang man daang.

    It's ok mQ, my posts make me seem more upset than i actually am, i'm not really upset, more like, meh.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It should have been expected that someone would call "fake and gay", possibly even mention that they had seen him do that before. This was a pretty low effort and quality troll, though, so its death isn't much of a loss.

    You have the emotional capacity of a teaspoon Malice. I don't mind the troll is done, i was bothered by my friend's effort to undermine something i did.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Does sound like something i'd say but believe it or not i don't have any alts here. I was considering making an account by the name of 'Zombie Mark', but i couldn't be bothered.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    exactly how much sadness and insecurity emanates from this picture?

    Exactly as much as you are willing to perceive.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    But…you just eliminated any plausible deniability by admitting it was a troll. V_V

    Annoyance won over rationality. I was there with mQ when Rocklin did that so i was hoping that him knowing this was fake would realize the purpose of it was to troll, he either did and said what he did on purpose which would bother me or he didn't which would be equally as bad because i expected him to.

    mQ, I am dissapoint. (But i still love you, maybe)
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    blah. subjective claims are subjective. show death photos. I saw rocklin do that same thing multiple times when he was on TC. FAKE AND GAY

    Don't spoil the troll you faggot.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cancer or heart disease if i don't get in an accident or murdered first.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As far as i know only available in thailand or some shit, maybe Russia. Russians don't give a shit.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Old age.

    Lol, yes eventually you're going to die no matter what. It's inevitable.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Eh honestly Rocklin wasn't THAT bad, at least he had some cool interests as electrical engineering and such and he could be a nice guy if he wasn't ban hammering people.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    okay fine, sophie i want a thread about the hexagonal hurricane on saturn, about how it is possible.

    Sure, i love astronomy anyway. I'll do some research and when i'm sufficiently not otherwise occupied i'll make a thread.
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