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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh, also, I PM'ed you, §m£ÂgØL. Anyone can just feel free to PM me to get them if they need a source, I don't want these last few precious sources to get any more publicity, of any kind, even in a backwater like this.

    What a coincidence i PM'd you too.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wonder who has had the worst childhood here at

    Someone here had to have a really bad one, with like bad touches and being fed dog food and shit

    I know one person, who has probably had the most fucked up childhood of every person i have ever met. Her mom was an addict and basically neglected her and her little sister, at age 8 she was taking care of her newborn sister. Her father was a deadbeat and her mother got involved with another drug addict who would regularly beat her for no reason at all. Then at age 11 she got sent off to live with her grandpa. Paw paw however was a pedophile and while i'm down with the pedo lifestyle i draw the line at rape of any kind. And she was properly raped as an 11 year old, this went on for 3 years. When she had finally worked up the courage to tell her mom, her mother cried and she felt as if she had a connection with her mother for the first time. Then her motehr said: Hunny, you're sick in the head you shouldn't be making up stories like this and she was sent back off to live with her grandfather. After a while it got out and he got arrested and she was placed in foster care, whcish didn't work out as well as she was transferred multiple times until finally she went to live with her uncle who's somewhat normal. She's 18 now, and messed up in the head, but she's a sweet girl in general but man, that's just fucking sad.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Heh, keep in mind that this is after the time when I spent every day getting jumped by niggers in elementary school. You remember the story about the chunk of ice to the back of my neck…. ​

    I was pretty much just a nerdy kid who just wanted to be left alone with my nose in a book, but I had to learn when to fight and when to run, and I bet I have had my ass kicked more times in my life than all the fights put together of everyone on this website. I also won a fair portion of the time, when it was more even odds. I never raised a hand to my stepdad, though, because not only would it not do any good, it would be disrepectful. I never even raised my voice to my parents. My mom is a scary bitch, too. I seen her fight people.

    I beat my father to a bloody pulp. My mother is nice though, but kinda' a bitch for marrying my father. If she hadn't though i wouldn't have existed and that would have been boring as fuck.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'd offer you advice, but I feel like you probably already know about everything I'd suggest and it would seem offensively simplistic. Alfa usb wireless adapter + yagi antenna and linux/wifislax (hella convenient)/kali to hack neighbor's connections? Free fast internet is the sweetest, I'll never pay as long as I can.

    I use my neighbour's Wifi for nefarious purposes usually BUT...

    You're not gonna' believe this but my neigbour's router broke same time my ISP started working on the crap they're working on and i do need to get a high range antenna so i get good connectivity with other neighbours. The reason i use my own ISP is because i get literally 100Mb/s over LAN which is bauce.

    Can you fix the headphones by opening them up and soldering?

    I tried but it comes with this regulating switch with buttons and shit and when i cut the wire the insulation on these tiny wires got fucked without me noticing so when i plugged it back in to test it shorted the little controller circuit out.

    Thoughts about the amount of problems in the world, things I can't find answers to and may never be able to, the things we have no (realistic) power to change, are a recurring theme that give me a feeling of being close to feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. It's the immense awareness that causes the unnatural severity of it, think of every subject that has been intensively studied, every field in universities, things that have had had so many books written about, PhD's writing dissertations, conducting studies/experiments, all trying to find solutions and discover new information.

    I know there's shit in the world and problems i won't be able to fix, but why is it required for you or me to do so? It is not our obligation to solve these problems.

  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Oh and thanks button is over there faggot

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    saturn is actually flat , nasa are a bunch of illuminati jedibagger shills =) lol jk good thread. I actually have another one for you but I can't think of it now.

    Lol ok, i'll do another thread if it's an interesting subject but i'm not planning on becoming your personal encyclopedia.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I still think I had a pretty good childhood, when my mom met the aforementioned stepdad, we moved to a rural area and had more money, but although he treated my mom like gold, he would literally beat the fuck out of me for minor transgressions. Like, I was 11 years old, a gawky teenager, but still, I had been man of the house for a while, and my mom starts having this guy sleep over and one night I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink from the fridge like I always did, he woke up (he woke up at the slightest sound, I had to become extremely stealthy over the years to avoid waking him as I crept past my parents bedroom. He came out into the hallway, said 'What are you doing up, boy?' and literally punched me in the head. Now that I am older, I realize that he substantially pulled his punch (he was an amateur boxer and martial artist) but still, I was stunned, in my own home, to be basically punked out by some guy who was fucking my mom.

    Well it turned out that their relationship lasted many, many years, which as you can probably imagine were quite hellish for me. I began stealing his weed (he was a mid-level dealer) and sometimes his bags would come up short and I guess people got pissed at him for it, and so he would come and kick my ass, but I had taken enough weed to get me and my friends high for days and it was worth the ass kickings. He seemed to know how to hit me without ever breaking my nose, though he did black an eye once in a while, and one time after I slammed a door too hard and it cracked the pane of glass, he chased me into the neighbors yard (I had never ran before, but this time I could tell he was pissed) and beat me bloody while the neighbors watched from the windows. The police came and everything, I had two black eyes and blood all over my shirt and mouth, and the cops didn't do nothing about it.

    But in spite of all that, I got to roam in the woods a lot, we had some land, I had a great time in high school (even though I couldn't take a shower before school if he was home during a swing shift, because he would hear the water in the pipes and wake up and come and literally yank me out and make me dry off and get dressed and go to school, even if there was soap in my hair still.)

    I could tell some good stories, some of them really funny, but I despise people who blame their actions on a bad childhood.

    I know more than one person who had a 'perfect' childhood, and they are assholes/failures

    1. That's fucking terrible.
    2. Those people didn't have good childhoods either, they just had different kinds of bad experiences.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sorry bb, my body malfunctions. Unfortunately I get profound crashes in mental and physical energy, avolition (ability to use one's will), and drive, anhedonia and pleasure, which effect it. It's like a person that only exists at select hours of the day, and even then they're only partly there. Sad, really, if you imagine someone trying to have an IRL relationship with a person in that state, or it happening to a loved one. Not necessarily incurable, but we'll have to see how things progress.


    Well ok, but here's the thing. I don't feel like doing chores around the house because that's gay as fuck and my bitch should do that(lel) well, not really, but you know. I'm stuck with my programming project and i have to wait for some experts to answer some questions i have before i can continue. My headphones broke so i can't play vidya because that's supremely gay without sound. My drugs is finsihed save for one measly 10mg oxucodone i saved to stave off minor withdrawel in case i have to function a little better. I binged the last three weeks because YOLO. My internet connection has been bad so i am having slow speeds. My ISP is working on something or another IDK but it means i can't properly use my wifi to watch youtube vids on my tablet, and i can't do it on my PC because no headphones. I don't really feel like reading anything about pharmacology, because my interest in that has passed somewhat. I should probably read about programming and such because i'm teaching myself that, and i have a book which comes with a practical approach but like i mentioned i'm stuck on my project and i don't want to skip it. All other programming text i can access is either not engaging enough or incomprehensible due to my skill level. And twitter is only passingly entertaining and i stopped using my fakebook altogether because meh, i already read the hebe boards and they're baically only good for checking out non nude pics of cute girls, hardly any intelligent discussion ever occurs besides 80% of them are autistic as fuck. Matter of fact i talked to some of them on chat, one was being a dick to me so i DOX'd him and when he pisses me off sufficiently i am publishing his info and then his life will be ruined because he's a hardcore pedo, oh well.

    See my problem?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    • Parents' lack of understanding of children's needs, child development and parenting skills
    • Parents' history of child maltreatment in family of origin
    • Substance abuse and/or mental health issues including depression in the family
    • Parental characteristics such as young age, low education, single parenthood, large number of dependent children, and low income
    • Nonbiological, transient caregivers in the home (e.g., mother’s male partner)
    • Parental thoughts and emotions that tend to support or justify maltreatment behaviors
    Family Risk Factors
    • Social isolation
    • Family disorganization, dissolution, and violence, including intimate partner violence
    • Parenting stress, poor parent-child relationships, and negative interactions
    Community Risk Factors
    • Community violence
    • Concentrated neighborhood disadvantage (e.g., high poverty and residential instability, high unemployment rates, and high density of alcohol outlets), and poor social connections.

    The only factors on this list that do not apply to my childhood/adolescence are: social isolation, (we have, err, had… a huge, somewhat close family who are/were all either crazy or criminals), and also my latest stepdad didn't beat my mom like the others did. To be fair, she was an incorrigible cheater.

    Lol most of these things apply to me as well.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support


    And boy do i have a sweet vid of her.

    >See Siberian Mouse thread on 8ch
    >Have to post Masha

    That's how it goes, and as long as you niggers are boring i'll entertain myself by posting highly inappropriate borderline CP pics.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can respect that. At least you're there for them as a parent, that can't be said for a lot of men.

    I was watching some hells angels chronicle thing on history the other day and it was honestly well put together.

    I think I need to start reading more. Like the older shit from the people who created things in the world

    I also feel about millenials as I imagine people did about hippies. I'm so tired of all the politically correct shit as well as gender crap and faggotry. People can butt bang and rub clams all they want, just keep it to yourself. I've been reading revelations again lately. Society is circling the bowl in my opinion

    There is something fundamentally wrong with society. It's the fact that we have divorced ourselves from rationality.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There is no one around me with the mentality or inclination to discuss much of anything with me except their own prosaic interests. I do get along well with my kids, though, we always have stuff to talk about, but a lot of times it's just them telling me about their day or their social lives, and I just sit back and let them talk about themselves while I nod and smile, it may not be very interesting to me, but at least they are communicating. For obvious reasons, I don't really share many of my interests with them, and that is another reason I come here. There is no one to inherit my esoteric knowledge of subversion and guile; my offspring are going to be successful in their own fields and so it's of no use or interest to them.

    I'm glad you're dedicated to raising your kids well, i just made athread to do with parenting and childhood experiences as well

    I'd reccomend it for Malice as well, just because i think he might find it interesting in general.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here's some mental mind barf to entertain you with my thoughts for a minute or ten. In all the time that i've been with you guys i've noticed two general trends that we as a community tend to have. First off, i think most of us are of above average intelligence, the avarage has certainly dropped in the wake of the number of users we've lost during all the transfers we had to go through. But that's ok. In general i think we're pretty smart.

    Also, i think we're all emotionally/socially dysfunctional to various degrees. The reason for this as i understand it is adverse childhood experiences. There's a pretty interesting study that has to do with this and i'll link some things up below.

    Here's a nice picture to illustrate how adverse childhood experiences are significant.

    And here's the website with the study.

    Some risk factors for ACE's would include:
    [h=4]Individual Risk Factors[/h]
    • Parents' lack of understanding of children's needs, child development and parenting skills
    • Parents' history of child maltreatment in family of origin
    • Substance abuse and/or mental health issues including depression in the family
    • Parental characteristics such as young age, low education, single parenthood, large number of dependent children, and low income
    • Nonbiological, transient caregivers in the home (e.g., mother’s male partner)
    • Parental thoughts and emotions that tend to support or justify maltreatment behaviors
    [h=4]Family Risk Factors[/h]
    • Social isolation
    • Family disorganization, dissolution, and violence, including intimate partner violence
    • Parenting stress, poor parent-child relationships, and negative interactions
    [h=4]Community Risk Factors[/h]
    • Community violence
    • Concentrated neighborhood disadvantage (e.g., high poverty and residential instability, high unemployment rates, and high density of alcohol outlets), and poor social connections.

    I strongly suggest you give it a read it's very interesting and the study was done well.

    It's interesting to see how the same kind of people always seem to find each other. Which is also true in romantic relationships, if you have some underlying mental issues there's a good chance your partner has them too. If you have children with this partner they will have it too and thus the cycle continues. It's almost as if misery is a virus within the collective human conscious.

    In conclusion, we're cray but also pretty smart in my opinion.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Just because you two asked to be hacked doesn't mean anyone needs to do it. You'll get hacked when you provide a good reason for being hacked. It's that simple.

    Less talking more cyber kung fu.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    So you post with one of those.

    I'm not really into cars but dang that engine looks sexy.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    There are better reasons to kill yourself, IDK, seems like a waste though. It's pretty special you get to live and experience what it is to be human no need to cut the experience short in general.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    well I'm ok with small talk, but when it gets on a deeper level, like especially this girl I am seeing right now for example, she sits there and expects me to come up with conversational subjects after I have exhausted all the regular stuff like asking questions about her, and after a while I run out of shit to talk about, at least that she would care about. I mean, I could go on and on about drugs or current events or crime or if I am making fun of someone, especially to their face, but really, no one cares about that shit, and when I am expected to come up with witty conversation, I really just don't have it in me. She literally rolls her eyes at me if I talk about stuff in the news. No one really cares about the things that I care about, and vice versa, I don't care about their stupid shit either, but at least I try to fake my way through it for the sake of diplomacy and getting pussy

    Lmao, sounds exactly like my gf, her interests are so superficial and lame i sometimes want to kill myself because of it. Luckily it's offset by the fact she's sweet and caring but meh. All my friends are smart luckily so i have cool stuff to talk about with them, same goes for my family. I try to avoid normal people as much as possible, i purposely don't talk to anyone within my apartment complex because i cringe at the thought of having to hear about there insignificant bullshit lives and interests but yeah i can fake it like no other if i have to, in the interest of pussy and diplomacy.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Also, malice, for my psychoanalysis, I want to note that I am extremely manipulative, but underneath it all, the real me, is just really boring and I often feel like I have nothing to say to anyone, so I either keep silent or talk shit, and talking shit has gotten me into lots of trouble in real life. So nowadays I just keep my mouth shut mostly..

    I always have shit to talk about with people, girls 10-14 are the hardest though because they have silly interests but it's worth it for that sweet underage pussy.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This one winter when I worked at a factory I worked the midnight shift, and it was over an hour commute so I had to leave for work at 9:30 pm to be there by 11:00 for the start of the shift, and it was dark by then outside and I went out to start my car and I see a nice orange tabby, trotting up to me in the circle of the garage floodlight, making that chirping 'mew' sound that they do. I smiled and said 'Hey cat' and bent down to pet its ears, and noticed that its tail was stripped off at just above the base, the fur and flesh completely gone, leaving behind nothing but a bloody exposed tailbone. I imagine that a dog almost got ahold of it, but who really knows?

    That's so sad. Poor cat, if i saw that happen i would violently murder the dog responsible and if it's a big bad dog i'd shoot it in the spine so it couldn't run then proceed to murder it violently with a long implement.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm bored as fuck and posting Malice where the fuck you at.
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