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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't think the fact that this is your cousin is what most people would give a fuck about lol. She's 13, you're in what, your mid 20's?

    The problem with these types of relationships is that when you've got that kind of a leap in age from such a young person, people in their young teens, you've got a HUGE mental advantage over them. You can play them, you know how to trick and use them, you can very easily manipulate them. However, I've talked to you a good bit about this and it seems like you're not like that to me. This is disgusting to me in more of a physical way than a moral one. I really couldn't fuck a 13 year old if you paid me to.

    You couldn't stop me from fucking a 13yo if you paid me to. NEWSFLASH! She's staying over for the weekend when she has her holiday in October, oh my. Too bad my gf will be there, kekekekekek.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    One does not simply stop giving a shit and if one does one's life will not be better for it. The solution is to stop your self destructive behavior and do what needs to be done so you don't get into situations that depress you.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I love sad poems so i made up another one.

    Empty rooms and picture frames
    Haunting memories are what remains
    A solution that once seemed so strange
    Has since absolved me of my pains.
    But i'd consider myself blessed
    If somehow unexplained
    I could hold you once again
    And see what i have left
    Inside this cage they call a chest
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I am consumed by vague entities; breaching my skin, hating, burrowing, digging, reaching.
    Cry I do but they hear not, they persist with no remorse, a twisted a passion
    Pain is one thing, misery is another
    I long for, long for my mother; her warmth, her love, the opposite of these devious creatures encompassing my being
    Will I find a way?
    Will they eat me from the inside out?
    I lay my head down, close my eyes, sigh heavily and consider
    I am not meant to be, I am meant to do, but what I do, was never meant for me.

    That last sentence was bootyfool. I'll BRB with another poem, if i can think of something that is.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Heavy internet usage is pretty prolific among white collar/desk workers. Particularly now with mobile internet and smartphones, which provide an alternative if they have strict policies on internet usage and monitor it. A lot of people on reddit, although facebook/twitter and other prole shit is probably more common (filthy commoners).

    Sophie, can I start calling you sophia? The femimine version sounds more pleasant, and googling it led me to this, which makes it more fitting:

    That it means wisdom does play into my inner narcissism. Do i get a free sex change with it? If we're gonna' do this we might as well do it well.

  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ill come visit, russia sounds fun

    It totally is. You can stay with me, we'll check out Moscow's nightclubs do some drugs and bang some hot Russian lolis afterwards.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not bad not bad. I will counter with:

    Some have spoken of the end times to be dark
    Some say beautiful.
    From what I've been known to remark
    I'm apt to believe it indeed will be dark.
    But if were to happen thrice,
    I'd want both beauty, night, and strange
    To speak of how peculiarity
    Doth make my day
    And brings hilarity.

    As i laid my head to rest
    A sense of dread, I was aghast
    A shadow that was cast
    Of ghosts and monster of the past
    Enveloped me at last.
    Before I could ask why
    I knew my time was nigh
    The darkness stark and wry
    It comes for you and I

  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Why didn't you say so.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I don't even know what krok is.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Every word I stated is the exact truth.

    And i'm the vicar of christ.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why you might ask? Well, Russian girls are hot as fuck and they don't care if you're banging an underage girl. Also, Russians don't give a fuck, all you have to do is praise Putin and you're good and what's there not to praise, he ain't America's bitch. Got some land? Too bad now it's new Russia. Also in Soviet Russia president assassinates you! Furthermore being a fag is outlawed which makes me kek heartily. Russian hiphop is awesome and the bleak gray soviet era cities and permafrost go well with my general mindset.

    One problem though i can't speak Russian for the life of me, that shit is harder than Chinese.

    I'll buy Russian for dummies and i'll be set though.

    brb packing bags
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I worked what's called "super queues". That's where you handle everything, including support for VOIP, DSL, wireless, cable TV, cable Internet, billing, sales, retention, web server support, e-mail support, abuse, dispatching, work orders, new installs, moves, telephony, business accounts and support, hotels, casinos, small and large businesses, you name it, I supported it. Not only did I specialize in all these fields, I handled what is called the "escalations desk", where you get all the shit no one else can figure out or can't handle, as well as running the call center, including quality control, tracking, call volume management, reporting, training, and various employee issues. I worked the escalations desk at the tier2 level for 10 years for various large companies, where performance metrics must be scores of 95% or higher at all times. I had to learn all of those systems from top to bottom, and everything in between. So I know what I'm talking about when I say they know a lot more about you than you think they know. And if they don't know, it's only because they haven't bothered to check. But they can.

    Do you actually believe your own lies or do you just hope you'll convince others?
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    maybe u can get a job? jobs convert boredom into money even the really shit ones.

    What makes you say i don't have a job, if it's the fact i'm online 24/7 remember businesses have internet too.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    We all have +9000 IQs and severe hebephrenic paranoid schizophrenia, is my guess.

    C-c-c-combo cringe.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here's a nice poem for your thread mQ.

    Some say the world will end in fire,
    Some say in ice.
    From what I’ve tasted of desire
    I hold with those who favor fire.
    But if it had to perish twice,
    I think I know enough of hate
    To say that for destruction ice
    Is also great
    And would suffice.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What OS/bit are you using?

    I'm testing it against Windows, it should be able to decode IP headers and take apart ICMP(I got a class for that as well) but it should run in Linux no problem. I got some logic that checks to see if we're in a Windows environment and if so adjust the behavior of the program accordingly. If you think it would helpful, i could post the entire script.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    This is the best time to hack.

    AND this is the best time to pound you know.

    brb firing muh laz0rz etc etc
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    its like half past tomorrow here and I can't sleep because I'm insane, have school work to do and probably got a girl I'm not very keen on pregnant. I literally just sold the last of my valium to this girl and although I have plenty of marywarmers and figure8s, I've moked a lot of them over the past while so its really best to abstain even though I know I wont. The girl who's probably pregnant called me and tried to talk for a few hours So I'm drinking doctor pepper, eating caramel/cheesy popcorn, reading about a local murder and doing schoolwork while poking niggerepz and fuck, I could have fucked this fucking idiotic girl tonight, I dunno what my regret-penis ratio would have been afterwards but it's an interesting scenario to entertain. Fuck intro psyche is so fucking gay, I feel like making my prof cry in front of the class in hopes they make me dean of the department, if that isn't how the hierarchy of that "field" of that '"social" "science"' works I'm going to rape the complete works of Nietzsche out of resigned cynicism, not power or anger like that faggot would have you think. So she's literally almost 3 weeks late but has taken 5 tests with all negative results. This website is now an online collection of pending suicide notes

    Lol, out of interest what are you studying?
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can only assume that you're all bitches that have to get their beauty sleep because you're a faggot like that. Who goes to bed at this time, what are you 12? Mmmm 12.

    [size=7]GIT REKT[/size]
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    I chuckled.
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