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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The entire point of the AztecMC server is to raid other players.

    Oh in that case. Serves them right, stupid noobs.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I got a huge collection of very tasteful artistic nudes of children, hold up while i upload them...
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol, i'm totally gonna' say " tbh fam" irl.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    still, if you're using it for 'research' into wireless standards instead of just day-to-day use, not really an issue. get a YAGI antenna and snipe people off their own wireless networks from the other side of town, lel

    Ayyy, exactly.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    A: "Do you think it is wrong to do anything that leads to the needless death of a person?"
    B: "Yes."
    A: "Does having a child lead to the death of person?"
    B: "Yes."

    Well, let's just commit mass suicide then.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    DUN [size=5]DUN [/size][size=6]DUN [/size]
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Even if a shitfucker could fuck shit and even if a shitfucker would fuck shit, should a shitfucker fuck shit?

    If a shitfucker could fuck shit he would fuck shit but whether he should fuck shit is not for fucking us to decide. Shit...
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    is it one of the chipsets with complete lunix drivers or one of those ones that has a windows driver with scanning/monitor/promiscuous etc extensions, because the latter tend to be stupidly expensive

    IDK, i'm on Linux these days but i got a little driver cd for use on windows with it. Also come bask in the glory of my ransomware in my other thread.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Saw the line flatten - asked: "any last thoughts?"
    The shards plot paths to your yard's door
    Hard fought sagas, you are what you ask for
    Pass more shit through your system for wisdom
    The masked hoards drift in to the distance
    Last call for the tricksters and vixens
    Mixed with a difference I shift like the pistons
    And yes I guess I did something once
    And yes, yes whatever next dunce is done
    They bled red, I sever flesh, drunk the blood
    And left death a step ahead crumbling punk
    It's like fresh leaves turning into red leaves; autumn
    Dead leaves turning into fresh green portions
    Bless these vermin the rest keep falling
    Emcee Sophie turning kids into next week's orphans.

  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Our lord Baphomet told me of Mullvad in a vision. Also... the infosec community needs YOU! To sign up for it has a lot of potential, interesting info and MLT from t3amp0is0n posts there. He is elite.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    actually it's more like this

    ayy lmao
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Boy, getting that Gold account sure was worth it!
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Recently I was playing minecraft on the AztecMC server. Some new players foolishly invited me to check out their base 20,000 blocks out from spawn. Of course, the first thing I did was copy their coordinates. Two days later myself and two other people travel out to their base when they are offline. We take everything of value, destroyed and burned down and blew up and killed everything else. The best part is that they don't suspect us at all. Their team broke apart and now we are just waiting for them to build up a good supply of resources before we raid the new bases.

    If you'd have done that to me i'd DDoS your server for retribution.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Kidiot picture removed. You don' t scare me kid.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You need to have a github to know how to hack someone, said no real hacker ever.

    Exactly, so quote me on saying that. Put your reading glasses on old man because i said:

    [greentext]>t's like facebook for nerds where people can post all their haxxy coding stuff.[/greentext]

    Nothing more, nothing less.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    It's a WIFI USB adapter. But that's not the cool part. It can function as your regular old wifi adapter but also comes with monitor mode and supports packet injection, it has a high gain antenna but for more range you can simply twist the original one off and srew an even higher gain antenna on. It also came with a little extension cable which can go from USB to micro USB for use in a tablet or proper smartphone. It would extebn the range of a Nexus tablet or phone with kali nethunter. Or you just plug it into your laptop, minus the antenna it's about the size of a lighter so it has excellent portability as well. Together with Aircrack-NG this is an excellent little tool for wardriving.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Not that i know of, but spectral never participates in challenges. I've challenged him over 9000 times and he never ever delivers, simply because all he is good at is bullshitting.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think we could find out who's the better hacker pretty quickly.

    Let's be real, it's not like you two didn't try to fuck eachother up. Both of you tried something. We have Billy Bob's fake PI and I don't know if Psycho's PI is out there but that's it.


    "fake PI" Lol. Also, this is my github. it's like facebook for nerds where people can post all their haxxy coding stuff. Have a look at mine and all the stars my project have and compare it tio spectral's then you'll know. Oh wait that's right, he doesn't even have a giuthub. That should tell you enough.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was just having a good laugh at your expense, dummy. Just the fact that you aren't intuitive enough to know that proves you aren't as good a hacker as you come across to be, kid. You really think I just fell off the turnip truck this morning? There are a few people still around who can attest to the fact that I don't play games, when I want to play games. I have nothing to prove to you, but if I ever really feel assed to, you'll know it.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's a nice thought, Actor.
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