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  1. #1
    I'm going to see bones/chris travis/eddy baker/xavier wulf tonight, it's going to be fucking sick, I've been obsessed with bones for like a year and a half now, chris travis is dope too, wulf is aight, eddy baker i only know a couple of his songs.

    Anyways I was originally planning on taking like 100 ug of al-lad with an edible and maybe a little etizolam to make me not give a fuck at all but i heard the security at this place are total nazis about people smoking weed and ill be with my girl and i dont really think i want to take a hallucinogen if its the kind of place where people get choked out for smoking a joint you know? I mean if it were just me it would be fine but i have to look after my girl too.

    anyways what do you guys think?

    btw special thanks to sophie because he was the one who introduced me to bones in tinychat when i was up for days on mpa hella long ago
  2. #2

    ~~~**you say you got them drugs but ive never seen you slang**~~~
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
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