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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The reason I ignore challenges is that I really can' t complete any of them because i lack the essential skills to do so.

  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    100%, she told me

    Why'd she do it?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes, it's really quite tasty actually.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    i enjoyed that story

    PROTIP: If you ever find yourself in the vicinity of a city that righteous judgement is being passed on, whatever you do, don't look back.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    All the other shit aside... I'm sorry about your gf, that shit's rough. How sure are you?
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thanks for letting us know.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Chemtrails are real

    It's called condensation.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's a 9 hour drive from where I'm at and I don't have a care and y'know…..

    I'd limit my proof pictures to German newsstands, shops and streets full of German cars. AND REFUGEES, uh-huh. With a sign off course.

    Germany is huge, sadly not as huge circa 1942.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    down a winding pathway
    in a garden old,
    tripped a beauteous maiden,
    but her heart was cold.

    came a prince to woo her,
    he said he loved her true.
    the maiden said he didn't,
    and so he ceased to woo.

    came a perfumed noble,
    dropping on one knee,
    said his love was deeper
    than the deepest sea.
    but the whimsed maiden
    said his love was dead,
    and the perfumed noble
    accepted what she said.

    came a dashing stranger,
    he took her off by force,
    said he'd make her love him,
    and she did, of course.

    Fuck yeah lulzy poetry.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Killer Grid: SDI’s (Strategic Defense Initiative) Scalar Weapons, EMF, Infrasound, ELF, VLF, Gwen Towers, Nexrad Radar System (NOAA), High Power Radio Microwave System, Sea Based X-Band Radars, World Wide HAARP System, Smart Grid, Chemtrails Grid. Get the picture? I call it the Killer Grid. Now, maybe people will wake up! It’s the “patriarchal matrix decomposing” and you can smell the stench. This “Killer Grid” is an electronic plasma grid which is now controlled by supercomputer, Jade Helm, which is using Game Theory and mind control against humanity. Rep. Kucinich introduced Bill HR2977 but he mysteriously pulled it on Oct. 2, 2001. It would have banned everything that’s used in the “Killer Grid”: * chemtrails * particle beams * electromagnetic radiation * plasmas * extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation * mind-control technologies. o :

    Infrasound, x-band radar, smart grid, Jade Helm except for chemtrails are all real things. But they have little to do with some sinister conspiracy.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    Don' t you just love the little dance they do.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Potsdammerplatz will do as well.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    700 Hauptstraße, Geiselberg. Pictures or you're a polack.

  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    *Wiggity wiggity woo woo wooahp*

    *Drops the mic*
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    if you want

    I actually might. Perhaps not weekly, but it seems like something fun/interesting to do.

    and yeah, I will probably write a fair bit on privacy, censorship, surveillance and security, and by extension opsec

    - I don't particularly like the word or giving direct advice on that though; I believe you should devise your own operational security principles based on what you're trying to protect and what from. the problem with cookie-cutter tutorials like use tails, use tor etc. is that a lot of people will take it as gospel without understanding why, leaving them open to making poor choices or weak configurations due to lack of understanding in the future

    That's an excellent point.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I can has weekly OP-ED?
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    -Setting up a secure home network
    -Basic OPSEC
    -Privacy in a world of mass surveillance
    -Introduction to INFOSEC
    -The role of cyber security TODAY
    -Malware: Advanced threat assesment
    -Malware: Development
    -Review of pentesting distros
    -Introduction to offensive programming
    -Security Spotlight: The Internet of Things.

    I'd read that.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I' m bored as fuck, measles would be a nice change of pace. Check out what randomly came up with youtube auto play.

    How ever so random.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    the first time i heard someone say 'fam' irl it took me a second to process what they were saying…then i remembered Bill Krozby always saying it…and realized it sounds utterly and ridiculously fucktarded. i had the overwhelming urge to grab their ears and use their face to repaint a wall in teeth.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was at school, i was ya fella
    Round the bikesheds fingerin' Daniella,
    Round the bikesheds fingerin' Celina,
    Round the bike sheds fingerin' Delina,
    Got four fingers up, you should have seen her,
    and my trousers couldn't be any keener,
    but a thought you was with Tina, tina,
    we had a kid called Sedina.

    Sophie is 'ere,
    Listenin' to the beats and rhymin' with a tear,
    Listen to the drop and feel the flavour it's summer time.

    i'm startin' out,
    i am poor,
    no pennies in me' pocket,
    can i sleep on ya' floor?
    Fresh outta' jail,
    an time on me' hands,
    Thatcher's white magic,
    can after can.
    King of the land,
    are you a fan?
    Listen to ma' rhymes and tell me you am,
    you got the pennies and i got the scams,
    doin it like the boys at WHAM!

    Summer is ere' an' its fuckin' fuckin' buzzin',
    have a can of Kestrel an' i'll kick me' girlfriend's head in,
    i'm only mezzin when i'm 'angin out wif' Bezzin,
    listen to what im sezzin',
    all the girls are lezzin'.
    (show us ye' muff!)

    Kestrel super,
    i got a' new car,
    suped it up wi' 4 fuckin' spoilers,
    12 inch alloy wheels,
    you know the deals,
    it was parked up next to a Rover,
    i walked over,
    POP goes the window,
    in goes me' hands,
    pulled out the tape player,
    off to me nans, off to me nans!

    Knickin' all the kitkat, cheese and wheat,
    police come a-knockin' and ya' dont see me,
    do another sentence,
    have a cup of tea,
    spark up a benson,
    have another THREE,
    have another E, right after me' tea,
    i am fucked and you dont see me,
    moving in the shadows,
    moving in the shadows,
    (like lone ranger)

    Summer is ere' an' its fuckin' fuckin' buzzin',
    have a can of Kestrel an' i'll kick me' girlfriend's head in,
    i'm only mezzin when i'm 'angin out wif' Bezzin,
    listen to what im sezzin',
    all the girls are lezzin'.

    Lock the door,
    throw away the key,
    Your rhymes are crap when youÂ’re next to me,
    Hope you think about everything I told you,
    Sophie is a fuckinÂ’ Donny soldier,
    Sophie is a fuckinÂ’ Donny soldier,
    Sophie's with the gÂ’s and heÂ’s *toking* on a bong,
    Sophie's with the gÂ’s and theyÂ’re singing along,
    Pulling on the bong,
    Pulling all along,
    With the gÂ’s,
    West side

    Sophie's everybodyÂ’s neighbour,
    Doing you a favour,
    Check out the flavour,
    All day saver,
    DigginÂ’ all your ravers,
    Show us your lasers,
    DonÂ’t let me phase ya'z,

    Trying to escape to an island,
    Where they do pills all day,
    Nine till eleven,
    It’s like ‘Eaven,
    What are you gerrinÂ’?

    Sophie's fuckinÂ’ Donny Soldier,
    HeÂ’s got a gun in his holster!

    Summer is ‘ere and it’s fuckin’ fuckin’ buzzin’,
    Have a can of kestrel and IÂ’ll kick me girlfriendÂ’s head in,
    I’m only mezzin’ when I’m ‘anging out wi’ Bezzin,
    Listen to what IÂ’m sezzin,
    All the girls are lezzinÂ’,

    Shout out to Timwell and Boswell for doing the vocals on the track for me tell yous,
    WhereÂ’d you get your shoes,
    show us your jediels,
    Sophie flavour...
    Wicked behaviour...
    And mQ.
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