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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I was half expecting you to say you are the only person worth talking to here.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sure it does, a true understanding allows you to lift the veil and see through the illusions. Once you fully grasp the ugliness of biological reality you can question whether this is something you genuinely wish to involve yourself in, or attempt to supersede. We all restrain and question our natural impulses, are molded through an immense cascade of institutions, changes in culture, knowledge (ethics/philosophy) that have occurred over time, to attempt to mold us from what would normally be savage behavior (Lord of the Flies/niggers) to beings that can function well in a modern society. Unfortunately the madness of love is questioned far more rarely, this incredibly irrational and destructive force that blinds your faculties for logic and reasoning so that you may be cuckolded by the double helix in order to fulfill your biological imperative. That imperative is one of the most vile, reprehensible, and selfish acts you can commit; and a proper analysis of research will show that the vast majority do not experience a net gain in well being. It's an absolute fool's errand, to say nothing about anti-natalist ethics. The original sin was childbirth; women are diseased, contain something monstrous within them.

    Sorry, no rational argument is going to deter me from pursuing bitches and love interests. Also, if i had children i'd feel morally bound to provide for them the best possible outcome and living standards. In that sense, i think you could do good while having children. I mean, life isn't always shitty fam... Well, if you're not depressed that is.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I suppose it might be redundant. You could do...

    import random
    import string

    def digit_generator(size=5, chars=string.digits):
    return ' '.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

    Instead of...

    import random
    import string

    digits = ''

    def digit_generator(size=5, chars=string.digits):
    global digits
    digits = ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))

  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Daily Beast is literally Hillary Clinton's blog dude.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Presumably for the comment about four year old girls, but looking back, I have no idea

    Yeah, it's called knee-jerk reaction. It happens a lot. At the end of the day though i forgive you.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That said the information regarding porn addiction and its correlation with the problems of the west are not readily sauce-able so I will concede
    gop graphs back acha m4

    Excellent. Thanks that's all i needed. Also, i don't really think porn addiction is more destructive than drug addiction. But as it is with the drug war, cracking down on drugs seems to be counter productive. In the same way i'd say banning porn would be counter productive as well.

    ropf trophs to u m3
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    easily googleable studies regarding the addictive potential of pornography have no relevance to the fact that porn is bad for society?

    Lop laffs for sure m6

    Remember how you said:

    [greentext]>try looking into the declining birth rates and the dissolution of the traditional family[/greentext]

    Then you went on to talk about porn addiction as if there was some intrinsic causality between the two. I am not trying to argue there is no such thing as porn addiction. I am saying porn addiction or porn in general is in no way correlated to declining birth rates. Which by your previous post seems to be a key issue with regards to 'the decline of the west'. Now, you made that claim, burden of proof is on you. Come on, TLN i thought you were smart.

    Bop kaffs all day m5.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What is an alt right

    y u cuck me br0?
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ur mom is a 4 yr old girl and ur a handle of a masonic pantomime

    Dank insults bro.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>completely disragards my point about pornography and addiction pathways.[/greentext]

    Exactly, because it has no relevance to your claim of "hurr durr porn is degenrate".

    [greentext]>no study[/greentext]

    Top laffs indeed m7.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    try looking into the declining birth rates and the dissolution of the traditional family. Porn is literally cucking people. Look into how it rewires the brain and forms addiction pathways brej. I agree it isnt terribly bad in small doses but when you have kids watching porn at 11 there is no drive to get a girlfriend at 21.

    lrn2science, correlation =/= causation.

    There is no study that proves declining birthrates are caused by the abundance of porn. Matter of fact, there is no study even correlating the two. And i would challenge you to find one that says otherwise.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nice artwork.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Before you start to comment on political issues you might want to address the fact that your grammar is at the level of a four year old girl. Now if you were actually a four year old girl you would at least be useful in the sense that you would have had fresh pussy. Considering the current state of affairs, i see no practical use for you at all.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Basically I sound like someone who sees the whole problem. Porn is worse than something I dont like its a cancer contributing to the downfall of the west.

    Maybe you should stop reading /pol/ like it's scripture.

    [greentext]>Basically I sound like someone who sees the whole problem[/greentext]

    Tell me of this whole problem. But before you do:

    [greentext]>Porn is worse than something I dont like its a cancer contributing to the downfall of the west.[/greentext]

    Indeed? Do you have some statistics supporting that or is it just your opinion?
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Soy milk is delicious. I'll guzzell that shit like it's semen gushing from god's own cock any day of the week.

    Also daily reminder that anything short of truly excessive soy consumption has never produced a feminizing effect across multiple studies.

    Going by your post you don't need any help being more feminine Lan Lan onii-fam.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It wasn't an outright ban

    The pay sites aren't banned and I'm sure any adult who wants it bad enough can get around the censors.

    Allegedly it was a "think of the children" type thing

    The point is, banning something for which there is demand is retarded on more than an economic level.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I disagree. Porn is more dangerous than drugs. At least drugs promote a social interaction however bad for society it is. Living your life wanking to women on a screen is just fucking sad.

    Basically, if humans were smart enough to not get mesmerized by pr0n it wouldnt be an issue. Basically humans are too stupid to have porn.

    [greentext]>stop liking the things i don't like[/greentext]

    Basically you sound like an autocrat, basically...

  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Isn't it fucking great i asked Lan for meme arrows, the world is a meme bro. And we have the dankest.

  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The fucking bitch whore anchor of MSNBC has one thing right. It was a fucking hilarious moment.

    Also, Richard Spencer:

    [greentext]>It's going to involve dank memes[/greentext]

    [greentext]>smug frog[/greentext]

    Hahahaha, how i pity the people on whom internet culture is lost. You're a great goy Spence. ACE
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