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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    "A US dollar" would be correct for magical grammar reasons.

    The writing system is an artifact of the spoken language.

    I don't think we have this silliness in Dutch. Yee, yee. You know what's funny? In old Dutch we used to use an F for the letter S.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    MSNBC and the rest of the liberal fag media has gone full retard that's what. Their latest propaganda piece is that [SIZE=28px]OMG! PEPE IS A SYMBOL OF WHITE SUPREMACY AND LOOK OMG!!! DONALD TRUMP JUST LOVES TO POST IT OMFG!!![/SIZE]
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Ok so let me get your take on this. If i want to talk about money do a say an US dollar or do i say a US dollar? 'An' seems grammatically correct while 'a' seems phonetically correct.

    And so I cry sometimes
    When I'm lying in bed just to get it all out
    What's in my head
    And I, I am feeling a little peculiar
    And so I wake in the morning
    And I step outside
    And I take a deep breath and I get real high
    And I scream from the top of my lungs
    What's going on?
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    also this

    4cuck should learn that an ad hominem and name calling are basically the same.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I dislike almost all soy products. Especially soy milk.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Apparently you don't really know RisiR that well either. He made an alt the handle is ACAB.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If we are to believe the bible he can influence physical things. Remember how the sea parted for Moses? Or how Jesus turned water into wine? But maybe God is a dick and only helps the people he likes.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    and right now, the world says it is a psychiatric disorder. Sorry. And maybe you're right. Maybe the world should call it a mental and behavioral pattern instead of an illness. It's all mostly semantics anyway.

    Kind of like how homosexuality used to be in the DSM. But if you believe you're something you are not (i.e. a woman when you are a man) you are confused in the very least.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're a faggot. That's my answer.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Thanks for the keepass suggestion aldra.

    I just got told that "Zongo1!" Wasn't secure enough of a password, like how fucking paranoid are these people???

    Am I being gangstalked

    That's seven characters, i agree with them that it's a shitty password. Adding mutations to passwords in a list is trivial when you're attampting to crack them. Mutations are a 1 in the back and/or an excalamation mark or similar. I suggest you use a passphrase,

    Reasonably Good



  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I looked him up, I… don't know how to feel about this. Maybe I came off as one of those internet tough guys or a self help guru, dunno, but this shit really works for me. Part of me is really god damn tired of MBA cunts asking me to work for equity (ie. make believe money) and you can only say NO so many times before you punch someone. Maybe it's the curse of being interested in something that generates lots of money? Like shit, I could just spend all day at home and mess around with C or Python or some shit, but now there's a bunch of greedy sonuvabitches that are willing to lie, cheat, and scam just in order to get some free labor.

    Also, what do you think of my advice? I know it's not T&T related, but I wanted to give back something to the community

    My interests are broader than compsci and it's good advice. Especially for people that aren't as socially equipped as some of us. It's important to be assertive in any kind of business relationship, also, thanks for wanting to give back to the community. It's in line with the spirit of what Totse and Zoklet stood for and that's never a bad thing.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The parents can do everything perfectly right and still come out with a loser. That's why they get so resentful and hurtful. They wasted 25+ years of their fucking life! Just imagine if that happened to you! It's like putting $1,000 in the bank, waiting 25 years for the interest to accumulate, then being told you are only owed $9.99 and the rest got lost somewhere, but they don;t know where. I WANT MY MONEY AND I WANT IT NOOOWWWW!!

    Guess they should have thought about that before they had children now shouldn't they? At the end of the day it's their fault either by virtue of being shitty parents, or by putting you on the world in the first place.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I agree that homosexuality and bisexuality would also be caused by differences or irregularities in brain structures, however I would classify those as mental and behavioral patterns and not disorders. I would say a mental and behavioral pattern could be considered to be a disorder if it were shown to cause a person suffering or a poor ability to function in life. To accept your claim that transgenderism is a mental disorder but pedophilia is not, you would need to demonstrate how transgenderism is a cause of such suffering and how pedophilia is not.

    Ask a tranny, i bet they suffer pretty bad due to body/gender dysphoria. On the other hand, i don't particularly suffer because i like little girls. Sure it would be nicer if people just accepted it and moved on but i imagine the same holds true for faggots.

    What causes pedophilia? Surely, it must be a difference found in the brain - if we all had the same brain structures, wouldn't we all behave the same way? According to the wiki article I linked you to, although the cause of pedophilia is not yet known, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function, beginning in 2002.

    Why must it be? This sounds like the classical nature versus nurture argument.

    If the cause of transgenderism is a difference in brain structures, is it hard to imagine that a similar difference is the cause of pedophilia?

    No but let's just call it a mental and behavioural pattern then because i just told you i do not suffer because of it.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sure, that would be appreciated.

    Why should pedophilia be considered a sexual preference rather than a mental disorder? Is it possible for something like pedophilia or objectophilia to be both, like a sexual preference that is caused by a mental disorder? According to wikipedia, pedophilia is considered to be a psychiatric disorder. Can you show reasons why we should consider that to be not true?

    My position is not that transgenderism is a sexual preference; rather it is that if it makes sense to consider a person to have a type of mental disorder if they have an irregular gender identity, than it should also make sense to consider a person to have a type mental disorder if they have an irregular sexual preference, should it not? Both our gender identity and our sexual preferences should, I imagine, have something to do with specific structures in our brains. Therefore irregularities in our gender identities or sexual preferences (as well as numerous other things like personality traits and disorders) should correspond to irregularities in the brain structures. This is a reasonable position to have, is it not?

    It sounds like a reasonable position to have and let's say for arguments sake that your position holds true. Irregular sexual preference is caused by mental disorders, ok, then it follows to say that homosexuality and bisexuality is caused by a mental disorder as well. For the record i don't think they are but you can't have it both ways. Either everyone that falls outside the norm of regular sexual preference has a mental disorder or no one does.

    I don't think pedophiles have a different brain than other people. And if we are to believe blacklbird's claim that:

    [greentext]>Transgender people literally have a brain thats more similar to the gender they identify as than their birth gender.[/greentext]

    Then if we consider different brain structure the root of mental disorders i would say transgenders would fit the definition better.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    you guys cherry pick what you choose to believe.

    Indeed, i choose to believe truth and choose not to believe fiction. It's called critical thinking, you should try it some time.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I have a question: why do you think believing you are transgender is a mental disorder but pedophilia is not? Aren't they basically the same sort of thing? Like, someone could use a similar argument and state that just because someone is mentally disturbed and believe children want to have sex with them doesn't mean we should legalize sex with children - instead they should get treatment for their mental health issues.

    You seem like a reasonable person most of the time. Can you explain your reasoning behind this?

    Pedophilia is a sexual preference, i don't have a problem with people having a sexual preference for one thing or another for men or women, boys or girls. Also i don't just think young people want to have sex with older people, children become sexually active right at the start of puberty. When i was 18 i dated a 12yo girl, we had sex as well and she was the one pursuing it the most actively out of the two of us. When i was twelve myself i probably would have had sex with an 18yo girl myself if the opportunity had arisen. Furthermore there is an evolutionary advantage to being attracted to young girls. They are the most fertile during puberty and historically people didn't get to be really old due to disease and accidents because of the lack of medical science. With regards to the law, if a relationship is mutually consensual between a young girl and an older guy or the other way around, there is no moral imperative to outlaw it. Transgenderism is a gender identity issue not one of sexual preference. ItÅ› comparing apples to oranges. I will expand later if you would like me to, for now i have an appointment. Be back in a couple hours.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Sounds like you have a loving family...

    Why do they think you're a weird person?
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    y r u sad?
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