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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Cite your source!

    jk soph i luv u wit my butthole

    Good, because i only have my serious cap on with you in the other thread.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Don't feel special, Psycho, he's been cucking me too. Which is man on man action and not very divine.

    I am fucking special though because i believe it to be true, amirite?
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Mhm, while we're on the subject of divinity you should listen to this.

    If there is something divine, it must be this music.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Pressure cookers my ass. I'm gonna make my own bomb making guide called "How to make a BOOMER in the garage of your foother" first get a plastic drum and fill it with gunpowder, ANFO, nails, nuclear waste, poison and roll it into a parade or large crowd.

    Gunpowder doesn't set ANFO off.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [greentext]>if you're pissed off you are morally justified to take violent action[/greentext]

    Yeah, that's not an argument.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    [size=5]Art thou irate, brother?[/size]

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Could they be from posts in private groups?

    It's either from PM's or visitor messages or something. IDK.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No. I actually believe everything I wrote in this thread.

    Yeah that's the funny part.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes. It is an obvious thing that seems to pass over your heads.

    I understand why you want to believe this dude, i just don't agree because it makes no sense. Also, the reason it does not make sense to me is not because i just love atheism and love to fap it makes no sense to me because there is zero relation between the things you claim have a relation.

    I am not here to prove anything to you guys.

    No, because you can't.

    I am just saying what I believe and I have like 4 different people freaking out on me because I hold the belief that porn is degenerate bullshit and that actual sex is a divine act. Literally fucking flipping their shit because I feel this way.

    Only reason i am debating you on this is because you are wrong in your belief. Unless you want to argue that whatever you say is valid because you believe it to be so. Ok then i can have the same. I believe i am the God-Emperor of mankind, now submit to me, because i believe it and this must mean it is true. If that sounds crazy to you it's because it is, not only that, it's fucking retarded.

    All the while they cant even explain why they feel how they do nor can they disprove my claims.

    I just did, and i disproved your claims multiple times in this thread, but i guess you can just believe that i didn't, right?

    Top fucking kek indeed you absolute idiot.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You know when the romans were doing the orgies and stuff their empire was falling? Have you even read the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire?

    Here you go again correlating things that don't have to do anything with eachother.

    In any case

    'In any case' means if i am wrong here is my backup position, you are wrong let's see your backup position.

    the romans participated in orgies and shit as a way to get their minds off the fact that their empire was failing

    This is an assumption. I am pretty sure the Roman nobility was more concerned with debasing Rome's currency to pay the legions at the point of the fall of Rome. My point here is, they might have had orgies because it felt good, but they were concerned with different things than the overall welfare of the empire.

    To look at the mentality of the Roman emperors, we can look just at the advice that the Emperor Septimius Severus gave to his two sons, Caracalla and Geta. This is supposed to be his final words to his heirs. He said, "live in harmony; enrich the troops; ignore everyone else." Now, there is a monetary policy to be marveled at!

    Caracalla did not adhere to the first part of that advice; in fact, one of his first acts was to murder his brother. But as for enriching the troops, he took that so seriously to heart that his mother remonstrated with him and urged him to be more moderate and to restrain his increasing military expenditures and burdensome new taxes. He responded by saying there was no longer any revenue, just or unjust, to be found. But not to worry, "for as long as we have this," he insisted, pointing to his sword, "we shall not run short of money." His sense of priorities was made more explicit when he remarked, "nobody should have any money but I, so that I may bestow it upon the soldiers." And he was as good as his word. He raised the pay of the soldiers by 50 percent, and to achieve this he doubled the inheritance taxes paid by Roman citizens. When this was not sufficient to meet his needs, he admitted almost every inhabitant of the empire to Roman citizenship. What had formerly been a privilege now became simply a means of expanding the tax base.
    He then went further by proceeding to debase the coinage. The basic coinage of the Roman Empire to this time — we're speaking now about 211 AD — was the silver denarius introduced by Augustus at about 95 percent silver at the end of the 1st century BC. The denarius continued for the better part of two centuries as the basic medium of exchange in the empire.

    Boom, inflation and immigration as main causes for Rome's downfall. Sounds familiar?

    And since your point that sex is not divine

    He asked why, questioning why something is so does not mean you believe it is not so.

    is backed up with no proof

    Just like your claim that it is divine is backed up with no proof.

    there is no reason for me to explain why it is since I told you that if you could prove that sex wasnt divine (which you cant) then I would tell you why I believe it is.

    This argument is ridiculous for reasons above.

    So essentially maybe I am spouting verbal diarrhea but you are too since you cant disprove its divinity.

    Ok fine so let's ignore the "sex is divine" issue and let's see you answer the rest of my arguments.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Because I know in my heart of hearts it is the way.

    Just like you know God is real right? Then you go on to say:

    [greentext]>Of course I havent convinced you or anyone else here. They love to fap[/greentext]

    This is like saying "Sophie doesn't believe in God because he loves atheism."
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I like armadillos, they're cute.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What is this bro.

    Empty post thingies, this has been happening forever. Whenever i click on them it tells me i am not allowed to perform that action.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Fear doesn't work on dead people.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Bare minimum to ward off hunger. 25mg Thrice daily for two weeks.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Allahu ahkbar.

  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    people that think the lottery is the key to their dreams are deluded as fuck. Spend that $1000 to cook some meth and you can double or even triple it with raw manly skill. Fuck luck. And fuck taxes.

    This tbh fam.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Socialism doesn't work, period.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Begon allemaal met puur,
    Ik was een vieze nigger 10 scooters in de schuur.

    Runner of Zip, alles Malossi,
    Busje of een motor, fuck dat ik stop niet.

    Doe dit voor me niggers die nog cake pakken,
    Wat weetje van een dikke rook in een E-Klasse

    In de winter rock ik slippers met 2 sokken,
    Ik heb styliste heel soms ga ik mee shoppen.

    Jonko en whiskey,
    Of een Happy Meal, kipnuggets en een Fristi

    Ja nigger, fristi de drank der bazen.
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