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The Alt Right has objectively the dankest memes.

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    While you're out lol'ing at the dank memes the alt right produces on a daily basis make sure to donate a dollar to the development of the Alt Right playing cards. You basket of deplorables!

    Featuring among others, Lauren Southern.

    Hot hot hot hot hot.

  2. #2
    whats even funnier is nobody is making Hillary memes because she just isn't funny and everyone hates her.

    and Trump has this. He will be the greatest president of all time.

  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    whats even funnier is nobody is making Hillary memes because she just isn't funny and everyone hates her.

    and Trump has this. He will be the greatest president of all time.

    Trump: Metal Mecha Man!
  4. #4

  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The fucking bitch whore anchor of MSNBC has one thing right. It was a fucking hilarious moment.

    Also, Richard Spencer:

    [greentext]>It's going to involve dank memes[/greentext]

    [greentext]>smug frog[/greentext]

    Hahahaha, how i pity the people on whom internet culture is lost. You're a great goy Spence. ACE
  6. #6
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Isn't it fucking great i asked Lan for meme arrows, the world is a meme bro. And we have the dankest.

  7. #7
    Isn't it fucking great i asked Lan for meme arrows, the world is a meme bro. And we have the dankest.


  8. #8
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
  9. #9
    bling bling Dark Matter
    wasnt the alt right a ternn conned by the HC 83

    trump isnt right u r a retard to
  10. #10
    bling bling Dark Matter
    hahahah oit actually was hhhilary clinton who made the term !¬alt right!¬ u btfo
  11. #11
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Before you start to comment on political issues you might want to address the fact that your grammar is at the level of a four year old girl. Now if you were actually a four year old girl you would at least be useful in the sense that you would have had fresh pussy. Considering the current state of affairs, i see no practical use for you at all.
  12. #12
    bling bling Dark Matter
    ur mom is a 4 yr old girl and ur a handle of a masonic pantomime
  13. #13
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ur mom is a 4 yr old girl and ur a handle of a masonic pantomime

    Dank insults bro.
  14. #14
    What is an alt right
  15. #15
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What is an alt right

    y u cuck me br0?
  16. #16
    y u cuck me br0?

    Presumably for the comment about four year old girls, but looking back, I have no idea
  17. #17
    What is an alt right

    Its where you press the left alt button on the keyboard and then press the right arrow key. Some would say it is where you press the right alt key but this would in fact not be correct, as alt right is surely where you press the left alt button on the keyboard and then press the right arrow key. [SIZE=12px]Some would say it is where you press the right alt key but this would in fact not be correct, as alt right is surely where you press the left alt button on the keyboard and then press the right arrow key.[/SIZE] [SIZE=10px]Some would say it is where you press the right alt key but this would in fact not be correct, as alt right is surely where you press the left alt button on the keyboard and then press the right arrow key.[/SIZE] [SIZE=9px]Some would say it is where you press the right alt key but this would in fact not be correct, as alt right is surely where you press the left alt button on the keyboard and then press the right arrow key.[/SIZE][SIZE=8px] Some would say it is where you press the right alt key but this would in fact not be correct, as alt right is surely where you press the left alt button on the keyboard and then press the right arrow key.[/SIZE]
  18. #18
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Presumably for the comment about four year old girls, but looking back, I have no idea

    Yeah, it's called knee-jerk reaction. It happens a lot. At the end of the day though i forgive you.
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