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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Use of global in python is a code smell, so avoid that. The latter piece of code would be considered very bad style. Generally speaking it is preferable to return a value without mutating something out in space, how important you think that is depends on ideological factors but even hardcore C people will admit if you can fit your value in a word it's better to return it as a value than mutate it as a refrence. That's kind of jargony, maybe not relevant here.

    The issues here are twofold, firstly it's unintuitive, if a function generates something it should return it. Secondly there's potential for concurrency woes, if you call this function you then need to read the value back from the global `digits` before using it. Consider if you call this function, use it once, but then the scheduler starts execution on some other thread that calls this function again, then resumes execution on the first. `digits` in the first thread will evaluate to something different than it did the line before, it can change under your feet over the course of executing a function. There are some caveats in terms of what "scheduler" means in the context of python but gevent is a thing (and a very good thing at that!) and this is a real situation you need to consider.

    Yee, i don't think i quite thought it through. Thanks.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Awesome developments Mal Mal, thanks for sharing.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    my mother didnt either so i guess thats called a non-sequitur

    You should stay with your strengths Bill Krozby, i.e. not formal logic.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    She actually would. she needs a strong masculine figure in her [SIZE=8px]life[/SIZE]

    If you're implying Bill Krozby is an effeminate fuccboi, i think you are right.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I also came across this and felt I understood Sophie better:

    One look and… Reminds me of Lolita

    She seems familiar, also understanding is good. What were your thoughts when you saw that picture, i'd be interested to know.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Nihilists and moral relativists can suck a dick.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support

    This tbh.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think Bill Krozby's daughter would be better off with me tbh.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Your all jedi influenced degenerates

    Dank argument bro.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You didnt demonstrate shit. You just said "lol romans fucked eachother as their empire was dying!"

    Nope, that was semi. Apparently you didn't read the thread either.

    You havent categorically or systematically provided evidence that porn is a healthy and good thing

    I did not need to, you know why? Because i never claimed that, i only said there is no demonstrable evidence that it actually is contributing to the downfall of western civilisation, which was your assertion at the start of the thread fuccboi.

    Also at sir slappy:

    [greentext]>Obviously you didnt explain sheeet.[/greentext]

    Read above shit for brains.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Maybe you could try dating a man instead. Also little girls aren't awful, they're generally sweet, adorable, beautiful and all around precious imho. I'd love to have a daughter one day, not necessarily to have sex with either, kek.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here's an even funner fact, Malice. They got the instructions on how to make those from the internet. What site was on the internet in 1999? And what site would have instructions on how to make explosives that end up failing?

    Eric and Dylan were totseans.

    They were, Eric actually wrote a textfile for the articles section. Totseans has the archive.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Im siding with TLN on this one. Common sense just points to pornography being degenerate. Its a plague on society. If i didnt jack off constantly to porn everyday my relations with women would most likely improve. I wouldnt be so sex obsessed with ass and probably see them more for what they are on the inside. Imagine a lonely fat man with zero self-esteem porn makes it easy for him to sit in his chair faping his life away to a computer screen crying into his cheeseburgers. I bet theres a lot of degenerate fatasses jacking off to porn because its and easy way out then growing a pair and going out into the world to find a partnet

    Did you even read the thread? I've demonstrated multiple times that 'common sense' as you call it, in this case is wrong. Also at Obbe, the truth doesn't have to be agreeable, it's just that, the truth.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Maybe if you didn't #drunkpost all the time you could avoid these situations.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    but your belief in calling out the fact my belief is based on nothing but my belief and you have no actual facts to support your claims that your belief is based on nothing but fact and you have no actual facts to support your claims.

    thoroughly rump roasted ya friccin idiot!

    Remember a few pages back? You made a claim, burden of proof is on you. If you say X is so, and i say, ok has it been studied and shown that X is so? And you say NO BUT THERE HAVE BEEN NO STUDIES DISPROVING WHAT I AM SAYING EITHER!!! Then ok, i postulate unicorns exist, since there is no proof of the contrary i must be right. See how silly you are being?
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    neither is "You dont have a peer reviewed sceince 2 go wit dat bigmac", dummy

    Nope you're right about that, that's called calling out the fact your belief is based on nothing but your belief and you have no actual facts to support your claims.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Whatcha' do, fam?
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Shit's about to get real.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Clicking cuck is not an argument, stupid.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    nope not falling for that

    If you agree with TLN you better bring something better than just your opinion.
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