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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Almond milk is for pakis and ching Chongs. Real Americans drink Cashew milk.

    Did you know that cashews come from a fruit?
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I wonder if i'd still like little girls if i were a woman.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Everyone who has ever had a bad trip and some some type of long lasting psych issues because of it is a weak minded pussy. I've done a shit ton of psychedelics 2c-X, 25X-NBOMe, and tryptamine family. First off i have never ever had a profound spiritual experience even with large doses, secondly i have had my fair share of bad trips, without any ill effects afterwards. So, the people that experience something spiritual or have a long lasting effect from the trip have more than likely a predisposition to this shit, and shouldn't do it in the first place.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What a surprise. Not only is Bill Krozby an asshole online he's one in real life as well.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    See this thread:

    Note that in the past Sophie has admitted he would fuck a 4 year old if given the opportunity.

    I said that being non-exclusive makes it so i can like girls from 4 and up. You also failed to mention that consent is important to me and trust me i am under no illusion a four year old can consent to anything sexually related and that i would rather fuck a 12 year old girl because even if it would be possible for a 4 year old to consent i would never want to hurt them, and so i have had sex with a young girl(12 when i was younger myself) consensually. Finally and this is the last time i will mention it. Being a transgender is not a sexual orientation so you cannot compare it to pedophilia, it's like apples and oranges and there is nothing magical about making the distinction nigga'.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    "Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder" - Wikipedia

    Homosexuality was as well according to the DSM back in the day, so as far as psychiatry is concerned wikipedia can suck my dick and so can you.
  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You're all disgusting. Is this a joke? I can't tell. Are you guys legitimately sharing your pedo love? I feel dirty for having posted here now.

    Yeah i literally want to fuck children, if you have a problem with that you can leave, normie scum.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    literally nothing in that post is true. don't believe everything that gets passed off as 'news'. I'll link you some data when I get home.

    There's a reason Russia is backing Syria. The US are not the good guys in the middle east, they never have been.

    I wonder if Russia were the ones who just bombed that "red cross convoy" headed into ISIS territory.

  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    She was flatter than Holland, brother. Just stop.

    Very flat indeed, if the Earth wasn't round i could see all the way to Groningen dude.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know that feel bro.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    The SJW is strong with this one!!. Sorry if I intruded into your safe space but rape is as natural as the sun and moon man

    Girls that don't go out in public like this[SIZE=36px] DESERVE[/SIZE] to be held down and fucked until they can never walk again.

    Feeling particularly edgy today are we Mr. Happy? Rape under normal circumstances is bad enough but the fact that you're a pedo and say this is the very reason everyone fucking hates pedos.

    It's just natural human urges to want to take things and make them your own.

    Is this your justification for being pathetic? It's more of an admission of the fact that you are so sexually undesirable that the only way for you to get pussy is by raping a bitch.

    Sorry for following my primal instinct.

    Following your primal instinct in this manner doesn't just make you a shitty person it actually reduces you to the same category as an animal.

    Once your country gets taken over by superior Islamic culture and your women forced to live like this at the point of a sword you will agree. Until then, enjoy yoga pants while you still can infidel :-)

    You a jihadi now? You're a funny goy.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Artists have a vocation to express their perceptions of hyperspacial realities from every point of view that man can reach, at every different time that man can live in, to provide us with handles on universal truths. All the myths and all the religions present us with different pictures of the same hyperspacial entity, and that entity is ourselves.

    What is it that makes human beings hyperspacial.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    meth and coffee allows me to see through walls but I also go into "kill or fuck" mode which is like fight or flight but my only urges are rape and murder.

    Rape is for beta faggots who are either too ugly or too socially awkward to get with a woman or girl in a normal and voluntary manner.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Awww man, now I feel bad cause Sophie compared me to this Mike guy. What do you think about my adviceors, Lanny?

    It wasn't meant as an insult <3
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I fucking hate SJW's fuck their triggers, fuck their perpetual state of victimhood, fuck their safe spaces. There is nothing i can think of that we could do, except for oppose it and expose it for what it is, preferably more often than not.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    As Lanny said, it's better to stay away from writeable globals. It always comes back sooner or later to bite you in your ass. The first function looks nice and clean, and it's easy to read because it's self-contained.

    Yeah, agreed. Thanks everybody.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    oooooooh giad do you guys ever shut the fuck up and go to sleep!!!?

    Sleep is for the weak.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I know its not all about me, its about the zoklet/totse people… something you forgot about a long time ago, you deplorable.

    Deplorable and proud bro. And my point here is, that while Lanny talks about something serious you see fit to bitch at him about something entirely unrelated and before that to mQ as well. Like mQ said the discussion was mature until that faggot morningstar and especially you afterwards showed up you big derpajedi.
  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    ATT lanny why does your website sucka bag of dicks? im pretty sure i have more likes than I do here… hell i can't even post a thread.fix your shitty website faggot!

    You're fucking unbelievable Bill Krozby, not everything is about you. And you're a fucking asshole.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    likewise, continue being a boot licking faggy =)

    I don't need to lick anyone's boots nigga' i am a very likeable individual.

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