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Posts by Sophie

  1. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It's because nine out of ten people are irrational.
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yes, I've done MDPV a few times. I have never felt the urge to binge on stims for more than two or three days. I cannot imagine how you stood strong for three months. Fuck that. I seriously cannot fathom it. I too have gone into psychosis on stims, which was more of an overdose issue so I understand the compulsion to dose but still liek… limits, man. At what point did you go into psychosis do you think? When did you figure out it was all just delusions?

    About third day in, it progressively got worse, i snapped out of it after i slept for a long while after i ran out.
  3. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    People who propagate and normalize this are the reason we need to bring back burning people at the stake and shit.

    Your heresy will be cleansed in the Righteous Fire of the Lord on the Day of Judgement.

    I don't like Christian fundamentalist TLN.
  4. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I come to this site for your betterment

    Please don't bother.
  5. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Lol @ transgender as a sexual orientation. That makes zero sense.

    I know right, it was in response to Open Your Mind.

    So, Sophie, one of my biggest issues with your standpoint is that the bigger the age gap with underage boys and girls, the more mental manipulation is at play, the more power you have over somebody. I grew up around a lot of younger kids, it's pretty easy to manipulate them to do what I want. You know exactly what a 12 year old girl wants to hear. How do you feel about this obvious mental superiority?

    I feel like i should tread lightly with younger girls.
  6. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Inaccurate impression, boyo. It's not about fear or a belief of being unable to attain happiness, it's superseding biological instinct, not being a slave to DNA,

    Ah but is it really? Is it not your DNA that has laid the blueprint for the brain you possess? I am not a determinist but i would say the brain determines personality and the way in which you interpret the world around you and your own thought process. Is "superseding your biological instinct" not your biological imperative? Is your escape to transhumanism not a search for a purpose higher than yourself, a search most certainly human in nature.

    Talk about 'her' and memories, that song ^ reminds me of my first gf, and not in a depressing way. I was with her at her home and i was happy, the radio was on and then this song came on, and i thought, hm, i am going to remember this and to this day i do as if it was yesterday, isn't that something?

  7. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's good! That means you (hopefully) fall into the "love that bitch" category.

    I love her very much, it's rather inconvenient most of the time tbh. I'm also kind of in love with my little cousin, because i am weird like that. Would be great to live in a cult where i could marry both... Polyamory is a helluva thing.
  8. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Who cares, everyone who believes that shit should be gassed.
  9. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Selling condoms on eBay is a pretty lame scheme, why don't you just sell drugs instead.
  10. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    No, you're just a terribly boring troll and I'm glad you are, and aren't retarded. I don't know how you took that guinea pig thing as even a mild insult. I just wanted to know why in the holy motherfuck would you take MDPV for three months straight? What were you thinking? Was it even enjoyable? How much did you go through? What sort of chaos did this bring about?

    K well, ever done MDPV? Compulsive redosing is real yo and it was exactly 5g i've told the story over 9000 times over the course of zoklet and redfern IIRC but it comes down to shadow people in the walls, believing people i know were watching me, threatening said people with murder to get them "to leave me alone", literally almost burning down the house to get the shadow people out of the walls. For some reason i also believed there was a secret network of trap doors and passage ways in the building i was in through which the shadow people could move from one place to another to spy on me.

    It was pretty crazy. The craziest part being that you have no idea you went insane.
  11. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    That's a shame, you should try again for science.

    Send me some nigga' and i might.
  12. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You never tried salvia?

    I did but i am pretty sure it was bunk, no effects for me, so yeah.
  13. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Why the fuck would you take MDPV for three months straight? Do you pride yourself in being a human guinea pig? How often do you brush your fur?

    Still salty i called your friend weak minded? If you're going to try to insult me at least put some effort into it.
  14. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I think that online freelancing is gonna be tough because unless you're in the top 10% of developers, writers, designers then you're competing with people from Iran that are happy to do a 20 hour job for 5$.

    How about selling snacks/food? When it's summer, people sell bottled water to people stuck in traffic. I've been entertaining the idea of selling baked goods off the street, but I'm afraid I need some fucked up license to do just that. I just want folks to eat some good home baked bread from yours truly.

    Other than that - what about PC repair? That stuff is easy as shit. You can automate the fuck out of it if you get your hands on an image of geeksquads MRI software or just roll your own solution to clean up malware and shit. PC building is easy as fuck and I've seen people pay money to get PC built (???).

    PC repair shops charge ungodly amounts for work that would take less than 15 minutes in most cases around my parts, i may get involved and undercut the faggots massively and steal all their business. I could easily make a shit load of money if i put enough time it.
  15. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Here is what i thought exactly:

    Sophie reads: Everyone has a "her".

    Sophie thought: What? Like a gf? Then i thought of my gf.
  16. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Dude, they're going to shoot themselves in the foot at github eventually if they haven't already. I mean, i don't tend to collab a lot with commits and such but the projects that have a vibrant community tend to work well together without anyone forcing their stupid PC rules on anybody. The beauty of the internet is that no one is black, white, gay, transgender, lesbian or whatever, it's all just text and code. And when people are serious about a project that is all anyone cares about. By them pushing the issue to the forefront they are going to detract frm the general quality of people contributing because frankly, if all you care about is coding for project X or Y you don't want to be bothered by ridiculous rules of conduct you just want to contribute and that's it. This will eventually turn people away, and they will migrate to different venues, in fact there are a few deepweb coding communities along the lines of github as well that work really well together from what i have heard. Decentralisation is the future i would argue.
  17. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    If you did psychedelics and didn't take anything away from it I don't doubt that but I disagree anyone who does otherwise should avoid them. I mean really if your level of engagement was cool visuals and stuff then it seems like you should be the one avoiding them, the un-fun-ness of a bad trip relative to the payoff of the purely somatic effects makes it a pretty bad way to spend your time IMO. I feel like any intellectually challenging or therapeutic action is intrinsically tied to the state of vulnerability most people experience, enduring change either positive or negative is predicated on your ability to be overwhelmed by the experience, to lose context and find the need to rebuild a psyche from brute facts.

    Most mentally healthy people could probably take fairly large doses of psychs and remain fairly level, hold their shit together, through continuous reality testing and normal avoidance but that's not what makes it worth your time. Getting lost in it is the point, if you remain composed the whole time then maybe you're not at risk of enduring negative effects but you don't really stand to have the sorts of transcendental experiences that justify the whole endeavor to start with.

    I do avoid them, because i would rather float away in a haze of opiate comfort than see some mental fireworks. The point to be taken away from my post was; if you think you are prone to bad trips and long lasting effects thereof it might be a good idea not to take psychedelics. That being said i hardly would consider myself the pinnacle of mental health but psychedelics simply don't seem to affect me over the long run.

    Also, there is no drug that makes me lose touch with reality(Although i have never taken deliriants), whatever i take i always know that it's the drug that is making me feel the way i am feeling. One notable exception being the time i binged on MDPV for three months straight and got stimulant psychosis. -1/10 would not recommend. But again, when i ran out and slept for a day or three straight, no noticeable long term mental effects.
  18. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    You don't know if you have a predisposition to developing this kind of thing unless you either A) Have developed this kind of thing, *OR* B) knowingly have genetic issues. There are plenty of people who have no family history of problems and still develop issues. There are plenty of people who go psychotic on these drugs even in a good setting, with good people and a reasonable dose. I've even heard of people developing issues after a seemingly good trip. This happened to one of my good friends and he ended up developing schizophrenia and is basically impossible to deal with anymore. I don't know if any of his family was/is schizo though.

    Your logic is incredibly flawed. "I didn't have problems, so anybody who does is a pussy." It has nothing to do with a weak mind. There is no need for your keyboard warrior status here, especially not when it comes to psychedelics. I really can't tell if you're joking or not because this line of thinking is so… silly.

    Your friend is confirmed for weak minded.

  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    mmq, I mean this in the least offensive of ways - yes I am literally asking a mentally retarded person to acknowledge their mental retardation, fat people know they're fat, you (I hope) know you are a cat, I would imagine Bill Krozby is at least minimally aware of his own faults. I would like to try and help him.

    You're a good guy.
  20. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    we don't open fire on our own people. - third page - all in the name of the state, YAY LIBERTY

    Assad has a long way to go to match the deaths caused directly or indirectly by the US government.
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