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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    i do
  2. Bradley Florida Man
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    That's none of your business.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    meanwhile half of us can't get a single girlfriend and this niggas installing shower heads just dripping with pussay
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    i get laid every couple of weeks, i like it less and less the more No strings attatched/stranger danger sex i have, I'm desirious of a long term sex partner be tht a girlfriend or a tranny, still up to dating dudes, but none i really seem to like want Long Term RElationships. Kinda shitty but whatever.

    When i'm in a relationship i have sex between 3-10 times a week, i imagine it would be more with another man but with women it's been 3-10 and with trannys it's even less due to their usual use of Hormones that reduce the sex drive greatly.

    I fap a couple times a day 3-7.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    why forearms are so slow to gain size
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Xlite So you do in fact support abortions "in some form"?

    I suppose yes if it will save time between the moment and when we can expose it for it's own good.

    If i am one thing guaranteedit's an efficient corner cutter
  8. Bradley Florida Man
  9. Bradley Florida Man
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Doing 9 Sets of Push ups, 3 sets of squats, 3 sets of back extensions, 3 sets of calf raises, large bong hit, then 20 minutes of Vinyasa yoga, then i am going to do the fattest dab i can, followed by vigorous masturbation, and a shower, then a protein powder shake. Will post a picture of me (it's not great, but im working on it)
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    massive die offs the last couple weeks of my red cherry shrimp. I think i have like 13-15 left. Kinda pathetic but that frost fucked a lot of them up and then just idk me being shit, some of them are berried (carrying eggs) and i am very excited. Spent a day separating the guppies into 4 groups.

    1 wild coloration males, 1 of unlikeable males, 1 with nice red coloration. THe unlikeable males went with the angelfish, they wer not eating to my disappointment.

    my java furn is growing really rapidly and i've been splitting and spreading it o other tanks.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    Bradley dont' care, he just gonna stare
    all my shooters here all my shoters there
    steal from me and i'll ride you till your dead
    aint shit but a baker with his bread
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Yes. You may abort all fetuses that suffer from degenerative, debilitating, or otherwise detracting diseases.

    This includes all forms of mental retardation, and all illnesses requiring 24/7 care forever and illneses in which the child will not have mobility as to walk or run or work.

    Any children that are born with these ailments, could reasonably speaking, be. I forget the term, but abandoned to the elements to allow the retaking by nature, it was a spartan practice famously. Exposure.

    The abortion of retards results in the recycling of the soul and the saving of a world of torment that will be the child's existance.

    If you have 2 retard baby's you also get sterilized to prevent further inhumanities.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    can i buy trailer no cat
  15. Bradley Florida Man

    One of the most important political beliefs to me is that of abortion. I am anti abortion in all forms including when the life of the mother will be lost if the baby is carried to term. In cases of incest or rape, I believe if the baby is to be aborted then we must also put to death the male relative/rapist whos DNA will match the killed fetus.

    I believe all life is holy, but the highest level of life is a pregnant woman. To commit a sin against her is to commit the same sin not only against a vulnerable female but also a defenseless baby.

    The baby who has met the egg and sperm and began cell division is alive from the moment of conception, the soul is present in the fetus, and it is both parents family member as soon as this event occurs.

    Alternatively to 100% abortion bans, i am also suggestive of a 1 & done policy. Whereby women can get 1 abortion at any point in her life paid for by the government, the second time you wish to have an abortion it is given to you on the requirement you have your tubes tied/spayed, no cap. Abortion is not a form of birth control and you should be punished for being unscrupulous in your sexual behavior, if you cannot mind yourself, the government should mind you with the strong hand.

    I do not support black abortion (Even though I have jokingly said this before). I support no abortion in any form. Not for animals, not for ex gfs you had a fling with, not for anyone. The sanctity of life must be upheld or we run the risk of losing our humanity.

    A society should be judged on how it treats it's weakest citizens.

    Abortion is literally murdering your ancestors as they're getting ready to be reincarnated. You are murdering your own family members.

    I am pro life. Even a bad life is a life. I have not had a good life and I am extremely happy I was not aborted despite being the bastard child of a single alcoholic mother who worked at a factory. I would've been the child that was most liekly to be aborted statistically.

    My ex girlfriend got an abortion when I was 19 and she was 17 and while i was unsupportive i paid for it and went with and this detail has bothered me for the last decade because I have in my heart killed my child and wish to discourage others from doing the same.

    Thank you for reading my essay. I am intersted in hearing all arguments except for where they contribute nothing and are simply users telling other users they should've been aborted.

    I heard they tried to abort ghost but he lived and that's why his face is all rat like.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    had to have a heart to heart with one of my black friends.

    "I know this doesn't sound great, but I really don't care about black lives matter. If I can come up from it, great. If I can do something to check the police abuses in our country, great. There's merit in it, but it's not for me. I'd go to the protests in hope they result in riots and I can come up. But as a political party, movement, or cause I don't really want involvement.

    >figured that

    I really only feel strongly about abortion and being left alone by the government."

    Not sure if this how most white people feel but this i how i feel about blm
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    The only user i'd honestly like to block is Kev and it's because of the photos of children in sexualized poses and then him saying sexual things about the photographed children. It kinda disgusts me in a way that has made me consider leaving this community multiple times, but i've gotten past it by just scrolling past and largely ignoring anything he posts.

    Even the other chomos don't drag the shit into other threads and make it all about fornicating children. BUt as with freedom of speech, i'm sure i post things other users don't care to see or read and i have to accept that my freedoms are also everyone's freedoms

    Super cringey tho.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    I've sucked a couple dicks so far. Might suck a couple more, not reaelly my thing but meh.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    op needs to get offline and just do a rape and see it's not all fun and games IRL
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    watched the first video, that guy seems really cool and able to take a joke and understands his place as a gay dude that sycophants over transgender people. honestly, if they were all going out and shit and he was gonna stay home and watch TV and movies and shit, i'd rather kick it with him and his nigel thornberruy mustache than any drugged out self entitled trannies.

    Though i only saw bunny's personality really show, i have no idea the other bitches or what they're like.

    Kinda sad watching people get used liek that for money, despite being in a good position to do so, i've never once been a user of people.
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