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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    OP is the same typa guy who makes his father put his condom on him before he fucks his wife.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i'mma meet a nice church girl one day, take a candle over to her, and after she unwraps the plastic off the candle (Figure long, tapered 11" cahndle), i'm going to kiss her, then THEN I will take the candle and I will lube it up and i will insert this candle into her nice church girl butt

    and who knows maybe i fall in love and do the right thing and free myself from the shackles and the evil that is my soul at present entangled in this

    IDFK the other thing I need to do is move the fuck away.

    New Facebook, new haircut, gonna throw away any shirt hat doesn't have a button on it, go buy myself a dozen pairs of slacks from the GoodWill a pair of loafers and go move down south, set my sobriety at more than a year, and start going to AA meetings in a major metropolitan area.

    Things I Will avoid:
    Telling people I have been to prison twice and my previous involvement with criminality.
    Telling people I have any family or friends or an accurate place that I am from.
    Telling people I have am a homosexual man that's looking for a come up.

    I also think telling people I don't drive because I have had two or three seizures in the last ten years and am afraid of hurting others while driving will make me seem like a good person who cares rather than a loser who just gets drunk and smushes into stuff.

    I think it's time to start selling stuff boys and working on getting the fuck outta here and down to Florida or some shit.

    Not sure if I can work a job where I stand all day, but I know there's a lot of data entry positions and telemarketing style ploys and if I can do anything, it's sell shit to strangers in a convincing and engaging manner.

    Sometimes I ask myself why am I this uppity off of just waking up and doing a single dab? like do i even need tweak? YES I DO NEED TWEAK
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Ghost did you say something about fortnite

    Is that the gay PubG for kids with ADHD and a compulsion to build?

    Neither her and I play video games much but she do play GTA5 & Fortnite

    IDGAF i got like 30 amauer pole dancing videos and like webcam based pornos.

    I have big white cawk. Church service in my area is in 3 1/2 hours. I'm going to start going to church, gentlemen. Not because I believe in some dumb kike shit, but because over months of solitary confinement (not all at once) and years of doing time. I've memorized the Christian faith well enough that I think I can pick up bitches.

    My town is like 12,000 people and i grew up here and everyone thinks I am evil or crazy or "a bad man." right ready to hear what i'mma hit these fags with:

    "Jesus came into my life a week ago when i was most alone, i haven't been to church in my life, and I Just felt a calling to the word of Jesus Christ and needed to find it. I tried asking the like the Jehova's Witnesses or Mormons to come with and they kept talking about another testament of jesus christ, or their book of jesus, it didn't sit well with me so i came here."

    Then after having my born again CHristian moment, i suddenly LEARNED TEH ENTIRE RELIGION IN THE COURSE OF A MONTH

    But... I kinda wanna do this sample of tweak I got. So we're gonna put this on the backburner.

    Also shout out to the comments:

    Did I really? Yes. I say some of the most vile and fucked up shit to people. Especially when I give up on them after years.

    My ex called the cops on me (Twice, claiming i had her ID and social security card and the other time because pornography of her showed up on the internet (i had verbal permission but not in writng) and both times my lawyer fielded the call.

    Insulted my god repeatedly (She found out it bothered me one time years ago, and then tried to use as her go to everytime as nothing else bothered me at the time, now that doesn't either lol)

    Unfortunately I lost my phone during a grindr date and uh i bricked it and it was never turned on or returned.

    Realistically though, I know this is gonna be like fucked up to say.

    Men who are used to getting fucked in the ass by anything/anyone aren't really good lays bro. Like I didn't know this since the majority of men i've had gay sex with I didn't find on apps for gay sex, I found them in like the social circles of the people i make money off, or in schools, or like work places, or even facebook. These aren't usually people who just get fucked all day everyday like on Grindr or previously Men for Men Craigslist (Which was NOT a goldmine ever)

    IDK. She said on a comment on my facebook she'd rather kill herself then read another one of my comments and got blocked for 30 days from posting, so she said i did it lol, then i got banned for 30 days for telling people the covid vaccine was gonna kill them in the 40s and that they just traded half their life away for not having the 2020 flu variant

    10/10 I do this. I'm livng life. I'm cuttin up.

    The tranny at the self check out at walmart is afraid of me now after my fight, I can tell. :(

    It makes me sad that she is nervous of me after I arm barred that employee who accused me of stealing. She wasnn't that hot but i could tell she never been fucked by YO MAN RANDY SAVAGE

    I'll say this though, I don't feel bad for shit.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    It went horrible again. Your boy cried a lil bit but he said "You know what bradley, you told the friends on the ofrum that this was gonna happen and LIKE A NIGGA SAY DO it did, I said some pretty hurtful things

    My evil friend that likes the brown women adn iw as kickin it playin cards and we were laughin for the 28th hour in a row and alana was really saying some hurtful shit and IDK. I was being encouraged by my boy to take the lower road and just get it.

    She was calling me fake because I'm a 'fake' gangster or something

    I said "so you're like uh, a man with cock that gets hard when he gets anally pounded from other men who dresses in women's clothing, takes hormones, uses a girly fake name you made up and gets upset over pronouns that reverberate your XY chromosomes. Sounds like you're pretty fake too."

    But I told her that's cool because I don't have sex with women, only other men.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    if u ever need a new username LEGOlas would be cool or LEGOlad
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    It says it's ouotta fuckin memory and freezing? Is this why my videos takee soo long to upload to Pornhub?
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Cuz six days is a long to be asleep for.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    an actual quute from our dear leaeder.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    that sign made me relapse off the marijuana, I"m almost 14 minutes clan and i had this until you came along. I was almst starting to remember abut uh what was i what i was

    Hail Biden.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    "mommy i asked that scary looking Tom Green for a cigarette and he said if i smoke before i'm 18 my penis will fall off

    THat's solid advice

    I told my friene'ds mom theo other day when she came out of the bathroom "I'd cloe that up oor a seaegull will steal it, my mom used to tell me." I thought man that's one fucked up seagull
  11. Bradley Florida Man

    Kids walkin nhome from school and shit, they know me as the crazy guy already, I don't give them cigarettes cuz i tll them it'll make their cock fall off if they're under 18, happened to mee.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    after he was charged by 8 big box stores after he hit the 10,000$ Grand Larceny amount for eeach company, they weere following him for weeks but I don't steeal so i wans't worried abuot shit till his wife calls me asking me about a fuckin gun I"ml ike bitch are you out oof your fucking mind the fuck would I need that foor the fuck would he ned one for.

    Wait! In the gay community pistol can be slang for cock amongst the oldere peoeple

    then i hung up the phone and haven't bothered to reespond to anything, I was goonna mail dude's lawyer the transcript but then i wasl ikee, this nigga slippin too hard and a 400lb motherfuckr whose talkin too much and knows yoour seecrets is the last person that's gonna be able to tell them shit.

    Plus I think he's got another bid in him, hee oonly did one, but wheen i meet new men to talk money for like awhile, the first thing I like etoo look foor is a feleny convictioon and 6-12 mnths or more in jail. That tells mee, you get caught, your moom doesen't go to prison with you

    But what doo I know, I'm an OG on my block at age 27.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    i havea f riend whoo has a fiance (woman cis) and loves suckin dick, he was thee best thief I evr met, but hee was a 400lb meth addict whoo would just get high and try to find men too suck ofof.

    I let him suck me off once cuz IDK tbh i had said no for the two yeaers since we met when my roommate was having a gay seex orgie (I woould never participate as i don't want to have sex with 5 middle age men even if i'm 27 and do all of the topping cuz they're high ono meth.

    Hard pass but imma definitely pass.

    Well fuck this dud became my best friened and when his wife went through his phone she accused me of giving him weeapons and I said "lady your husband is a drug addict who meets strange meen from the inteerneet when he's high n crystal meth. I'm sure hee did buy or steal a lot of stupid shit, but if you think I gave that dumbass a strap, you need to ask yourself "am I dumbfuck?" and dn't call me back until yoou can say yes.

    I wrote him a leetter, but it was veery very meea. saying "if lisa didn't want yu having gay sex and yoou get arersted, why did yoou give her your password you dumb fucker? Shee's probably high on anger like normal and you're gonna get out with a backpack but dn't call mee, call Lisa NIGGER"

    I have the leetter sitting right next to mee in a drawer.

    I'm not gonna send it, i'mma just be there for him whne he gets out and 0 for his dumbass while hee's in I think i might tell him "Hey I foorgive you bro absolutely, but your ex kinda like ethreatened the law on me for something she thinks you and I did, if you want to keeep peoplee like ethat around, i can't be near you."

    then if he says anything other than that he's adopted a lifestyle baseed in hmosexuality i'mma say "OK c u on grindr when u relapse on an adderall 20 and are hunting for that overdose ecock.

    LIke I wanteed to have sex with this 20 year old kid that he would suck off while they weere igh and dude tld mee hee's never had gay sex, he's unsure if he woudl like it, I assured him he would, and then he said "Well you hava huge piece eand that's kinda a lot>

    I think i said "ya it's a mouthful" in a text and dind't htink abut it until dude got popped off and his girlfriend (i'm like the only gay person in this story who dooesn't have a girlfriend I guess) and she contacted me and she's 18 and I said "Can we do this by phonoe call?"

    Bro she called up my guy's girlfrieend and told her she found oout that braddy and I are gay togoether and that heer boyriend (my firend0 and thee young guy (also my friend kinda) do mathproblems and get high all day, i h avee n idea what they do lisa what the fuck why would theey tell me? I said lol, as I"m like actively sitting there tying fishing lures and fliese while this kid i'mma try t fuck is geteting head fromo my friend.

    The weirdest absolutely werirdeest part about the whole thing, my dick suckin friend, didn't ever wanna bust, takee his ppants ooff, kiss a man, develope feelings, just wanted to suck em off do mroee meeth and make jokese and i'm like This is such a bizarree drug, called my father and told hime verything.

    oh and aftr i called that 18 yearold girl, shee called lisa, and th en "her fatheer" whoo sounded like a 16 year ld with good lungs and nervousness started saying all this crazy shit and i was like "bro i've met heer dad, what's yur first name withut whispeering it this timee like ewhen i asked how old yoou were."

    That's what i mean when I say the junkies see me and they start runnin broo. I'm a god to my ppl cuz i'm like the only one who wants to live.

    If weed devevlops a white cottony film ont he boottom of the long term forgot aboout storage jar, can i shmooke it? It's not on the weed. Thanks.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Ive been the samee dumbass motherfucker sincei showed up in 2011, I wasn't here befeore, i will be here after, if soomeone takes my name, I will just posot pictures of my BWC and Bradley until some users can step froward and identify the penis from their dreams.

    I also have six different bankk cards that all say my firsts name is "Go fuck yoourself"

    Like nigga I know you! But only from what everynoee tells me when you're not aroound.

    ^ i say this to skitzophrenica 'I DID ALL THIS MOOLLY AND NOW I'M STUCK" burn out friends, but i've beene trying to gete away from useers and junkies.

    Like wheen iw as 18 the junkies would see me, gt eexcited, adn do this weird like hungry hungry brain reecetors power waddle. even skinny womene did it. I'm like what hte fuck, i'll shoot up cocaine before i gete all fruity pebbles on my "only gay while high' friends that i make fun f a lto and do drugs with a lil .
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    I'm fuckin donoee i'm bradley fuckin b, from 93, wh sold Race Cars and stock eneginese and at one point I mailed zeneith a beard so he could weaer one in tinychat and it was my beard he received.

    Looking back, he coulda just sprinkled some hairs on his dead hoookere collection and got like 25$ a murder cnvictin.

    that's like 100 dollars zenith yuo could've had.

    That's like 1 drugs.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny move to florida.

    Florida, Texas, Colorado or Georgia.

    But lt's be real, i'm goin to fuckin florida and i am gonna be florida man on the news when i gt caught fighting racoons and they seieze 24,000,000

    racoons, from hydromorphones/§m£ÂgØLs/Big Dick Rick's trailer.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    But you can't call my tranny names or be mean to here, she's like a lil kid in the mind and wyile like kinda gross by literal terms of what I said, shee needs some strong ass man to prootect her and help her solve her day to day issuese and like if you need a strnog man who puts loyalty ovre laws and the acquisition of knowledge over everything other than Omerta & stopping people who seek to fiancially legally or phyiscally hurt me.

    But I can't move back to that town, I'm not telling anyonee except the onee man who was gonna go to cambodia with me, him and I are extrmely close (no homo) and let him knwo that if he gets as sick as i'm getting lookin at the same bum ass brooken ass drunk ass hicks, like escape rope that bitch and if you're running from the law, run down in a stollie.

    Cuz I'm a nigga to my people before I'm a nigger to myself. - Adolf Hitler, mein kemph (2021 Translation)
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    everybody who liked Georgee Carlson now takes meedication and is miserable and doesn't watch stand up or smilee unleess it's eextremely good oor bad.

    happy I dind't listen to eeverybodoy's favorite biker grandpa, hee fucked all of you up worose than the Angry Aryans raped my 12 year old mind with WHITE HATE 88 or whatever it was.

    There's a 14 in there! Unliike the muslims we don't pick one side eoor the other and kill ach other, we just go on the internet and argue about it n a racist bbs.

    I go back there onoce a year, been diong this since i was bout 16 and stopped talking too any white supremacists until i went to prison.

    just a bunch of angry fuckin losers bro, if you had pride in who you were, yu wouond't sspend yoour enetire life talkingg to other racist whites about how mmuch you hate the stereotyical veresion of whatevere shcem you've seelecteed.

    There are no wrong qusestioons and no wrong answers ,i like too fuck otheer meen especially other dope by's girlfriends. ESPEECIALLY IF I DON'T LIKE THEM for lik the slighteset reason, 200 with all of you. I would not have sex with any woman anyone brought, unleess scron showed up for the Pregame Gangbang at TBA (due to covid-20 restrictions now in place til l2022)

    and not gnna lie, i'd fuck whoever suda brought, not cuz she's attractive, but because she's broken in.

    Aint nobdoy wanna ride a brand new crazy horse.

    Sudo you ever been in a non homo MMF gangbang where we fuck soo many times it feeels like she did 8 on 1 but reaelly wee just didn't give her any tweak and smoked blunts and kept at it.

    I can pay for most of this and if you're open to trannies, we might have back to back MMF gangbangs and if wee find a third coool ass dude like us on this forum.

    Wait, Im too high t make stuff up, See you and your date asap!
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    You can kill youorself without a mask on semi legally but only if you're 6 feet away cuz you can't cum this far.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Sudo I used to take trazadone too. I would take it at night then would get so happy I would stay up all night playing video games, doing pushups and smiling in the mirror. I can see the erection part too but I never got that

    How'd you see my erection?
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