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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    When ever I go and meet someone new
    I think wow what do they have for me to view
    then i go around and touch all they things
    and get my prints everywhere
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Police wanna pull me over know that shits a wrap
    Get up next to the door stop being lazy in the trap

    One of my favorite songs.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    stl1 i think you're the coolest old man on this site.

    If you had to wrestle spectral and ArmsMerchant/ZodiacKiller (no weapons, no walking aids), who do you think would be the harder to beat and what would your strategy be?

    I understand you are in good physical condition despite having 1 foot in the grave (You are over 560 dog years old) and also understand spectral is basically a walking skeleton and arms merchant is me but with a wasting disease, 6 toes, and a bowie knife he doesn't get to use in the fight (Reducing his Strength Damage by 80% on Critical Rolls)
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    i hope someone like me robs you so i can enjoy it with them in spirit.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    this old nigga has so much anger
    taken out on me
    savin pictures of users
    right next to his cp

    lookin like a fool for real
    goin on these little speals
    thinkin i read this shit
    diabetic high blood pressure
    and havin a fit
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Thank you. I am happy i posted this, I am getting in better shape with the warmer weather and that will be reflected in future "here's some art faggot" posts in next months' thread.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    someone asked me what political point i feel the strongest about since "personal liberties" is too broad of a term and "Being left alone" isn't a political point, i said abortion.

    More than anything, I think you shouldn't kill your little babies. You shouldn't put down pregnant livestock, you shouldn't harm anything that's pregnant.

    Now this isn't a MEDICAL based reason, it's not a RELIGIOUS based reason, it's not even a LOGICAL reason explanation i can give that explains why i feel this way. In general I detest most women in one way or another and generally have a low viewpoint on them, except where it relates to the Mother's gift to produce life and the sanctity of that. It is their most redeeming feature and in my eyes if you hurt some pregnant lady and I knew her, I'd grab 1 of her male relatives and we'd break you off even if i did 95% of the work.

    Especially if it was my friend's sister or daughter and the abuser is her baby daddy or still gonna be around afterwards, we've had to do shit liek this before to make sure someone doesn't harm the unborn baby. Don't kill him, it's his kid, but dont' let him harm his pregnant baby mama.

    Some people think I'm psycho but i just really feel very strongly about protecting someone who can't speak.

    To be born to nothing is still better than not having life.

    (i'm not arguing about when life occurs, the moment of conception is when it's removal is termed abortion, due to that, my position is that any form of abortion is the murdering of an unborn baby with autonomous cell division with unique DNA)
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    it is.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    been smoking for about 15 years, don't know the difference between idnica or sativa, isnt' oen of them a bush and ones tall?

    Couldn't care lessa bout how gay your strain is, it's nuggets, midgrade, schwage and now in the last 5 years CBD.

    Maybe i'm just old and not hip to your bullshit but when i was 14 i said the same shit as i am now. Except maybe there was nuggets and then DRO or some retarded shit.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Post an original art you made and the one with the most likes at the end of the month wins a special prize.

    These are not my finished submissions.

    Good luck everyone.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    i might do 1 of pepe going to donald trump's funeral but no promises

    I accept my victory and wish to thank the following people for encouraging me, motivating me, and helping me grow as a person:

    Show your submissions in next month's thread and try harder to achieve greater success through application of effort and perseverance, stimulants will help you achieve this. Thank you for the award.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    i got some reaelly good ones for next month planned

    i'm doing 1 retarded salmon

    my god when im really tweakin hard and trying hard
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    I was thinking about making a time capsul kinda thing and hiding it, but hiding it in a really conspicuous location and sending people on a retarded treasure hunt.

    Alterantively, I was thinking about ziplock/vaseline/sand&salt/vacuum sealed a couple of valubles, but put a ton of pubic hair (all of my pubic hair) mixed in with fake rings, and like xeroxed 100s and 50s (not the new ones, but the one ones), so basically make it look like a small treasure chest hadurr.

    riight, and inside of it (make it super hard to find) i'mma put a little note folded up right and the notes gonna say

  15. Bradley Florida Man
    dude i get so much good shit iw ould never be even able to explain to you how i feel about good will

    u wouldn't even be able to comprehend jiggerbee johnson the COME UPS i have had in these stores, i'm talkin GOLD



    Antique fishing reels (2)

    Some ok fishin equipment

    a golden map of the world (framed in my room right next to your ugly ass avatar in my view)

    bonsai pots, little figurines for them

    statues of sir ganesh from india, he's ont he other side of hte screen

    statues of a dahlia bank wher it's this big cast iron niggress dresed up and you put a coin in her hand and you hit the switch and it puts it in her mouth and her eyes roll back (one of my best finds) then i foudn her son BOBBY SHMURDA i put a fake chain on both of them (dahlia got a necklace) and gave them to my mom cuz she hates niggers

    they are 100 and 80 years old and were the height of racist ornamental banks my nigga

    I got a scope thing that went inside of a tank in the WW2

    three knives from Rocky MOuntain Elk FOundation or something like that, good retail money.

    several scales for weighing small amounts of vegetables

    aaron rodgers and brett farve jerseys, 1 was signed that i sold for a bunch (i signed it nigga)

    small tanks that i use in my fish keeping hobby

    if i said bonsai pots already go fuck yourself

    i get shoes from there sometimes

    picture frames!

    strainers/collanders like for straining noodles, i grow bonsai in them because they have excellent aeration and drainage and are very strong

    old books that i make my plug vacuum seal and i store in hidden places for the future descendents to find a 1920s algebra book that has 6 names and years and then says BRADLEY B------ 2020 DONALD TRUMP IS MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

    then i might cum in it and write cum with an arrow pointing to it or something and i just stash that away into the TIME VORTEX and unless like the crawlspace mr asbestos lives in secretly burns up, some fag in the future will find a 250 year old relic by a nasty fucker who put pubes in the book that got on his hands.

  16. Bradley Florida Man
    Many know Adolf Hitler as a couple things, hero, friend, eternal leader, anti semite, friend.

    But behind all of that veneer of kindness, was a special fondness the fuehrer had for Homosexuals (Bradley, Ghost) and Other Perverts (Like HTS). Who was not included in the Purple Triangle friendship club?

    Pedophiles and Dog Fuckers were not included, also what was not included were rapists. Sorry. Der Fuehrer und der Hunde habt nicht leibe fuer dich. :(

    Adolf Hitler knew how hard it was in early 20th century for a homosexual man or transgender person to find a date with a nice young strapping german (BradleyB) when he was say on duty or doing a round up of dissidants.

    By wearing the purple triangle, Adolf Hitler allowed members of the LGBTQ community to signal to one another regarding what they were doing later (or who) and network.

    I think he did a similar thing with religious minorities in Austria and Germany, they were able to have massive get togethers and go camping. None of this would've been possible without these badges, and as hard as it is to remember, there wasn't always a time when you could go on grindr app from the google play store and get a blowjob by 5 ugly father figures and 1 AIDS carrying super spreader in 10 minutes or less anywhere in the world.

    This is what 90% of the photos of men on grindr look like (except not with the camp uniform obv)

    Sometimes i think about getting non religious tattoos and then i think "nah"

    HTS yous hould get a purple triangle above your highlighter hole.

    This has been another shit thread by BradleyB.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    my mom's at work, feels better, kidna fucked up she didn't wanna hang out with me when i was really fucked up tweakin tellin her i came there in case she dies i wanted to say good bye and shit and then my new chain came and i was so happy and my mom told me not to wear it around the plumber whose doing the furnace or some shit

    idfk, anyway, so i got a new traphouse chain, just me and me trying to do me, covid free, i told the lady at walmart "I GOT THE VACCINE TWICE" and she said "it's still walmart pol" and i can said "I CAN'T BREATHE" and she sat down

    god bless u george floyd and im glad u never had to have the covid
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    Adderall 30mg XR (with the beads) is in my mind like my first girlfriend. Like a pure, honest part of my childhood. I used to pay 50$ for 30 of them and get 3-5 a piece, every month off this fat kid named scott for like 6 years.

    Then i told someone who i got it from and the next thing i know he was charging everyone 5 each. Never made that mistake again.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    is it free
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    i have that song stuck in my head.

    WHen i hear she was mising it hought that's cool as fuck! if you made a cool song about good bye horsies and then disappeared to go fuck a horse or some shit, i'd love it.

    then i found out she's a bus driver in new york.

    good bye horses.
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