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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    "Enjoy your meth traffic Lanny." Is the quote i will always remember that sums up

    WHen I"m ahving a sad day i think don't be sad brad ur part of a community where tweaker attention is still doubling our yearly post count.

    hell yea
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Different subrace
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    A dozen crickets
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    Well imma get really high and do her gardening either way.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    My mom had to stay home from work and is sick as fuck from the second vaccination. I'm going to go walk the four miles over there and see if she's OK. I have no other family.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    you'd know you dumb spick
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    does this meant here's no more stimulus money? FUCK.
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    walk and your ass will be nicer
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    sq1 do u wanna talk ont he phone this morning and youc an help me with some things i've been working on and give me some fat old man perspective i'm badly lackin
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    i sold drug and drug assecesories in the state of Wisconsin and was caught for this.

    The second time, he he he he, the second time was some shit.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I think you hit your bush with a shopping cart and the car saw everything. BUt he aint no snitch.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    And this is what i fuckin look like. I'd move out to the desert too if i looked like you did.

    And ya i do kinda look like rasputin if he had a drug conviction so what! People love magic!

    And my tattoos are a very ancient symbol for Go fuck yourself.
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    quickmixready you are one to talk shit in a fitness thread, holy fuck, you are the fattest motherfucker currently on this site, and weigh a wopping 320 pounds while looking like a pedophilic santa claus with bitch tits.

    Fuck outta here with your deep fried southern fat ass.

    I bet your ass cheeks are like 16 inches long between two humungous white pimply breasts that cradle your small ball and cock between your enormous belly when you sit on the internet. Just festering in stink, dead skin, and pimples from years of hot boxing inbetween your ass titties and your saggy beer belly.

    Diabetic ass nigger.
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    So i went to scale myself this morning and figured i'd be like 168lb because i have a lot less belly fat. I'm up to 177lb but my pants are fitting a lot more loosely. Didn't really have anything healthy to eat, so i ate a can of sardines, oatmeal, peanut butter, and half a scoop of protein powder.

    TOday i think i'mma walk 7 miles to the lake shore and back. Might go to walmart instead and buy a large sub sandwich and BANG energy drinks
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    add me on steam odin_loves_you
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I think you're alright. IF I had to rate you on a scale of 1-10 rat faces. I'd give you a six!

    THat's a lot of rat face. Ocho to my mexican friends!
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    dudes a coward for real like remember when u were excluded from social gatherings as a child? That's why you had to molest those three boys to get your childhood back, now you still are doing the same victimization that made you a pedophile. What gives Jaba?

    i didn't even post thep hotos of you i found from when you were in prison for the sex case.

    Don't be a bitch!
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    "come to my chat room everyone, but not the list of people who are mean to me:
    Bill Krozby
    My mom's ex boyfriend who loved her more than me."
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    i bet it was super fun when no one showed up lol loser
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    WHen I go to stores i try not to be impressed by all the shit some nigga owns just to sell it to dumbfucks like me.

    i waste my money on stuff from walmart but it feels good buying dumb shit like uh food or energy drinks and stuff that isn't drugs.

    God bless u food stamps & Joe Biden. GIve us more money!
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