My mother used to think I was retarded cause I'd be like constantly high on robotussin and benydil and I'm say a bunch of weird shit and fall asleep in the closet.
When I was traveling I used to bring a huge camping pack in with me. I didn’t care if anyone said anything if I wasn’t stealing anything. When I actually was going in to lift something I would find somewhere outside to leave it.
Well in dreams you forget about all the stuff that sucks in your waking life. I learned to lucid dream and I used to sleep like 12 hours a day. I'd have an at least semi-lucid dream like every night. It was better than being awake. :(
The only reason I don’t eat vegetarian is cause I'm lazy and I eat fast food like all the time. If there was some cheap fast food place where you could buy vegetarian I'd be eating there instead.
My car broke down this morning so I was in a shitty mood. when i went to work i was giving people death stares lol. by the end of the morning my mood changed to like a submanic state and i felt awesome. then I found a book by a drag queen about sex and drugs and other fucked up shit and i spent most of the day reading it instead of working. when i got out i was pissed cause im not going to have my car tomorrow then at home i did a bunch of nitrous and i felt good again. Now I'm happy cause tomorrow is halloween and i get to wear my costume
You can buy crackers from aliexpress. I have one but it hurts my hands trying to twist it together :( so I ordered a dispenser like a week ago but it didn't come yet.