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Posts by Ajax

  1. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by hydromorphone …I do nothing…

    Enough said.
  2. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by WellHung I left a spot on your mom, douchebag.😏

    Sorry you lost your spot.
  3. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Did you lose your spot?
  4. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Erekshun Fuck it's part of the Monday morning news and any A.M. morning radio show on the way to work.

    Part of the reason why I don’t have cable and why I listen to podcasts on the way to work.
  5. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    You mean you’ll be homeless starting Wednesday. Good luck out there. Sleep with one eye open.
  6. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    If it can be measured, it will be measured. It also depends on what news outlets you follow.
  7. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    I’m surprised your dad still wants anything to do with you.
  8. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    People don’t bump into me because I make my presence known.
  9. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Erekshun I have heard it said that you can get rich using OPM (other peoples money which means debt). It's true but if it doesn't work? Bankruptcy.

    It’s possible, but there is risk. Also, not all debt is bankruptable.

    When people say they get behind on their bills, it’s usually that they get behind on servicing their debt. It’s easy to slowly build debt because you can “afford” it. It’s hard to get out of it.
  10. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country I assume someone who has 50 million in debt is doing better at life than someone who has no debt. After all having that sort of debt implies connections, experience, and business acumen. Many successful entrepreneurs went broke at least once.

    No, that sort of debt implies gross mishandling of capital and frivolous creditors. If that’s how you define success, then you are certain to fail.
  11. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Don’t mistake my bluntness for a lack of sympathy. It has been my experience and observation that people need the cold, hard truth and a swift kick in the ass to get themselves out of the mess they got themselves into.
  12. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by gadzooks The hypothetical character in my brief narrative? Or the person who posted it?

    Either way, we are one and the same.

    I mean, I do plan on paying all my debt off. I'm close to the 100k mark (mostly student loans, but also divided into various other debts consolidated into one).

    I do take personal responsibility for the role I played in accumulated such debt, but life really isn't as simple as a lot of people characterize it to be.

    In an ideal world:
    1. Creditors would not be as predatory as they are.
    2. People who hit hard times would be allowed a certain amount of leeway rather than be carpet bombed with poverty tax "NSF fees" and such.
    3. People who are ready and willing to work but can't find employment because the job market is the least efficient market conceivable wouldn't incur punitive costs for a broken system.
    4. People who are doing well in life would not flippantly say things like "debt is a choice" to those who are not.


    Even when I had debt, it was my choice. Until your own your choices and decisions, your choices and decisions will own you.

    Originally posted by GGG Literally the only reason everybody can have affordable insurance now is because of Obama and his government subsidized insurance program.

    You have some strong excluder words there. I had affordable health insurance subsidized by my employer before Obama, though I recognize a lot of people didn’t.
  13. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by itybit Ajax, your wrong, debt isn't always a choice, what about the thousands of people that are in debt due to medical bills because they got a debilitating illness

    What is health insurance and an emergency fund to cover your deductible / out of pocket maximum?
  14. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by gadzooks Ok I know you're our resident capitalist around here, and I'm not even especially anti-capitalist, but you do kinda take it to new levels.

    Of course deliberate action played a role in anyone's accumulation of debt, but to just so flippantly say "debt is a choice" is kinda brutal.

    It really is more complicated than that.

    Personal accountability should of course come into play, but if one person winds up rich and another poor, the differences in their decisions might have been rather subtle.

  15. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by DietPiano I don't know how bankruptcy works, so let's not worry about that.

    50 million?




    One penny?

    N/A. I wouldn’t let myself get to that level of debt. We are not victims; debt is a choice.

    Originally posted by A College Professor divvy the national debt up amongst all tax payers and its over a million bucks a piece . time to drain the swamp folks

    The current administration already got into office partially based on the promise to “drain the swamp” and the federal deficit for 2019 is a record-high at over $1 trillion.

    It’s not hard to balance a budget. Expenses need to be less than income. Don’t commit to pay for more than you bring in.
  16. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    My credit score is way too high for my own good. It’s 831. Stop fooling around with debt products and build wealth instead.
  17. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    If you knew you were going to end the day either by being killed or by killing yourself, how would you spend your day?
  18. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
  19. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Low T
  20. Ajax African Astronaut [rumor the placative aphakia]
    Originally posted by SBTlauien Is that only with 401ks?

    No. A 401k is just tax strategy. You can get an average compound annual growth rate of 10% with a good index fund or mutual fund. That could be in a tax advantaged account like a 401k or it could be in a taxable brokerage account.
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