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Posts by Elbow

  1. Elbow African Astronaut
    i bought a new router in hopes that it would resolve some issues I was having with my new computer. as the hours have passed since placing the order i've grown increasingly pessimistic about whether it'll actually help, but my current router is so old that i figure it shouldn't hurt to replace it
  2. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley idk how to say parking lot but it's probably something really queer sounding like "buggie flatpark" or something

    its a car park innit bruv
  3. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Do you consider men who have not undergone a sex change to be your opposite sex? Or are women your opposite sex still?


    It wouldn't feel wholly truthful to say that, in general, I consider either a true opposite at this point. I'm objectively in some kind of fucked up liminal gender space, so "opposite sex" isn't particularly useful to me anymore as a concept. idk. Feels kind of like asking whether the opposite of a triangle is a square or a circle. Insofar as "opposite sex" still does remain handy to me, the answer probably varies based on context - my opposite is whatever seems apposite.

    In speech and mannerisms, in love and lust, men are more often my opposites. In my... sentiments and attitudes though, I often find myself at odds with women. I'm too rough around the edges, too gruff. Of course, this is not a feeling that's completely foreign to women of the unpenised persuasion either, so... idk. 🤷‍♀️

    I think this question is mostly just hard for me to answer because I will never be happy to fully claim the mantle of womanhood in this lifetime. To claim that I am now fully a woman (which I would be, by way of claiming men are conclusively my opposite), I would be conceding that this life was somehow "enough". That I am satisfied. And I'm not satisfied. I'm incredibly dissatisfied. I am a smol seed of yin desperately trying to flower amidst dense fields of yang. There's something I'm growing towards, and accepting that I am already at my destination would mean losing sight of that. It would be a betrayal of myself.
  4. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina no, it only goes to show that shes never been around any REAL MEN

    maybe up until that point, but i think we can safely conclude that donald trump made her nervous 🤔
  5. Elbow African Astronaut
    also anything inflammatory i've said about her since she disappeared was purely an effort to goad her into revealing that she's still alive and well

    please dont hurt me mommy
  6. Elbow African Astronaut
    you all expect her to be docile prey

    underestimate her at your own peril
  7. Elbow African Astronaut
    i think it's kind of funny everyone assumes that if kafka drops off the grid she's either dead or involuntarily confined to a mental institute

    she's hunting you niggas
  8. Elbow African Astronaut
    hts is sleep deprived and going to bed so this thread is now back to being about our beloved black window who is presently missing in action and quite possibly standing behind you right now
  9. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Hey hts did they take your sack too

    no they actually added more skin to it
  10. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We're all just a dark echo in space here, son.

    thats racist
  11. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm Ohhh Really. You own the majority shares of Sprouts?

    for the sake of this bit, absolutely
  12. Elbow African Astronaut
    okay schizo

    Among private shareholders, Lucy "Elbow" Lucington is noted as one of the largest individual shareholders of Sprouts Farmers Market. Specifically, Ms. Lucington owns about 69.420 million shares, which represents approximately 69.420% of the total shares outstanding for Sprouts Farmers Market.

    As majority owner of the business I think I would know better than you.
  13. Elbow African Astronaut
    >owned by vanguard and blackrock
    ok schizo

    are the bilderberg group and the rothschilds are involved too?
  14. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kingoftoes My dad's top 5 are:

    1: Diablo 2

    2: Goldeneye

    3: Counter Strike Condition Zero

    4: Command And Conquer

    5: Mario Kart

    Your dad is a man of culture.
  15. Elbow African Astronaut
    I just realized she's never had kids. America could have had its first cool wine aunt president.
  16. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Crispy Are you fat, scronce?

    scron is a skinny bitch it makes me so jealous
  17. Elbow African Astronaut
    nah. demons definitely aren't real. don't worry about it. there's no such thing as demonic possession. go back to sleep. 😊
  18. Elbow African Astronaut
    Wage psychological warfare against them by playing this at max volume until they leave:

  19. Elbow African Astronaut
    I do not know the answer to this question and I have no wish to know the answer to this question. I am perfectly content with this state of affairs.

  20. Elbow African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Landy Pamm Its smashingly good.

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