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Posts That Were Thanked by Kafka

  1. Oppie, don't bother, they'll eventually stab you in the back.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. POLECAT POLECAT is a motherfucking ferret [my presentably immunised ammonification]
    I'm on cup #9 and I havent done a dmn thing today other than seeing stuff that turned me against all music, as well as stuff that made me question everything right down to the 2 airplanes flying over yesterday spraying some shit out of them and today rick and I think our coffe is tasting like awful , same coffee and water as yesterday.
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  3. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Putting a bullet in Putin’s head
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  4. CandyRein Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Seriously ruined my night, I'm going to start drinking.

    You see this... this that chit you don’t do .. I know I don’t know you and you don’t know me..

    But don’t ever keep messaging a man like that ..

    He saw the first message ... if he’s not getting back then he’s not that interested and he’s not worth your time and most definitely not your energy ...
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  5. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by RIPtotse Dude ur fine, your supposed to honor and remember thr ones you loved the most in this world. I literally think about my grandpa every single day. I have a little shrine set up but it's not just for him but basically my spirituality as a whole, which he happens to be a part of. There are a couple friends, one in particular, that I literally think about at least every other day and I think this is just the connection of the collective consciousness in the world that we are all living for and experiencing life for. Your life is literally so that the humans after you gain from your DNA and your experiences in order to survive better and evolve.

    I consider myself agnostic but I very heavily believe in Occult ideas, ritual Magick, the power of meditation/prayer/thought, and the connection we have on every level from astrologically to divine geometry to demonology to controlled breathing techniques. I think that "God" is the answer to the unknowns in science today and will lead us unto a higher level of consciousness and understanding. There is a reason the catholic church ceremony is performed the way it is just as much as there is a reason why freemasons perform different ceremonies. Everything in this world is energy and there is no matter, it's all energy. Everything you do and everything anyone has done in this world, literally everything, is all just energy. We are all connected through this energy and are essentially one collective consciousness all experiencing life on different levels. This is true for anyone living in any "space-time", or plane of existence. Time is just relative to you in your world, not necessarily other beings who perceive these energy frequencies differently. I believe that children, particularly younger than 4-5 basically when you start having your first memories, are more susceptible to this unknown energy or frequency. That's why they see things adults don't sometimes. I think the powers that be are keen to this knowledge as well and have systematically dulled our "enlightenment" abilities through everyday life by ways of food/water supply and possibly through wifi/radio/sattellite/saturn-moon matrix.

    Basically you will forever have a connection to your dad like this so start using it for the better, and also you will make more connections in due time. Time is the ultimate healer and I promise you any issue you think this is giving you just give it time and it will get better, guaranteed.

    Or maybe I'm just an idiot

    It doesn't matter what a person believes as long as they believe they are somehow "answerable" for their actions. Even if you believe the chair you are sitting in is the "higher power" so long as you think you will have to account for you actions to the chair when you shuffle of this mortal coil you won't be too much of a dick.
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  6. frala Avant garde shartist
    Lol such a mess. Up in here telling all these people how awful they are and acting like it’s not worth it to be nice to people bc you might get your feelings hurt. Like people (Tech for example) on this forum haven’t been nice to you and you haven’t told them to fuck off. The actual fuck.
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  7. frala Avant garde shartist
    Kafka has got all you niggas PRESSED and I am here for it

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  8. CandyRein Black Hole
    The guy who is always calling people simps online now having a meltdown/simpout about a woman from online ...

    When simping goes wrong lol
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  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Speaking of Terry, anyone remember Pterri?

    Not to be confused with Plantessi. Both of whom are afraid of thunderstorms and sensitive.
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  10. DontTellEm Black Hole
    Lol. Neither do I. I just want u to be careful. You know best.
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  11. Donald Trump Black Hole
    Originally posted by Kafka Gonna flip a coin if I should go back to him

    At least do tarot cards.
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  12. Meikai Heck This Schlong

    With hollandaise sauce.

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  13. if one of u fucks upn lets kafka post last im never coming back
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  14. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    Originally posted by Sudo Yeah that's definitely not healthy. My baby moms cousin has a shrine to her grandmother that is weird and haunted. Her son went to it at barely the age of 2 and kept saying "nanny nanny" after never meeting her. Went to the graveyard she was buried in too and of all Graves ran right to hers and sat right on it. Something else weird with them too I forget

    i dunno. the japanese have the tamaya/butsudan. keeping a household shrine for your dead family is arguably quite normal for humans (generally), it's just maybe a bit out of touch with western socioreligious practices. nothing about what OP said comes across as particularly bad or unhealthy except that she feels it's become obsessive. the actions themselves seem fine tho - just the... fervor... might be unhealthy. 🤷

    when my parents die i might keep a small shrine to them, to remember them by. been thinking about it more lately. i dunno.

    edit: the hair dyeing thing is probably the most weird thing you've done, OP. weird coping mechanism, but it's not that weird really. our parents dying probably *should* fuck us up and make us do weird shit to cope. the fact that you've gotten a bit weird is, ironically, normal?
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  15. My mother (when she had a brain) fancied herself as a Medium.


    My grandparents house was very old and creepy, when I was a kid it was scaring walking around it. My mom told us about her childhood in the house where they saw ghosts and oddities all the time.

    A couple of incidents she related:

    Her bedroom was a hive of activity of a poltergeist nature...the family would be downstairs and they'd be hearing the furniture moving around up in her room, upon inspecting the bed, drawers, wardrobe etc would be moved/on it's side/thrown around the room...this was apparently a regular thing.

    Another one she claimed was six ghostly pallbearers in old 18th/19th century clothing would enter through one wall, walk across the room and exit through the other wall position as if carrying a coffin but not ghostly coffin was present.

    When my grandparents moved out of that house and moved in with us (because they were too old and fucked up to look after themselves) my mom and her friends held a seance in the empty house...naturally me and my brother showed up with chains and making "woooo!" noises through the letterbox but they soon chased us off.

    Anyway they put a cassette recorder in one of the "active" rooms and left it there for a couple of hours..while they did their "thing" in another room..not much happened apparently but when they listened to the tape a piano could be heard playing and children singing. a side note to this when I was a young fella me lad my mom said "I had the gift" because I take after my moms side. About age 7 we moved into an equally creepy house and I got the scary room as my bedroom. for about a year or more I would suffer terrible nightmares and wake up screaming in the night and when my mom asked me what I saw/dreamed I'd tell her there was a boy hanging from a hook on the back of my bedroom door who would talk shit to me.

    I didn't think anything of that for years until many years later when I was in my 40s (and again while she still had a brain) I said "do you remember those bad dreams I used to get as a kid"...she replied (first time me hearing it!)

    "I and your dad was really scared at the time, the previous owner of the house was an old woman and she used to do illegal abortions in your bedroom so we were thinking you were connecting with some of the dead spirits"

    Wow thanks mom and dad, give me the gateway to hell room and then wonder why I wet the bed.

    ETA: the grand parents house is also where an incident with me "allegedly" occurred..when I was a baby I was in my pram in the back room and a globe of ball lightening came through the window (melting a hole), went to my pram and rotated around the handle several times and then shot across the room into a wall outlet and exploded.
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  16. Donald Trump Black Hole

    If you won't even go and fight for Ukraine don't complain about it.
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  17. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    For no reason here is a picture of Chootie sleeping with Calida

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  18. Originally posted by Kafka Do you believe in ghosts?

    it's hard to tell which ones are telling the truth.
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  19. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Kafka Like he can’t be completely dead if I have his traits and now I’m focused on those.

    This is where that behavior van he cathartic, but you're not the same person, you're part of the bloodline and you can be as different from him as you want and not be desecration his memory

    I don't know your dad so I can't speak to what he would say or do but its difficult for you to do so as well. We tend to lionize people after they pass and hold them in infallible esteem because their story has already been written and they can't do anything to change that

    I'm sure though that he would want you to do whatever makes uou happy and whatever is truest to your character. Maybe working on that will allow him to work through you better without th3 obsession with superficial trivialities like hair.
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  20. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Burning things intentionally just to say the words Mariea calander and making aldra acknowledge me first thing in husb my ienubt his morning. Timtok
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