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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ So the initial hitter should be the scumbag, not the person who hits back. If a bully at school beat up a kid and the kid finally snapped and hit them back, is the kid now the scumbag for defending himself?

    I don't have a horse in the race and haven't ever hit a woman but also I've never been hit by a woman either, mostly because I've never been in close enough proximity for one to hit me, huehuehue. No I just don't provoke people to that extent and have barely even gotten into a shouting match with a girl let alone a physical altercation.

    Ultimately I think the eye test is the best judgement. I can certainly see where it could be a scummy thing to do if a girl angrily slaps a guy twice her size and he just instantly full on smokes her in the face and knocks her out, even if out of "self-defense" that would still probably be considered pretty scummy, as opposed to a girl genuinely punching you in the face repeatedly begging you to do something and then you just give her one hard deck to the DOME (the actual head), maybe even if it wasn't absolutely necessary, you can't really blame the guy.

    We have to admit that we just sort of made up this guys can't ever hit girls rule and it became this norm to the point that any justification for the rule being silly just automatically paints you as being a complete asshole, but we should at least be honest enough with ourselves that regardless of your gender, sometimes a person does things that deserve for them to be hit. It generally has to be pretty extreme, but nonetheless, nobody should be immune and your gender shouldn't give you a magical pass.

    I think we're all aware of the girls that will use that pass as an excuse to act like a crazy bitch screaming and hitting and doing whatever the fuck right in a guys face trying to provoke them, knowing if he does anything that everyone would look at him as the bad guy, and that's kinda fucked up. Those are the girls that…I won't say DESERVE to be hit, but, if they get hit, the guy shouldn't be looked down upon.

    Bill Burr has a funny little segment on it and even he's still trying to be politically correct by saying we should NEVER do it but obviously there are reasons why we would want to or should.

    Okay, I think if someone hurts you it’s okay to hurt them back, but if you want sane girls to like you don’t do it. That’s what I’m saying, gonna go chill out now.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    I’m overwhelmed and will get back to you sorry
  3. Kafka sweaty
    I would have been fine if he’d hit me back but I think he was pretty great for not doing it.
  4. Kafka sweaty
    That guy I hit had said something nasty about me. He didn’t hit me back and I respected him more for it.
  5. Kafka sweaty
    Your behaviour says everything about you, not someone else’s actions.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    I was thinking more about this and think if a woman hits you it should be okay to hit them back because of equality, but you’re still a scumbag if you do it because it isn’t necessary and never really a good thing.
  7. Kafka sweaty
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Shitting themselves?

    Like she did it in an abandoned house then sent everyone pics. They were all weird tho
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Wariat who talk to one another like us guys or men meaning talk about shitting themselves or some dude they shagged last night etc. or shit like this?

    One of my friends would send pictures of it
  10. Kafka sweaty
    When I was in Paris it was like 3am this local Frenchman came over to harass us, I threw my bottle of water over him then he like held a can of coke over my head, staring competition which wasn’t hard cuz my vision was blurry. Then he walked away calling me names -_-
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by G Lean :

    24 hour fast w/ extensive PT & double cardio, forearms looking mad vascular, never had that before, spring beware.

    That doesn’t sound healthy
  12. Kafka sweaty
    I just want an excuse to wear platforms tbh
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Okay I flipped a coin which says I should meet the American guy. He said he was going home on Saturday, maybe a lie but w/e.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by CandyRein


    I forgot most of these songs need to listen again
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    You should try using garlic bread instead of buns for a cheeseburger it’s good
  16. Kafka sweaty
    I’m just gonna do it cuz I know I won’t sleep and can rest on the bus
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Half a mind to run off to Dublin for the day
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Idk if I should take off today bcus I haven’t slept and my eyes feel like
  19. Kafka sweaty
    That’s depressing af
  20. Kafka sweaty
    I don't wanna sleep cuz nightmares
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